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响应示例 { "stateCode": "0", "errorMessage": null, "result": { "data": [ { "sceneTaskId": 2900594, "taskType": 1, "type": 2, "createBy": 25773, "createName": "霍XX原lichao", "creationTimestamp": 1658133381394, "createUserNo": "18829266100", "remark": "[{\"from\":\"执行中\",\"label\":\"任务状态\",\"to\":\"已完成\"}]" }, { "sceneTaskId": 2900594, "taskType": 1, "type": 5, "createBy": 25773, "createName": "霍XX原lichao", "creationTimestamp": 1658133381280, "createUserNo": "18829266100", "remark": "评审通过" }, { "sceneTaskId": 2900594, "taskType": 1, "type": 2, "createBy": 25773, "createName": "霍XX原lichao", "creationTimestamp": 1658109925566, "createUserNo": "18829266100", "remark": "[{\"from\":\"待执行\",\"label\":\"任务状态\",\"to\":\"执行中\"}]" }, { "sceneTaskId": 2900594, "taskType": 1, "type": 1, "createBy": 25773, "createName": "霍XX", "creationTimestamp": 1658109808171, "createUserNo": "18829266100", "remark": "创建任务" } ], "pos": 0, "total_count": 4, "entityName": null, "totalCount": 4 } }
请求示例 示例1: {"operUserId":29072,"operUserName":"李XX","url":"http://localhost.huawei.com:10101/one","thirdUrl":"http://localhost.huawei.com:10101/one", "issueIdList": [106620]} 示例2: {"operUserId":29072,"operUserName":"李XX","url":"http://localhost.huawei.com:10101/one","thirdUrl":"http://localhost.huawei.com:10101/one", "issueIdList": [106620]}
请求参数 参数 类型 是否必填 描述 items2Create Array 否 角色添加相关信息 items2Update Array 否 角色修改相关信息 items2Delete Array 否 角色删除相关信息 items2Create入参: 参数 类型 是否必填 描述 roleNo String 是 角色编码 roleName String 是 角色名称 roleDesc String 否 角色描述 items2Update: 参数 类型 是否必填 描述 roleNo String 是 角色编码 roleName String 是 角色名称 roleDesc String 否 角色描述 items2Delete: 参数 类型 是否必填 描述 roleNo String 是 角色编码
请求示例 新增: { "items2Create": [ { "roleNo":" test ", "roleName":"test", "roleDesc":"test" } ], "items2Update": [], "items2Delete": [] } 修改: { "items2Create": [], "items2Update": [ { "roleNo":" test ", "roleName":"test", "roleDesc":"test" } ], "items2Delete": [] } 删除: { "items2Create": [], "items2Update": [], "items2Delete": [ { "roleNo":" test " } ] }
响应参数 参数 类型 描述 stateCode String 响应状态码:0-成功;其他-失败 errorMessage String 响应描述,错误提示 result Object 问题类型 issueId Long 问题ID udf1-udf20 - 问题创建扩展属性 handlingAttachmentList List 问题处理附件 basicAttachmentList List 问题创建附件 issueLogList List 问题日志 riskList List 问题风险列表 checkUserList List 问题检查人列表 supervisedUserList List 问题监督人列表 acceptanceUserList List 问题验收人列表
响应示例 { "接地检查": [ { "aiAddress": "Tesla", "aiSupplier": "Tesla", "appName": null, "createdBy": -1, "creationDate": "2021-09-01T14:03:01.000+00:00", "deleteFlag": 0, "entityName": "intelligentObject", "exampleImage": null, "identifiedMessage": 0, "identifiedNumber": 0, "identifyingObjects": null, "imageIdentify": 0, "industryId": 50313, "intelligentObjectCode": "Tesla_03020203", "intelligentObjectGroupId": 0, "intelligentObjectId": 50046, "intelligentObjectName": "设备端高压接地检测", "intelligentObjectNameEnUs": "High-voltage grounding detection at the equipment end", "intelligentObjectTypeId": 50315, "lastUpdateDate": "2021-09-01T14:03:01.000+00:00", "lastUpdatedBy": -1, "reviewDescription": "质检:画面中电缆上有三个或以上接地挂环,通过;其它,不通过。", "reviewDescriptionEnUs": "", "rulesType": 0, "scenario": "Cloud", "setAlarmsBorder": 0, "setAlarmsDuration": 0, "supportEHSVideo": 1, "supportSafetySupervision": 0 } ], "作业PPE装备检查": [ { "aiAddress": "Tesla", "aiSupplier": "Tesla", "appName": null, "createdBy": -1, 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"2021-07-24T06:00:02.000+00:00", "lastUpdatedBy": -1, "reviewDescription": "安监:画面中识别到未带安全手套的手,告警;其它不告警。