操作步骤 登录待配置的生产站点服务器。 依次执行以下命令,配置生产站点服务器代理客户端的网关地址。 Linux服务器: su - service -c "/opt/cloud/sdrs/hostagent/bin/agent_config.sh --drm-ip=drm ip --ha-ip=HostAgentIp" windows服务器: 打开cmd窗口执行以下命令:: C:\cloud\sdrs\hostagent\bin\agent_config.bat --drm-ip=drm ip --ha-ip=HostAgentIp drm ip:云容灾网关的主网卡IP地址 ; HostAgentIp: 本机的主网卡IP地址; 此生产站点配置的容灾网关必须和保护实例的容灾网关相同。
使用须知 创建容灾演练时,如果保护组内的生产站点服务器加入了企业项目,容灾演练创建的演练服务器不会自动加入到企业项目,如有需要请手动将演练服务器加入到企业项目。 创建容灾演练时,如果生产站点服务器为Linux云服务器且为密钥方式登录,创建容灾演练后,创建的容灾演练服务器详情不显示密钥对信息,但可以使用容灾站点服务器的密钥对登录容灾演练的服务器。 创建容灾演练成功后,生产站点服务器中的“主机名”、“名称”、“委托”、“云服务器组”、“自动恢复”、“安全组”和“标签”配置项修改不会再自动同步到演练服务器上。您可以登录控制台,手动将这些配置项的修改添加到演练服务器上。 容灾演练操作只在容灾演练服务器配置主网卡,如果生产站点有从网卡,容灾演练不会自动配置,需要在容灾演练服务器详情页面手工绑定从网卡。
操作场景 在不影响业务的情况下,通过容灾演练,模拟真实故障恢复场景,制定应急恢复预案,检验容灾方案的适用性、有效性。当真实故障发生时,通过预案快速恢复,提高业务连续性。 存储容灾服务提供的容灾演练功能,在容灾演练VPC(该VPC不能与容灾站点服务器所属VPC相同)内执行容灾演练,基于容灾站点的云硬盘快照,快速创建容灾演练服务器。 当容灾演练服务器创建完成后,生产站点服务器和容灾演练服务器同时独立运行,数据不再实时同步。 在容灾演练过程中,会临时创建一个后缀名为VMwareToCloud的系统转换E CS ,请勿对该ECS进行任何操作,否则可能会导致演练失败,切换或/容灾演练完成后会自动删除该ECS。 为保证在灾难发生时,容灾切换能够正常进行,建议您定期做容灾演练。
操作步骤 以下操作以“24.6.0”版本的代理客户端“sdrs_linux_amd64_24.6.0.20240627203949.tar.gz”为例。 以root权限执行以下命令,批量收集日志。 /opt/cloud/sdrs/sidecar/script/cmd_tools.sh log --ip=ip_list --role=role 参数说明: --ip:需要日志收集的生产站点服务器私有ip列表,多个ip之间使用逗号分隔 --role:需要日志收集的进程角色,可选值:hostagent、drm、dra、sidecar、all 完整命令示例: /opt/cloud/sdrs/sidecar/script/cmd_tools.sh log --ip=,, --role=hostagent 如果界面回显“send cmd successfully”,则表示命令发送成功,可在/opt/cloud/sdrs/sidecar/tmp目录下查看收集的日志文件。命令异步执行,若立即查看日志文件不存在,可稍等2min后查看。
操作场景 您可以为需要容灾的云硬盘创建复制对,并将其添加到指定的保护组中。保护组添加复制对时: 如果保护组的状态为“可用”,即停止保护状态,此时,生产站点和容灾站点磁盘只是建立复制对关系,数据并未同步。如需数据同步,请开启保护。 如果保护组的状态为“保护中”,即开启保护状态,此时,新添加复制对创建成功后,会自动开启数据同步。 复制对创建完成后,系统默认容灾站点磁盘名称与生产站点磁盘名称相同,但ID不同。 如果需要修改磁盘名称,请在复制对详情页面单击磁盘名称,进入磁盘详情页面进行修改。
前提条件 当复制对的状态为“可用”、“保护中”或者“扩容失败”时才能进行扩容复制对操作。 扩容复制对之前请确认组成复制对的云硬盘状态为“可用”或者“正在使用”。 若组成复制对的云硬盘计费模式为包周期,则不允许扩容复制对。如果想增加复制对中云硬盘的容量,则需要先删除复制对,对生产站点云硬盘扩容后再重新创建新的复制对。 组成复制对的云硬盘为非共享云硬盘 当非共享云硬盘状态为“正在使用”时,且现网支持复制对在线扩容功能(如果现网不支持在线扩容功能,那么扩容按钮置灰),此时允许扩容复制对,否则不允许。 组成复制对的云硬盘为共享云硬盘 当共享云硬盘状态为“正在使用”时,共享云硬盘组成的复制对不支持在线扩容。
异常排查 如果界面回显“error: install SDRS timeout”,则表示脚本超时,在云容灾网关服务器上按照下述步骤排查: 执行以下命令检查云容灾网关服务器是否支持expect命令。 /bin/expect -v 根据回显信息“IP地址 install successfully”可查看到已成功安装代理客户端的生产站点服务器。对于未安装成功的服务器,检查linux-host-list.txt中远程安装的服务器用户名密码是否正确。执行以下命令并输入密码,查看是否能登录服务器。 /bin/ssh -t -p 端口 用户名@IP地址
新闻播报风格英文文案(100句) China is the first country in the world with over three million valid domestic invention patents. China's number of valid invention patents has ranked first in the world. By the end of two thousand and twenty-two, the number of high-value invention patents reached one point three two four million. They accounted for over forty percent of the total valid invention patents. China is transitioning from a country that imports intellectual property rights to a country that creates intellectual property rights. The focus of intellectual property work is shifting from pursuing quantity to improving quality. Recently, the issue of chaotic fees for internet TV has been trending, attracting widespread attention. The nested membership and video-watching model of internet TV platforms has been strongly criticized by many netizens. With the strengthening of copyright protection awareness, users are willing to pay to watch film and television content. However, many businesses have neglected the viewing experience of consumers while charging fees. Video platforms should focus more on exploring their own content, rather than simply raising prices for users. All parties need to consider multiple factors and market needs that are compatible with multiple terminals. To achieve long-term success, we must bring more abundant resources to the people. Online violence is a major problem facing society today. On social media, people can freely express their opinions. However, we must also be aware of the consequences of these opinions. Preventing and managing online violence is a huge issue that requires the attention and cooperation of the entire society. In addition to the efforts of the platform, it also requires the cooperation and support of regulatory agencies, users, media, and other stakeholders. In an online violence incident, users may be direct perpetrators, direct or indirect spreaders, or victims. Users should pay attention to regulating their own \"civilized internet\" behavior habits. Adhere to the boundaries of freedom of speech and enhance the ability to identify online violent behavior. Report relevant content in a timely manner and learn about the platform's mechanisms for preventing online violence. Take self-protection measures to prevent the recurrence of online violence. Recently, the health condition of the giant panda Ya Ya, who is currently in the United States, has attracted a lot of attention and