\r\n质检:画面中所有人都佩戴安全手套,通过;其它不通过。", "reviewDescriptionEnUs": "", "rulesType": 0, "scenario": "Cloud", "setAlarmsBorder": 0, "setAlarmsDuration": 0, "supportEHSVideo": 1, "supportSafetySupervision": 1 }, { "aiAddress": "Tesla", "aiSupplier": "Tesla", "appName": null, "createdBy": -1, "creationDate": "2021-03-27T13:03:16.000+00:00", "deleteFlag": 0, "entityName": "intelligentObject", "exampleImage": null, "identifiedMessage": 0, "identifiedNumber": 0, "identifyingObjects": null, "imageIdentify": 0, "industryId": 50313, "intelligentObjectCode": "Tesla_03010107", "intelligentObjectGroupId": 50316, "intelligentObjectId": 50017, "intelligentObjectName": "国家电网登高安全带", "intelligentObjectNameEnUs": "State Grid is High Seat Belt", "intelligentObjectTypeId": 50315, "lastUpdateDate": "2021-07-24T05:58:59.000+00:00", "lastUpdatedBy": -1, "reviewDescription": "质检:工作人员佩戴安全带,通过;其它不通过。", 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"intelligentObjectNameEnUs": "Substation protection pressure plate", "intelligentObjectTypeId": 50315, "lastUpdateDate": "2022-12-14T10:09:18.000+00:00", "lastUpdatedBy": -1, "reviewDescription": "", "reviewDescriptionEnUs": null, "rulesType": 0, "scenario": "Cloud", "setAlarmsBorder": 0, "setAlarmsDuration": 0, "supportEHSVideo": 0, "supportSafetySupervision": 0 }, { "aiAddress": "Tesla", "aiSupplier": "Tesla", "appName": null, "createdBy": -1, "creationDate": "2021-08-25T07:25:04.000+00:00", "deleteFlag": 0, "entityName": "intelligentObject", "exampleImage": null, "identifiedMessage": 1, "identifiedNumber": 0, "identifyingObjects": "[{\"objectName\":\"工作票计划时间\",\"objectCode\":\"work_ticket_planned_time\"}]", "imageIdentify": 1, "industryId": 50313, "intelligentObjectCode": "Tesla_03010001", "intelligentObjectGroupId": 50026, "intelligentObjectId": -51906, "intelligentObjectName": "工作票计划时间OCR提取", "intelligentObjectNameEnUs": "Work Ticket Scheduled Time OCR Extraction", 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请求示例 大类:{"parentIssue":{"kindName":"ssss11111"},"childrenIssueList":[],"issueInstance":"1"} 小类:{"parentIssue":{"kindName":"ssss111112232","configId": 19122},"childrenIssueList":[{"kindName":"隐患类型1--01"},{"kindName":"隐患类型1--02"}],"issueInstance":"1"}
响应示例 { "stateCode": "0", "errorMessage": null, "result": { "adminOrganization": null, "adminOrganizationName": null, "adminOrganizationPath": null, "appName": "isdp-qc-server", "checkBusiType": "", "configId": 18343, "createdBy": 390841, "createName": "zdrun-test", "creationDate": "2022-06-17T09:26:06.000+00:00", "creationTimestamp": 1655457966925, "dataSource": 0, "deleteFlag": 0, "entityName": "issueConfig", "issueInstance": "1", "kindLevel": 1, "kindName": "隐患类型1", "kindScene": "UDF8", "lastUpdateDate": "2022-06-17T09:26:06.000+00:00", "lastUpdatedBy": 390841, "lastUpdateName": "zdrun-test", "lastUpdateTimestamp": 1655457966925, "parentConfigId": 18343, "tenantId": 886, "childrenList": [ { "dataSource": 0, "parentConfigId": 18343, "kindName": "隐患类型1--01", "kindLevel": 2, "issueConfigOrder": null, "kindScene": "UDF8", "checkBusiType": "", "deleteFlag": 0, "tenantId": 886, "createdBy": 390841, "createName": "zdrun-test", "creationDate": "2022-06-17T09:28:04.464+00:00", "lastUpdatedBy": 390841, "creationTimestamp": 1655458084446, "lastUpdateDate": "2022-06-17T09:28:04.464+00:00", "lastUpdateName": "zdrun-test", "lastUpdateTimestamp": 1655458084446, "issueInstance": "1", "checkIssueTag": null, "entityName": "issueConfig", "configId": 18344, "appName": "isdp-qc-server", "affectedRows": 1 } ] } }