concern from netizens. Many parties have spoken up for Ya Ya, hoping for its early return. From the comments and support of netizens, we can feel the warmth of the Chinese people. The road ahead is still full of challenges, but we will never give up and never retreat. \"Panda diplomacy\" also enhances the vitality, innovation, cohesion, and dissemination power of national culture. On August twenty-fourth at twelve o'clock noon, the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant in Japan started discharging contaminated water into the sea. The ocean is the blue home on which all humanity relies for survival. Ignoring the public's opposition and persisting in the selfish act of discharging nuclear-contaminated water into the sea will pose a serious challenge to the ocean. Protecting the ocean is an indispensable responsibility for every country today. Protecting the ocean means safeguarding our common home and benefiting future generations. The act of Japan's pollution without the consent of the public will undoubtedly be severely condemned. Ocean security will also suffer incalculable damage. The merciful god has finally picked up the surgical knife again to save the world. Dr. Tao Yong, a genius ophthalmologist with superb medical skills, can perform up to eighty-six surgeries in a single day. So far, fifteen thousand patients have regained their sight. However, he was stabbed by a patient he had cured, and was unable to pick up the scalpel again. But he endured the severe pain and continued to do hand rehabilitation training day after day. Behind the daily cries of pain, there is his determination to return to the operating table and save more patients. As long as there is fireworks, darkness will eventually be dispelled. Finally, after three years, he found the light on that unclear path to the future. This kind-hearted god has come to patch up this world again! The little boy, Jiang Honghui, is seven years old this year. In the recently concluded Hunan Provincial Youth Championship, he won five gold and two silver medals. He said his dream is to become an Olympic champion when he grows up. Both of his parents are disabled, and the family lives in poverty. Despite the hardships of life and training, he never gives up. His hard work paid off, and he achieved remarkable results. With bright and determined eyes, he says he wants to become an Olympic champion when he grows up! The \"May Day\" Golden Week has ushered in a tourism boom. Whether it is the distance traveled by tourists, the level of consumption, or the number of visitors, this year's tourism heat has reached a new high in recent years. this year's tourism heat has reached a new high in recent years. Convenient and fast transportation options have allowed people to enjoy travel freedom. Diverse tourism choices meet the needs of various people for leisure. The tourism boom during the \"May Day\" holiday undoubtedly becomes an effective \"booster\" for local economic development. The essence of the Chinese Dream is a prosperous nation, a rejuvenated nation, and a happy people. To achieve great dreams, we must engage in great struggles, build great projects, and promote great causes. When the youth thrive, the nation thrives; when the youth are strong, the nation is strong. The youth should bravely become the trendsetters of the times. Fly your dreams of youth in the practice of realizing the Chinese Dream, and write a brilliant chapter of life in the struggle for the interests of the people. On March , the crew of Shenzhou fifteen conducted their second extravehicular activity. They have achieved multiple phased accomplishments during their three-month stay in orbit. Since the manned mission of Shenzhou twelve in two thousand and twenty-one year, The four astronauts have conducted a total of ten extravehicular activities, breaking through and mastering a series of key technologies. Currently, extravehicular activities have become routine work for the crew in orbit. They will continue to be carried out on a regular basis according to mission requirements. The Thirty-first World University Games opened grandly in Chengdu, with citizens participating in a healthy run to welcome the Games. Youth is blooming with unstoppable momentum, and the power of the youth is at its peak. Young athletes from various countries gather on the stage of the Chengdu University Games, Watering the most beautiful dreams with sweat, and painting the most vibrant background with hard work, they come together for a grand \"youth pact\". At the same time, it also inspires us to establish lofty ideals, develop our own abilities, Strive unremittingly on the track of life, and promote national prosperity and the rejuvenation of the nation with the vitality