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响应示例 { "status" : 1, "message" : "SUC CES S", "error" : null, "data" : { "deviceId" : "rerererr", "deviceName" : "rerererr", "publicKey" : null, "deviceState" : null, "deviceType" : null, "description" : "", "createTime" : null, "updateTime" : null, "accessProtocol" : null, "manufacture" : "", "channelTotal" : 0, "streamTotal" : 0, "deviceSystemState" : null, "model" : "", "firmware" : null, "deviceAbility" : null, "mac" : null, "protocolVersion" : null, "deviceIp" : null, "devicePort" : null, "tenantId" : 0, "lastUpdatedBy" : 0, "createdBy" : 0, "projectNumber" : "", "projectName" : "", "deviceAddress" : "", "deviceAddressNumber" : "", "fileId" : null, "sysType" : null, "fileSize" : null, "fileName" : null, "fileExt" : null, "webPlayUrl" : null, "verificationCode" : null, "password" : null, "isdpDeviceId" : "rerererr--1", "channelId" : null, "deviceAlarmStatus" : null, "deviceManageState" : "", "deviceSubType" : null, "sort" : null, "sortBy" : null, "autoJoin" : "Y", "battery" : null, "ownnerName" : null, "ownnerId" : null, "deviceGbUsername" : null, "deviceGbPassword" : null, "buOrgId" : 830, "deviceUserId" : null, "deviceUserName" : null, "longitude" : null, "latitude" : null, "coordType" : null, "buOrgName" : "杨凌作业系统测试", "storageTotal" : null, "storageRemain" : null, "onlineDuration" : null, "groupName" : null, "enableEndSide" : "Y", "updateDeviceType" : true, "networkType" : null, "systemVersion" : null, "applicationVersionName" : null, "applicationVersionCode" : null, "enableVideoRecording" : "Y", "deleteFlag" : 0, "functionCode" : null, "functionAutho" : null, "ivsLoginAccount" : null, "ivsLoginPsw" : null, "isPlayNode" : 0, "ivsLoginUrl" : null, "parentDeviceId" : null, "integrationPlatform" : null, "subDeviceTotal" : 0, "activeType" : false, "orgId" : null, "orgPath" : "-1.830", "userId" : null, "searchType" : 0, "domainCode" : null, "stateChangeReason" : null, "stateChangeReasonCode" : null, "deviceStateBefore" : null, "cloudRecords" : null, "chatJid" : null, "chatId" : null, "liveChannelId" : null, "startTime" : null, "endTime" : null, "status" : 0, "exportExcel" : null, "customerOrgName" : "", "customerOrgCode" : "", "orgIdList" : null, "groupId" : null, "lastReportTime" : null, "reportTime" : null, "reportType" : false, "createState" : null, "filter" : null, "helmetFilter" : null, "platFilter" : null, "webcam" : false }, "timestamp" : "2022-09-06T18:10:18.883+0800" }
请求参数 参数 类型 是否必填 描述 deviceId String 是 设备编号,请输入数字、英文、_、#等字符 获取设备编号API请参见:摄像头列表查询(好望云平台)(API名称:getDeviceList) isdpDeviceId String 是 isdp唯一设备ID 获取isdp唯一设备ID API请参见:摄像头列表查询(好望云平台)(API名称:getDeviceList) deviceName String 是 设备名称,请输入数字、中文、英文、_、-等字符 deviceAddress String 否 设备位置信息 projectName String 否 项目名称 projectNumber String 否 项目编码 model String 否 model deviceType Long 是 设备类型 可选值WEBCAM/MONITOR_BALL/BODY_WORN_CAMERA/INTELLIGENT_SAFETY_HELMET/INTELLIGENT_MINER_L IGHT/MOBILE/IVS1800/IVS3800 多个以英文逗号分隔,不传默认查询所有 deviceManageState String 否 设备管理状态 可选值NoActivation/ ACTIVATION,不传默认空 deviceSubType String 否 设备子类型 manufacture String 否 制造商 description String 否 描述 deviceAddressNumber String 否 设备位置编码 autoJoin String 是 是否主动接入视频 可选值Y或者N,Y标识开启,N标识不开启 enableEndSide String 是 是否开启边缘AI 可选值Y或者N,Y标识开启,N标识不开启 enableVideoRecording String 是 是否开启视频录制 可选值Y或者N,Y标识开启,N标识不开启 ownnerId Long 否 设备责任人Id deviceUserId Long 否 设备使用人Id customerOrgName String 否 使用区 域名 称 customerOrgCode String 否 使用区域编码 buOrgId Long 是 组织Id buOrgName String 是 组织名称