of youth. As the saying goes, it is better to travel ten thousand miles than to read ten thousand books. \"Textbook tours\" as a new mode of tourism not only enriches the content and improves the quality of tourism; It also allows children to personally experience the integration of knowledge and practice, and enhances their interest and efficiency in learning. At the same time, it can also plant a seed of cultural inheritance in their hearts, Which helps promote the promotion and dissemination of our excellent traditional culture. Chimpanzees are animals that can walk upright like humans, They enjoy living in groups, can use simple tools, and are known to be the second most intelligent animals after humans. Its behavior and social behavior are more similar to humans, which has significant implications for anthropological research. According to data released by Chinese musicians, there are over forty million children learning piano in China. This accounts for eighty percent of the global total and grows at a rate of ten percent annually. Recently, the Chinese lunar exploration space IP image \"Space Rabbit\" has officially announced its name. Its Chinese name is \"Tuxingxing\" (which means \"Rabbit Star\"), with the meaning of \"Jade Rabbit patrolling the moon, setting sail in the galaxy\". It is reported that in the first half of this year, China's three major shipbuilding indicators have all increased comprehensively. The international market share of the three major indicators, namely shipbuilding completion volume, new order volume, and order backlog volume, are all ranked first in the world. On August , two thousand and twenty-three year, the prestigious academic journal \"Science Bulletin\" published the latest research results. Chinese scientists have achieved precise synthesis of sugar from carbon dioxide, taking a crucial step towards artificial sugar synthesis. On August, the Ministry of Natural Resources released the \"Blue Book of China's Ecological Protection Red Line\". This is the first time that China has published the results of its ecological protection red line in the form of a blue book. The blue book indicates that the total area of the ecological protection red line designated nationwide is approximately three point nineteen million square kilometers, covering all thirty-five priority areas for biodiversity conservation in China and over ninety percent of typical ecosystem types. On September four, the \"Sauce Fragrance Latte\" coffee jointly launched by Guizhou Maotai and Luckin Coffee was officially launched. The traffic police remind everyone that for safety reasons, it is prohibited to drive after consuming alcoholic beverages. Typhoon Number Eleven \"Haikui\" made landfall in the coastal areas of Dongshan County, Fujian Province around five o'clock am this morning. The maximum wind force near the center during landing is 8 on the Beaufort scale (twenty meters/second), and the minimum central air pressure is nine hundred and ninety-five hectopascals. Today, all primary and secondary schools, as well as kindergartens in Fuzhou, have decided to suspend classes for one day. Recently, there have been frequent typhoons. I hope everyone is safe and well! 父主题: 文案样例(进阶版)
直播带货风格英文文案(20句) Hello babies, good evening and welcome to our live broadcast room. We just started the broadcast today and brought you a lot of surprises and discounts that you can't imagine! Babies in the live broadcast room, give me a thumbs up so I can see you. For the babies currently in the live broadcast room, we will randomly select five people to receive free gifts! Tonight's food special includes cookies, potato chips... and my personal favorite, spicy hot pot. However, the quantity is limited, so babies need to act fast! There will be super flash sale prices in the live broadcast room today, even cheaper than Double eleven! Welcome to the new babies in the live broadcast room. If you haven't followed the host yet, please click the follow button in the upper left corner. You can also click the like button in the lower right corner together! We will have random like draws in the live broadcast room today! Doesn't this cookie packaging look very appetizing? This cookie is really suitable for babies who like to eat snacks but want to control their calorie intake. The total calories of three packs of this cookie are only equivalent to one pack of regular cookies! These cookies are non-fried and free of additives, so you don't have to worry about problems like getting too much heat or acne. Listen up, babies! Today in our live broadcast room, twelve packs for only forty-nine point nine yuan! That's only a little over four yuan per pack, which is half price, babies! Babies who have placed an order, remember to come back and mark it as "already ordered" so we can prioritize your shipment. Babies who haven't paid yet, hurry up and place your order! Our special prices can only be enjoyed during the live broadcast! Babies who like it can directly place an order and receive shipping insurance. Don't worry and place your order confidently! Babies, our live broadcast will end in ten minutes. If you have any questions, please leave them in the public chat! We are about to end the broadcast. We would like to remind you that our broadcast will start at eight pm tomorrow night. Don't forget to come and watch! Bye bye. 父主题: 文案样例(基础版)
新闻播报风格文案(20句) 我国是世界上首个国内发明专利有效量超三百万件的国家,已位居世界第一。 近日,关于互联网电视收费乱象的话题不断冲上热搜, 互联网电视平台套娃式的充会员看视频的模式让不少网友直呼太反感。 随着版权保护意识的加强,用户已经愿意以付费方式来收看影视内容, 可商家在收费之余却忽视了消费者的观看体验。 旅美大熊猫丫丫因恶劣的健康状况,引发了网友的大量关注和担忧。 多方纷纷站出来为丫丫发声,盼望它早日归来。 八月二十四日中午十二时,日本福岛第一核电站启动核污染水排海。 海洋是全人类赖以生存的蓝色家园, 不顾大众反对坚持将核污染水排海这一自私行为,会使海洋受到严峻挑战。 七岁男孩蒋鸿晖,在前不久落幕的湖南省青少年锦标赛中,他一举拿下五金两银。 生活的艰辛,训练的困苦,他都没有退缩,立志长大后要成为奥运冠军! “五一”黄金周迎来旅游热潮,今年的旅游热度创下近年来的历史新高。 三月二日,神舟十五号乘组进行了二次出舱活动,在轨三个月取得多项阶段性成果。 第三十一届世界大学生运动会在成都隆重开幕,市民健康跑迎接大运会。 从中国音乐家发布的数据来看,国内有超过四千万孩子学习钢琴。 近日,中国探月航天形象太空兔正式对外公布名称, 中文名“兔星星”。 据悉,今年上半年,中国造船三大指标全面增长, 造船完工量,新接订单量,手持订单量,三大指标的国际市场份额均为全球第一。 父主题: 文案样例(基础版)
营销宣传风格英文文案(20句) In this rapidly changing world, technology has become an indispensable element in our lives. It constantly drives social progress and changes our way of life. Home robots are a new intelligent device that combines many cutting-edge technologies. It not only has outstanding functions but also excellent performance, allowing you to experience extremely fast operation speed and ultimate user experience effortlessly. This home robot has a stable power supply and support system. It also has precise motion control and execution capabilities. Whether it's walking, carrying objects, or performing other actions, the robot can easily handle it. This home robot also adopts ultra-high-definition display technology, bringing you delicate colors and clarity. Whether watching movies, browsing pictures, or playing games, you can enjoy the ultimate visual experience. It will bring you more convenience and fun in your life, allowing you to easily enjoy a wonderful time! To thank our customers, the brand is now offering a limited-time discount promotion! Purchase the home robot now and enjoy great discounts! Limited quantity, first come first served! Just place an order with one click and enjoy doorstep installation and thoughtful after-sales service, so you have no worries. Don't hesitate anymore, now is the best time to buy! Don't miss out on the limited-time discount! We promise that after purchasing the designated home robot, you will enjoy high-quality after-sales service and guarantee. We will provide comprehensive support and guarantee to ensure that you have the best experience and satisfaction during use. Home robots purchased during the promotion period will enjoy after-sales service and upgrade support. The low price is tempting. What are you waiting for? Take action now, bring home the home robot, and start a new chapter in smart homes! 父主题: 文案样例(基础版)
新闻播报风格英文文案(20句) China is the first country in the world with over three million valid domestic invention patents, ranking first in the world. Recently, the topic of the chaotic charging of internet TV has been constantly trending. The nested membership and video-watching model of internet TV platforms has made many netizens express strong dislike. With the strengthening of copyright protection awareness, users are willing to pay to watch film and television content. However, businesses have overlooked the viewing experience of consumers while charging. The poor health condition of Ya Ya, a giant panda living in the United States, has attracted a lot of attention and concern from netizens. Many parties have spoken up for Ya Ya, hoping for its early return. At twelve o'clock noon on August twenty-fourth, the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant in Japan started discharging nuclear-contaminated water into the sea. The ocean is the blue home on which all humanity depends for survival. Ignoring the opposition of the public and persisting in the selfish act of discharging nuclear-contaminated water into the sea will pose a severe challenge to the ocean. Jiang Honghui, a seven-year-old boy, won five gold and two silver medals in the recently concluded Hunan Provincial Youth Championship. Despite the hardships of life and the difficulties of training, he has not retreated and aspires to become an Olympic champion when he grows up! The \"May Day\" Golden Week has ushered in a tourism boom, and this year's tourism popularity has reached a historical high in recent years. On March, the crew of Shenzhou fifteen