响应参数 参数 类型 描述 isdpDeviceId String isdp唯一设备ID deviceId String 设备ID channelId String 通道ID deviceName String 设备名称 deviceState String 设备状态 accessProtocol String 接入协议 deviceType String 设备类型 deviceSystemState String 设备管理状态 description String 描述 model String 设备型号 manufacture String 生产厂商 channelTotal int 通道总数 streamTotal int 每个通道码流数量 firmware String 摄像头固件版本号 deviceAbility String 能力集 mac String mac地址 createTime String 创建时间 updateTime String 更新时间 protocolVersion String 协议版本 deviceIp String 设备ip devicePort String 设备端口 projectName String 项目名称 projectNumber String 项目编码 deviceAddress String 设备地址 fileId String 图片编号 sysType String 系统类型 fileSize String 文件大小 fileName String 文件名称 fileExt String 文件扩展名 deviceAddressNumber String 设备地址编号 deviceSubType String 子设备类型 deviceAlarmStatus String 设备告警状态 autoJoin String 是否主动入会 battery String 电量 ownnerId String 设备责任人ID longitude String 经度 latitude String 纬度 chatJid String IM群组ID chatId String IM聊天ID liveChannelId String 频道播放ID userName String 设备使用人名称 ownnerName String 设备责任人名称 webPlayUrl String web播放地址 bindStatus Integer 设备绑定状态 bindUserId Long 设备绑定的用户Id buOrgId Long 设备所在组织Id buOrgName String 设备所在组织名称 coordType String 坐标类型 creationDate Date 创建时间 deviceManageState String 设备管理状态 deviceStateBefore String 设备上报之前的状态 deviceTypeName String 设备类型名称 deviceUserId Long 设备使用人Id deviceUserName String 设备使用人名称 deviceUserNameOnly String 设备使用人名称 enableEndSide String 是否开启边缘AI enableVideoRecording String 是否开启录像 groupId Long 群组Id groupName String 群组名称 integrationPlatform String 集成平台 lastReportTime Date 最后一次上报时间(时间戳) lastUpdateDate Date 最后更新时间(时间戳) lastUpdatedBy Long 最后更新人 onlineDuration Long 设备在线时长 stateChangeReason String 设备状态改变原因 stateChangeReasonCode String 设备状态改变原因码 storageRemain Long 存储保留 storageTotal Long 存储总计 deviceTypeName String 设备类型名称 tenantId Long 租户Id
相关API 接口名称 调用说明 获取Token 调用该接口获取到Token,再调用其他接口时,需要在请求消息头中添加“Authorization”,其值即为Token。 获取设备列表 调用该接口获取设备编号和isdp唯一设备ID。 修改设备时,需要输入设备编号和isdp唯一设备ID。 获取设备信息 调用该接口查询设备信息。 添加设备 调用该接口添加设备。 删除设备 调用该接口删除设备。 保存设备模板 调用该接口保存设备模板。
请求示例 { "paramList": [ { "bonusVal": "3", "userId": 153169, "adminOrganization":25245, "bonusTermId":5243, "bonusTimestamp":1694170922000 } ], "submitterAccount": "12312341234" }
响应示例 { "status": "success", "msg": null, "data": [ { "appName": "basedata-server", "createdBy": 1, "creationDate": "2021-01-16T03:16:54.000+00:00", "deleteFlag": 0, "entityName": "indelligentGroup", "groupPath": null, "lastUpdateDate": "2021-01-16T03:16:54.000+00:00", "lastUpdatedBy": 1, "level": 1, "objectGroupId": 1, "objectGroupName": "通用", "objectGroupNameEnUs": "Universals", "sort": 1, "tenantId": 1 }, { "appName": null, "createdBy": -1, "creationDate": "2021-02-27T08:24:52.000+00:00", "deleteFlag": 0, "entityName": "intelligentGroup", "groupPath": null, "lastUpdateDate": "2021-02-27T08:24:52.000+00:00", "lastUpdatedBy": -1, "level": 1, "objectGroupId": 50313, "objectGroupName": "电力行业", "objectGroupNameEnUs": "ElectricPower", "sort": 2 }, { "appName": null, "createdBy": -1, "creationDate": "2023-02-09T03:44:17.000+00:00", "deleteFlag": 0, "entityName": "intelligentGroup", "groupPath": null, "lastUpdateDate": "2023-02-09T03:44:17.000+00:00", "lastUpdatedBy": -1, "level": 1, "objectGroupId": 51568, "objectGroupName": "个体消费者", "objectGroupNameEnUs": null, "sort": 3 } ], "success": true, "failed": false }