conducted a second extravehicular activity and achieved multiple phased achievements in three months in orbit. The Thirty-first World University Games opened grandly in Chengdu, with citizens participating in a healthy run to welcome the Games. According to data released by Chinese musicians, there are over forty million children learning the piano in China. Recently, the Chinese lunar exploration space IP image \"Space Rabbit\" has officially announced its name. Its Chinese name is \"Tuxingxing\" (which means \"Rabbit Star\"), with the meaning of \"Jade Rabbit patrolling the moon, setting sail in the galaxy\". It is reported that in the first half of this year, China's three major shipbuilding indicators have all experienced comprehensive growth. The international market share of the three major indicators, including completed shipbuilding, new orders, and order backlog, is ranked first in the world. 父主题: 文案样例(基础版)
视频 视频界面详情,如图6所示。 图6 视频界面 视频界面说明,如表5所示。 表5 界面元素说明 界面元素 说明 本地导入 单击“本地导入”,从本地选择MOV、MP4、M4V、MKV、FLV、3GP、WMV、AVI或WEBM格式的视频文件上传。 也支持直接拖拽本地视频文件至视频列表区域,完成上传操作。 界面默认展示两列视频,单击图标后,缩小展示为1列视频。单击图标,可恢复为2列展示。 关键词搜索框,可输入视频名称进行精准搜索。 示例:营销视频。 筛选条件 支持通过素材来源的维度,筛选展示下方的视频。 视频列表 默认展示全量视频。 查看视频 将鼠标放在视频上方,视频右上角展示图标。单击图标,可查看视频。 插入视频 将鼠标放在视频上方,视频右上角展示图标。单击图标,添加至当前场景的视频画面中。 插入的视频播放的时候默认无声音,仅有画面。 在视频画面预览区域,如果存在多种视频素材,支持对视频进行图层管理,如:循环1次、循环播放、上移一层、下移一层、置顶、置底、复制、应用到全局、删除等。还支持设置大小,拖动位置。
音乐 音乐界面详情,如图7所示。 图7 音乐界面 音乐界面说明,如表6所示。 表6 界面元素说明 界面元素 说明 本地导入 单击“本地导入”,从本地选择WAV或MP3格式的音乐文件上传。 也支持直接拖拽本地音乐文件至音乐列表区域,完成上传操作。 单击图标后,音乐界面缩小展示。单击图标,可恢复为默认展示。 音乐列表 默认展示全量音乐文件。 试听音乐 将鼠标放在音乐上方,音乐名称左侧展示图标。单击图标,可试听音乐。 插入音乐 将鼠标放在音乐上方,右上角展示图标。单击图标,添加至视频草稿的所有场景中,作为视频的背景音乐。 取消应用 如果音乐已添加为视频的背景音乐,可单击音乐右上角的“取消应用”,取消使用。
文本 文本界面详情,如图8所示。 图8 文本界面 文本界面说明,如表7所示。 表7 界面元素说明 界面元素 说明 界面默认展示两列文本,单击图标后,缩小展示为1列文本。单击图标,可恢复为2列展示。 文本列表 系统支持的文本列表。字体分别为:鸿蒙常规、鸿蒙粗体、鸿蒙细体、鸿蒙中黑。 插入文本 将鼠标放在文本上方,文本右上角展示图标。单击图标,添加至当前场景的视频画面中。 在左侧的“文本设置”界面,设置文本内容和字体样式,如图9所示。 在视频画面预览区域,如果存在多种视频素材,支持对视频进行图层管理,如:上移一层、下移一层、置顶、置底、复制、应用到全局、删除等。还支持设置大小,拖动位置。 图9 文本设置
PPT PPT界面详情,如图3所示。 图3 PPT界面 PPT界面说明,如表3所示。 表3 界面元素说明 界面元素 说明 本地导入 单击“本地导入”,从本地选择PPTX、PPT和PDF格式的文件上传。 也支持直接拖拽本地文件至文件列表区域,完成上传操作。 操作限制,如下所示: PPT文件不支持超过50页,且文件大小不超过500KB。 如果PPT的字体不支持在MetaStudio控制台展示,建议将PPT转存为PDF文件后再导入。 操作详情请参考PPT如何转为PDF文件?。 如果PPT中有动画、动效,是不支持在MetaStudio控制台展示的,建议将PPT导出为视频后再导入。 操作详情请参考如何在MetaStudio控制台呈现PPT的动画效果?。 界面默认展示两列文件,单击图标后,缩小展示为1列文件。单击图标,可恢复为2列展示。 关键词搜索框,可输入文件名称进行精准搜索。 示例:销售指导书。 文件列表 默认展示全量文件。 查看文件 将鼠标放在文件上方,文件右上角展示图标。单击图标,可以在弹出的界面中预览PPT的所有页面内容。 插入文件 将鼠标放在文件上方,文件右上角展示图标。单击图标,弹出如图4所示的页面,选择文件中的页面完成插入操作。 在视频画面预览区域,如果存在多种视频素材,支持对文件页面进行图层管理,如:上移一层、下移一层、置顶、置底、复制、应用到全局、删除等。还支持设置大小,拖动位置。 删除文件 直接单击文件右下角的图标,执行下述操作: 从下拉框中选择“删除”,删除当前文件。 从下拉框中选择“批量删除”,勾选所有需要删除的文件。单击界面右下角的“删除”,删除选中的所有文件。 文件上传成功后的操作如下所示: 在PPT页签的文件列表区域,单击上传成功的文件,弹出如图4所示的对话框。 图4 插入页面 勾选需要插入的页面或直接全选所有界面,单击“复制当前场景”或“新增场景”,添加至当前视频草稿中。 新增1个视频草稿,默认会有1个场景,用户可以自定义此场景,也可以保持不变。MetaStudio按文件页面依次生成对应的场景,即一个页面对应生成一个场景。 不同的操作的含义为: 复制当前场景:插入的文件页面直接复制第一个场景,粘贴生成新场景,即新场景中完全复用第一个场景的背景、数字人等内容,同时再包含文件的选中页面。 如果插入文件之前,已经有多个场景,需要选中希望复制的场景,去插入文件页面。 新增场景:插入的文件直接复制第一个场景的数字人和背景,其余视频素材效果不会被复制。同时包含文件的选中页面,生成对应的新场景。 如果插入文件之前,已经有多个场景,需要先选中希望的数字人及其背景的场景,再去插入文件页面。 等待所有页面插入完成后,参考视频制作对场景进行定制。
贴图 贴图界面详情,如图5所示。 图5 贴图界面 贴图界面说明,如表4所示。 表4 界面元素说明 界面元素 说明 本地导入 单击“本地导入”,从本地选择PNG、JPG、JPEG和BMP格式的图片上传。 也支持直接拖拽本地图片至图片列表区域,完成上传操作。 界面默认展示两列图片,单击图标后,缩小展示为1列图片。单击图标,可恢复为2列展示。 关键词搜索框,可输入图片名称进行精准搜索。 示例:小贴士。 筛选条件 支持通过素材来源的维度,筛选展示下方的图片。 图片列表 默认展示全量图片。 查看贴图 将鼠标放在图片上方,图片右上角展示图标。单击图标,可查看大图。 插入贴图 将鼠标放在图片上方,图片右上角展示图标。单击图标,添加至当前场景的视频画面中。 在视频画面预览区域,如果存在多种视频素材,支持对贴图进行图层管理,如:上移一层、下移一层、置顶、置底、复制、应用到全局、删除等。还支持设置大小,拖动位置。
背景 背景界面详情,如图2所示。 图2 背景界面 背景界面说明,如表2所示。 表2 界面元素说明 界面元素 说明 本地导入 单击“本地导入”,从本地选择PNG、JPG、JPEG和BMP格式的图片上传。 也支持直接拖拽本地图片至图片列表区域,完成上传操作。 界面默认展示两列图片,单击图标后,缩小展示为1列图片。单击图标,可恢复为2列展示。 关键词搜索框,可输入图片名称进行精准搜索。 示例:科技。 纯色背景 支持设置为透明背景(第一张图),此时不支持添加视频素材,且已添加的素材也会全部清除。 支持设置为纯色背景,可以选择已有的颜色,也可以自定义颜色。 筛选条件 支持通过背景、类型的维度,筛选展示下方的图片。 图片列表 默认展示全量图片。选中场景,单击图片,可以替换当前场景的背景。 将鼠标放在图片上方,图片右上角展示图标。单击图标,可以将当前图片作为背景替换至所有场景。
角色 角色界面详情,如图1所示。 图1 角色界面 角色界面说明,如表1所示。 表1 界面元素说明 界面元素 说明 定制数字人 单击“定制数字人”,跳转至形象制作页面,界面详情和操作指导,详见创建分身数字人定制任务。 角色界面默认展示两列数字人,单击图标后,缩小展示为1列数字人。单击图标,可恢复为2列展示。 关键词搜索框,可输入数字人名称进行精准搜索。 示例:yun lan。 刷新图标。如果有关键词,按照关键词进行刷新展示;如果没有关键词,恢复为默认展示。 筛选条件 支持通过角色、性别、姿势、行业、区域、分辨率和动作的维度,筛选展示下方的数字人。 数字人列表 默认展示全量数字人。单击数字人形象,自动替换更新至视频草稿的所有场景中。 用户自定义的Flexus分身数字人,也会展示在这里。Flexus分身数字人左上角会有标识。 在视频画面预览区域,如果存在多种视频素材,支持对数字人进行图层管理,如:上移一层、下移一层、置顶、置底、应用到全局、删除等。还支持设置大小,拖动位置。
营销宣传风格文案(20句) 在这个快速变化的世界里,技术已经成为我们生活中不可或缺的重要元素。 它不断推动着我们的社会进步,改变着我们的生活方式。 家用机器人,是一款集合了众多顶尖科技的全新智能设备。 它不仅拥有出色的功能,还具备卓越的性能。 让您可以轻松体验畅快无比的运行速度和极致的使用感受。 这款家用机器人具备稳定的电力供应和支持系统。 这款家用机器人还具备精细化的动作控制与执行能力。 无论是行走、搬运物品还是执行其他动作,机器人都能轻松应对。 这款家用机器人还采用了超高清显示技术,带给您细腻的色彩和清晰度。 无论是在观看电影、浏览图片还是玩游戏时,您都可以享受到极致的视觉体验。 它将为您的生活带来更多便捷和乐趣,让您轻松畅享美好时光! 为了感谢广大消费者,品牌现在特别推出限时优惠活动! 购买家用机器人,即可享受超值优惠!数量有限,先到先得! 只需一键下单,即可享受上门安装和贴心售后服务,让您无后顾之忧。 不要再犹豫了,现在是购买的最佳时机!限时优惠真的不容错过! 我们承诺,您在购买指定家用机器人后,将会享受到优质的售后服务和保障。 我们会为您提供全面的支持和保障,确保您在使用过程中获得最佳的体验和满意度。 在优惠期间购买的家用机器人将享受售后服务和升级支持。 价格之低令人心动。还等什么? 赶快行动起来,带上家用机器人,开启智能家居新篇章! 父主题: 文案样例(基础版)
直播带货风格英文文案(100句) Hello babies, good evening and welcome to our live broadcast. Food-loving babies must recognize our live broadcast, and those who enjoy happy shopping should also pay attention to us! We just started the broadcast today and brought you a lot of benefits that you can't imagine! Babies in the live broadcast room, give me a thumbs up so I can see you. No more nonsense, let's start with a lucky draw! For the babies currently in the live broadcast room, we will randomly select five people to receive free benefits! Tonight's food special includes cookies, potato chips... and also my favorite spicy hot pot. However, the quantity is limited, so babies need to be quick! Today, there will be super flash sale prices in the live broadcast room, even cheaper than Double eleven! Today, our live broadcast will be from eight PM to twelve AM. If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the chat. Welcome to the new babies who just joined the live broadcast room. If you haven't followed the host yet, click on the top left corner to follow. You can also click the like button in the bottom right corner! Today, we will have random like button lucky draw activities in the live broadcast room! Let's start with a biscuit that can satisfy your cravings during the weight loss period. Doesn't this packaging look very appetizing? This biscuit is really suitable for babies who love to eat snacks but want to control their calorie intake. Normally, you can only eat one pack of biscuits, but now you can eat three packs! The total calories of these three packs of biscuits are only equivalent to the calories of one pack of biscuits normally! Moreover, this biscuit is additive-free. Let me show you the ingredients, no additives at all. Eat with peace of mind, it won't make you gain weight easily. Isn't it great? This biscuit doesn't add oil, but still has the aroma of oil. It takes care of both health and taste for everyone. These biscuits are non-fried and free from additives, so you don't have to worry about getting too much heat or acne from eating too much. Whether you're binge-watching your favorite show, shopping, or just hungry at work in the afternoon, a pack of these biscuits is all you need. These biscuits have a unique and delicious flavor that even our colleagues who don't usually like snacks say is tasty! Listen up, babies! Today, the host is here to bring you some benefits, right? So, today's price is definitely different from usual. Babies who often eat our biscuits should know that we usually sell them for seven point nine yuan per pack. All babies, listen up! Today, in our live broadcast room, you can get ten packs for only forty-nine point nine yuan! In addition to the ten packs, the host will also give you two extra packs for free! That's right, it's like getting twelve packs for only forty-nine point nine yuan! Today's price is really great! That's less than four yuan per pack, which is like getting them at half price, babies! But there are only five hundred available today, so babies, you need to act fast. Alright, babies, without further ado, we're going to share the link with you now. five, four, three, two, one... Babies, the biscuits are now available on the first link of the Little Yellow Car. Today's price is even lower than the Double Eleven sale, it's really a great deal that you can only get in our live broadcast room! You can get twelve packs for only forty-nine point nine yuan, it's really worth it! There are only five hundred available tonight, so grab them before they're gone... Babies, make sure to pay quickly and don't wait until they're sold out. Once you've made your purchase, remember to come back and mark it as "paid" so we can prioritize your shipment. All of our products have undergone food safety inspections, so you can rest assured when placing your order! Just take a look at the reviews of our biscuits and you'll know they're really good products! Babies who haven't paid yet, hurry up and place your order! Our special prices are only available during the live broadcast! If you like a baby, you can go directly to place an order and get free shipping insurance. Everyone can rest assured to place an order! Take advantage of the discounts in our live broadcast today and grab the bargains first! We really can't add any more orders for this cookie today. We're telling you again, we can't add any more. If you haven't placed an order yet, hurry up! In five seconds, the host will be processing payments for everyone! Once the payment is processed, the original price will be