响应示例 { "data":[ { "customerCode":"AAA1", "customerName":"AAAAA2", "tenantId":1008611, " customerId ":1008611, "customerGroupName":"TEST", "customerGroupCode":"TX" }, { "customerCode":"AAAAA", "customerName":"AAAAAB", "tenantId":1008611, "customerId":1008611, "customerGroupName":"TEST", "customerGroupCode":"TX" } ], "pos":0, "total_count":2, "entityName":null, "totalCount":2 }
响应示例 { "stateCode": "0", "errorMessage": null, "result": { "data": [ { "sceneTaskId": 1836272, "taskName": "openapi_批量创建zhang4个子任务_有一个无配置关系修改", "sceneName": "zhang4个子任务_有一个无配置关系", "adminOrganization": "52479", "adminOrganizationName": "新版本测试租户1029", "signSiteId": null, "signSiteCode": null, "signSiteName": null, "beginTimestamp": null, "endTimestamp": null, "jobDuration": null, "status": 0, "customerTaskId": "20qe333", "isApplyApprove": 0, "actualBeginTime": null, "actualEndTime": null, "processFeedback": null, "reviewRuleName": "", "reviewRuleId": null, "isAppraisal": null, "excutor": [ { "sceneTaskId": 1836272, "taskType": 1, "userId": 101277, "userInfoId": 3875284, "userName": "改名张小玲", "userType": 1 } ], "subTaskList": [ { "sceneTaskId": 363088, "taskName": "子任务11", "taskId": 1836272, "status": 0, "signSiteId": null, "signSiteCode": null, "signSiteName": "", "beginTimestamp": null, "endTimestamp": null, "actualBeginTime": null, "actualEndTime": null, "processFeedback": null, "jobDuration": null, "excutor": [ { "sceneTaskId": 363088, "taskType": 2, "userId": 101277, "userInfoId": 3875294, "userName": "改名张小玲", "userType": 1 } ], "taskExtend": null, "preModeNames": null }, { "sceneTaskId": 363089, "taskName": "子任务22", "taskId": 1836272, "status": 0, "signSiteId": null, "signSiteCode": null, "signSiteName": "", "beginTimestamp": null, "endTimestamp": null, "actualBeginTime": null, "actualEndTime": null, "processFeedback": null, "jobDuration": null, "excutor": [ { "sceneTaskId": 363089, "taskType": 2, "userId": 101277, "userInfoId": 3875295, "userName": "改名张小玲", "userType": 1 } ], "taskExtend": null, "preModeNames": "子任务11,子任务44" }, { "sceneTaskId": 363090, "taskName": "子任务33", "taskId": 1836272, "status": 0, "signSiteId": null, "signSiteCode": null, "signSiteName": "", "beginTimestamp": null, "endTimestamp": null, "actualBeginTime": null, "actualEndTime": null, "processFeedback": null, "jobDuration": null, "excutor": [ { "sceneTaskId": 363090, "taskType": 2, "userId": 101277, "userInfoId": 3875296, "userName": "改名张小玲", "userType": 1 } ], "taskExtend": null, "preModeNames": "子任务11" }, { "sceneTaskId": 363091, "taskName": "子任务44", "taskId": 1836272, "status": 0, "signSiteId": null, "signSiteCode": null, "signSiteName": "", "beginTimestamp": null, "endTimestamp": null, "actualBeginTime": null, "actualEndTime": null, "processFeedback": null, "jobDuration": null, "excutor": [ { "sceneTaskId": 363091, "taskType": 2, "userId": 101277, "userInfoId": 3875297, "userName": "改名张小玲", "userType": 1 } ], "taskExtend": null, "preModeNames": null } ], "taskExtend": null } ], "pos": 0, "total_count": 1, "entityName": null, "totalCount": 1 } }