restored. If you wait, you might miss out on the chance to buy. Alright, let's start the countdown: five, four, three, two, one, next product... Next, I want to recommend a spicy hot pot that I personally love to eat! This spicy hot pot is the most amazing among all the fast food hot pots I've ever had. Today, we have prepared two different flavors for you: soy sauce and spicy. For those who want to eat spicy hot pot but can't handle the heat, you're in luck. For those who can't eat spicy food, choose the soy sauce flavor when placing your order later. For those who want to try both spicy and non-spicy, you can choose each one separately. Choose whichever one you like. The characteristics of their spicy hot pot are: First, it's spicy and fragrant, but not too salty. Second, the ingredients inside are very rich and the portions are generous, including udon noodles, vegetables, fish balls, vegetarian tripe, etc. Third, the vegetables are very fresh, and even lotus root slices have a crispy texture when eaten. Let me show you what's inside our spicy hot pot. First of all, there's a water bag. This water bag contains purified water, not tap water. You can drink it directly. The vegetable bag contains both meat and vegetables, ensuring a balanced and nutritious meal. And all the ingredients are fresh, so you can enjoy a delicious and healthy meal with peace of mind. So feel free to place your order, all our food has food safety certificates. It's safe for children and the elderly to eat, there are no problems at all. We even use aluminum foil lunch boxes, which cost more to produce. You can compare our self-heating products with any other products on the market. They are mostly plastic boxes. Plastic boxes have a strange smell when heated, which is not reassuring whether you're eating it yourself or giving it to your family. Our aluminum foil lunch boxes are non-toxic, odorless, and harmless after heating, so you can use them with confidence! Our spicy hot pot weighs four hundred and fifty grams, which is almost 1 pound, so you can eat until you're full! As the host, I can eat until I'm full and still have leftovers, so you don't have to worry about the portion size. The shelf life is eight months, so feel free to stock up! Store at room temperature at home, no need to take up refrigerator space, can be stored at room temperature. For our working parents, a day at work is already tiring enough. When we get home, we don't need to buy groceries or cook, and we don't need to use electricity or gas. Just a glass of cold water and fifteen minutes, and you can enjoy delicious spicy hot pot! Today, the price of spicy hot pot is very affordable. Usually it costs twenty-nine point nine yuan per box, right? Today in our live broadcast room, the first box is twenty-nine point nine yuan, the second box is nineteen point nine yuan, and the third box is free! Three boxes only cost forty-nine point eight yuan, averaging only sixteen point six yuan per box! Countdown five, four, three, two, one, click the link, come on, don't worry about anything, buy three boxes, buying three boxes is the most cost-effective... Hurry up and place your order if you like to eat, and if you have any questions, leave a comment. Today, the average price per box ordered in the live broadcast room is only sixteen point six yuan! The price of eating spicy hot pot outside can be used to eat ten times in our live broadcast room! It is also very convenient, fast, and economical to eat. Now, for those who order through the second link, we will also give away a pack of instant rice noodles and three crispy rolls! These complimentary items would cost over ten dollars if purchased separately But today, we are giving them away directly to everyone who orders in our live broadcast room. The gift inventory is limited, first come, first served! This wave of gift inventory is only available for the last few orders, so act fast! If you hesitate or hesitate again, it will be sold out! If you have any questions, you can directly find customer service in the live broadcast room. We provide worry-free after-sales service. For those who order in the live broadcast room now, the host can arrange for expedited shipping tomorrow. For new viewers in the live broadcast room, please give the host a thumbs up with your little hands. Once we reach ten thousand likes, we will have a lucky draw! Next, we will have a lucky draw. For those who haven't followed us yet, please do so now. You can't participate in the lucky draw without following us! We have many lottery benefits in our live broadcast room every day. You can watch our live broadcast every night at eight o'clock! Everyone, please type "I want" in the chat to participate in the lucky draw. You can spam the chat! Let's give our new viewers a few seconds to follow and spam the chat... Okay, now we will start the countdown for the lucky draw in five seconds. five, four, three, two, one. Our live broadcast will end in ten minutes. If you have any questions, please leave them in the chat! For those who haven't received the coupon, please claim the exclusive coupon in our live broadcast room. You won't be able to claim it after the host ends the broadcast. We are about to end the broadcast. We would like to remind you that our live broadcast will start at eight pm tomorrow night. See you then! Goodbye. 父主题: 文案样例(进阶版)