响应示例 { "stateCode": "0", "errorMessage": null, "result": [ { "id": 2709, "category": 1, "parentExtendId": 0, "fieldName": "长文本有值", "fieldStatus": 1, "fieldIsNecessary": 1, "fieldOrder": 1, "fieldValue": "", "fieldDefaultValue": "12345678902345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012312345678901234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890345678901456789034567890", "scopeList": [ 1, 2 ], "fieldCode": "UDF15", "fieldType": 1, "enumList": [ ] }, { "id": 247643, "category": 1, "parentExtendId": 0, "fieldName": "短文本", "fieldStatus": 1, "fieldIsNecessary": 2, "fieldOrder": 40, "fieldValue": "", "fieldDefaultValue": "12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890", "scopeList": [ 2, 1 ], "fieldCode": "UDF40", "fieldType": 20, "enumList": [ ] } ] }
响应参数 参数 类型 描述 stateCode String 响应状态码:0-成功;其他-失败。 errorMessage String 响应描述,错误提示。 result Object 响应数据,任务、子任务执行阶段的扩展属性信息。 result字段说明: 参数 类型 描述 sceneTaskId Long 任务ID。 taskName String 任务名称。 signSiteId Long 任务作业对象ID。 signSiteCode String 任务作业对象编码。 signSiteName String 任务作业对象名称。 taskExtend List 任务扩展属性。 adminOrganizationName String 组织单元名称。 adminOrganization String 组织单元ID。
响应示例 { "stateCode": "0", "errorMessage": null, "result": { "subTaskList": [ { "sceneTaskId": 5010371, "taskName": "1_20230202_114945", "taskId": 5064801, "signSiteId": null, "signSiteCode": "", "signSiteName": "", "sceneModeCode": "5000995", "actualBeginTime": 1675310951240, "actualEndTime": null, "taskExtend": [ { "sceneTaskId": 5010371, "minValue": "1", "extendName": "子任务测试属性4", "stage": "2", "unitName": null, "maxValue": "50", "precision": null, "extendValue": null, "fieldOrder": "13", "udfName": "UDF13", "extendType": "7", "isNecessary": "2" }, { "sceneTaskId": 5010371, "minValue": "1", "extendName": "子任务测试属性4", "stage": "2", "unitName": null, "maxValue": "50", "precision": null, "extendValue": null, "fieldOrder": "13", "udfName": "UDF13", "extendType": "7", "isNecessary": "2" } ] } ], "sceneTaskId": 5064801, "signSiteCode": null, "adminOrganizationName": "1508098844233300", "sceneId": 5001917, "taskExtend": [], "signSiteName": null, "taskName": "测试父子任务执行扩展属性_20230202_114945", "adminOrganization": "1543" } }
请求参数 参数 类型 是否必填 描述 sceneTaskId Long 是 父任务ID。 subTaskIdList Object 否 子任务ID集合。 subTaskList中Object对象字段说明: 参数 类型 描述 sceneTaskId Long 子任务ID。 taskName String 子任务名称。 actualBeginTime Long 子任务实际开始时间。 actualEndTime Long 子任务实际完成时间。 signSiteId Long 子任务作业对象ID。 signSiteCode String 子任务作业对象编码。 signSiteName String 子任务作业对象名称。 taskExtend List 任务/子任务扩展属性。 sceneModeCode String 任务场景子任务关联标识。 taskExtend字段说明: 参数 类型 描述 sceneTaskId Long 任务/子任务id。 extendName String 子任务扩展属性名称。 stage Integer 子任务扩展属性所属阶段1:创建;2:执行。 unitName String 单位。 maxValue String 最大值(示例:“99”表示最大值允许为99)。 minValue String 最小值(示例:“1”表示最小值允许为1)。 precision String 精度(示例:“2”表示小数点后保留几位有效数据)。 fieldOrder Integer 子任务扩展属性顺序。 extendValue String 扩展属性值。 udfName String 扩展属性编码。 extendType Integer 扩展属性类型(1:长文本;2:枚举;3:多枚举;4:日期;5:时间;6:整数;7:小数;20:短文本)。 isNecessary Integer 扩展属性是否必填(1:必填;2:不必填)。 备注:最大值maxValue、最小值minValue、精度precision是只有在extendType是6/7(整数或小数类型)中使用。
响应示例 { "status": "success", "msg": null, "data": { "data": [{ "customerGroupId": -1, "lastUpdatedBy": 1, "supplierId": -1, "address": "******", "appName": "pub-cs", "lastUpdateDate": "2020-04-24 15:23:23", "customerClassify": null, "description": null, "customerCode": "tes1t", "telephone": "******", "creationDate": "2020-04-24 15:23:20", "customerName": "-1", "deleteFlag": null, "buOrgId": null, "customerOrgCode": "1", "createdBy": 1, "entityName": "customer", "contact": null, "tenantId": 1, "customerId": -1 }, { "customerGroupId": null, "lastUpdatedBy": -1, "supplierId": null, "address": "******", "appName": "pub-server", "lastUpdateDate": "2021-02-22 23:01:16", "customerClassify": "", "description": "API Testing", "customerCode": "1013.1844785653699", "telephone": "******", "creationDate": "2021-01-21 16:13:21", "customerName": "1013.1844785653699", "deleteFlag": null, "buOrgId": null, "customerOrgCode": "", "createdBy": -1, "entityName": "customer", "contact": "", "tenantId": 1, "customerId": 31062 } , {"customerGroupId": null, "lastUpdatedBy": -1, "supplierId": null, "address": "******",…}, {"customerGroupId": null, "lastUpdatedBy": -1, "supplierId": null, "address": "******",…}, {"customerGroupId": null, "lastUpdatedBy": -1, "supplierId": null, "address": "******",…} ], "pos": 0, "total_count": 238, "entityName": null } }
响应示例 { "stateCode": "0", "errorMessage": null, "result": [ { "configId": 19578, "parentConfigId": 19578, "checkBusiType": "", "kindLevel": 1, "kindName": "ssss22222jmeter86330818", "kindScene": "UDF8" }, { "configId": 19575, "parentConfigId": 19575, "checkBusiType": "", "kindLevel": 1, "kindName": "zhangsan1", "kindScene": "UDF8" }, { "configId": 19472, "parentConfigId": 19472, "checkBusiType": "", "kindLevel": 1, "kindName": "测试类别314343", "kindScene": "UDF8" }, { "configId": 19481, "parentConfigId": 19481, "checkBusiType": "", "kindLevel": 1, "kindName": "ceshi23232", "kindScene": "UDF8" }, { "configId": 19471, "parentConfigId": 19471, "checkBusiType": "", "kindLevel": 1, "kindName": "ssss3333", "kindScene": "UDF8" }, { "configId": 19468, "parentConfigId": 19468, "checkBusiType": "", "kindLevel": 1, "kindName": "测试类别3343dd", "kindScene": "UDF8" }, { "configId": 19467, "parentConfigId": 19467, "checkBusiType": "", "kindLevel": 1, "kindName": "ssss11111111111", "kindScene": "UDF8" }, { "configId": 18674, "parentConfigId": 18674, "checkBusiType": "", "kindLevel": 1, "kindName": "隐患类型1--01", "kindScene": "UDF8" }, { "configId": 18385, "parentConfigId": 18385, "checkBusiType": "", "kindLevel": 1, "kindName": "123123", "kindScene": "UDF8" }, { "configId": 18383, "parentConfigId": 18383, "checkBusiType": "", "kindLevel": 1, "kindName": "123123", "kindScene": "UDF8" }, { "configId": 18380, "parentConfigId": 18380, "checkBusiType": "", "kindLevel": 1, "kindName": "问题123", "kindScene": "UDF8" }, { "configId": 18369, "parentConfigId": 18369, "checkBusiType": "", "kindLevel": 1, "kindName": "测试接口的jmeter370753989", "kindScene": "UDF8" }, { "configId": 18367, "parentConfigId": 18367, "checkBusiType": "", "kindLevel": 1, "kindName": "测试接口的jmeter316262594", "kindScene": "UDF8" }, { "configId": 18366, "parentConfigId": 18366, "checkBusiType": "", "kindLevel": 1, "kindName": "测试接口的jmeter324417380", "kindScene": "UDF8" }, { "configId": 18363, "parentConfigId": 18363, "checkBusiType": "", "kindLevel": 1, "kindName": "测试接口的jmeter517694229", "kindScene": "UDF8" }, { "configId": 18356, "parentConfigId": 18356, "checkBusiType": "", "kindLevel": 1, "kindName": "测试接口的", "kindScene": "UDF8" }, { "configId": 18343, "parentConfigId": 18343, "checkBusiType": "", "kindLevel": 1, "kindName": "隐患类型1", "kindScene": "UDF8" }, { "configId": 18330, "parentConfigId": 18330, "checkBusiType": "", "kindLevel": 1, "kindName": "测试类别000", "kindScene": "UDF8" } ] }
请求示例 { "deviceType" : "主设备1231312312313", "deviceInfo" : [{ "fieldName" : "设备类型", "fieldType" : 1, "fieldValue" : "123" },{ "fieldName" : "设备编码", "fieldType" : 1, "fieldValue" : "0909test1" }, { "fieldName" : "设备名称", "fieldType" : 1, "fieldValue" : "0909test1" },{ "fieldName" : "设备状态", "fieldType" : 1, "fieldValue" : "正常" }, { "fieldName" : "设备品牌2222", "fieldType" : 1, "fieldValue" : "123" }, { "fieldName" : "资产编号", "fieldType" : 1, "fieldValue" : "123" }, { "fieldName" : "工作状态", "fieldType" : 1, "fieldValue" : "运行" }, { "fieldName" : "责任人", "fieldType" : 1, "fieldValue" : "圈圈" }, { "fieldName" : "启用日期", "fieldType" : 4, "fieldValue" : "2022-09-09" }, { "fieldName" : "出厂日期", "fieldType" : 4, "fieldValue" : "2022-09-09" }, { "fieldName" : "供应商名称", "fieldType" : 1, "fieldValue" : "0816test" }, { "fieldName" : "客户名称", "fieldType" : 1, "fieldValue" : "" }, { "fieldName" : "设备数量", "fieldType" : 8, "fieldValue" : 13 },{ "fieldName" : "计量单位", "fieldType" : 1, "fieldValue" : "台" }, { "fieldName" : "采购单价", "fieldType" : 8, "fieldValue" : 1 }, { "fieldName" : "货币", "fieldType" : 1, "fieldValue" : "元" },{ "fieldName" : "技术参数", "fieldType" : 7, "fieldValue" : "123" }, { "fieldName" : "图片", "fieldType" : 1, "fieldValue" : "123" }, { "fieldName" : "技术资料1", "fieldType" : 1, "fieldValue" : "123" }, { "fieldName" : "水电费232232", "fieldType" : 1, "fieldValue" : "123" }, { "fieldName" : "234234", "fieldType" : 3, "fieldValue" : "枚举值01" }, { "fieldName" : "区域位置", "fieldType" : 1, "fieldValue" : "" }, { "fieldName" : "文本666", "fieldType" : 1, "fieldValue" : "123" },{ "fieldName" : "测试", "fieldType" : 1, "fieldValue" : "123" },{ "fieldName" : "测试123123", "fieldType" : 7, "fieldValue" : "123" } ] }
相关接口 接口名称 调用说明 获取Token 调用该接口获取到Token,再调用其他接口时,需要在请求消息头中添加“Authorization”,其值即为Token。 鉴权方式创建oauth客户端认证凭据参考: https://support.huaweicloud.com/api-astrozero/astrozero_api_0010.html#section0 获取access_token参考 https://support.huaweicloud.com/api-astrozero/astrozero_api_0009.html 发送请求是需要添加header请求头(access-token) access-token: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
响应参数 参数 类型 描述 result Object 响应消息体 errorMessage String 错误信息,接口错误时有值,正常调用时为空 stateCode String 响应状态 "0"成功 其他值失败 "100":接口参数为空 "101":设备Id为空 "102":指令类型不存在 "103":指令内容为空 "104":设备Id个数不能超过50 "105":设备Id:xx不正确 "106":指令内容长度超过255 result模板头信息Object对象说明 参数 类型 描述 instructionId Long 指令ID,一次只允许创建一个指令,指令会按照创建顺序依次执行。
响应参数 参数 类型 描述 status String 请求状态。 success:成功 failed:失败 msg String 错误信息。 data Object 返回的数据信息。 data.bannerId Long 图片信息主键ID。 data.bannerPictureId String 图片ID。 data.bannerTitle String 图片标题。 data.bannerType String 图片类型。 LOG O_01:logo OnePortal_01:首页 BackstagePortal_01:轮播 data.bannerSecondaryTitle String 图片子标题。 data.description String 描述。 data.bannerHerf String 图片链接。 data.bannerOrder String 排序编号。
响应示例 { "status": "success", "msg": null, "data": { "bannerId": 100261, "bannerPictureId": "1513407", "bannerTitle": "testLogo", "bannerType": "LOGO_01", "bannerStatus": "0", "bannerSecondaryTitle": null, "deleteFlag": 0, "description": "testLogo", "bannerHerf": null, "bannerOrder": "1662015999339" } }
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