营销宣传风格英文文案(100句) 1. Grasp the future, right before your eyes - Unveiling the mysterious veil of new intelligent technology products. 2. In this rapidly changing world, technology has become an indispensable element in our lives. 3. It constantly drives our social progress and changes our way of life. 4. Now, an intelligent product that leads the wave of technology and embodies numerous cutting-edge technologies is about to emerge! 5. Home robots are a brand-new intelligent device that incorporates numerous top-notch technologies. 6. It can help you easily accomplish various tasks and bring you a more convenient, comfortable, and intelligent living experience. 7. Home robots are equipped with rich functions and applications to meet your diverse needs. 8. It can seamlessly connect with your home devices, allowing you to easily complete various household chores through voice control. 9. Home robots are your best assistant in life, bringing you a more intelligent, convenient, and comfortable living experience. 10. Such an intelligent living experience not only makes your life more convenient but also makes your home more warm and harmonious. 11. From the perspective of technological innovation, home robots are innovative in many aspects. 12. It adopts a concise and stylish appearance design, which is not only beautiful but also easy to use and operate. 13. It can be connected to smart home devices to achieve smart home control. 14. In terms of leading the trend of technology, home robots focus on continuous technological updates and upgrades. 15. It will continuously launch new functions, technologies, and services to meet the ever-changing needs of users. 16. Next, we will introduce this home robot to you in detail from its functions and performance. 17. Home robots have multiple functions such as intelligent cleaning, smart kitchen, smart housekeeping, safety guard, and life companion. 18. These functions make home robots a highly practical and convenient smart home product. 19. Whether it is cleaning or mopping, home robots can complete tasks with astonishing speed and efficiency. 20. It can avoid obstacles and efficiently clean every corner of your home, ensuring thorough cleaning. 21. Smart robots can also choose the most suitable cleaning mode based on their preferences and home environment. 22. During home cleaning, smart robots can provide multiple functions to help you complete various cleaning tasks in different areas. 23. Smart robots have efficient cleaning capabilities. 24. Smart robots use advanced vacuuming technology and efficient rotating brushes to complete cleaning tasks in a shorter time. 25. They can also remove various impurities, dust, and pet hair from floors and carpets, making your home cleaner and tidier. 26. Smart robots use advanced sensors and navigation technology for intelligent navigation. 27. The robot will not touch furniture or other obstacles, nor will it enter areas it should not. 28. Smart robots also have automatic charging function. 29. When the battery is low, it can automatically return to the charging station and start charging. 30. Smart robots can also be controlled by voice commands. 31. Smart robots have multiple cleaning modes to choose from. 32. You can choose the most suitable cleaning mode based on your preferences and home environment. 33. Smart robots provide you with fast, efficient, and convenient home cleaning services. 34. With a home robot, your kitchen will be refreshed! 35. Whether it's cooking delicious food or cleaning the kitchen, home robots can easily handle it. 36. They can adjust the heat, time, and cooking method according to your taste and needs, helping you cook a variety of delicacies. 37. Whether it's a feast, fast food, or special taste, you only need to give simple instructions, and the robot can complete it for you. 38. While enjoying delicious food, you can also interact more with family and friends, creating precious family time. 39. Smart kitchen is an innovative way to combine intelligent technology with kitchen equipment. 40. Smart kitchens can change traditional cooking methods to make them more convenient, fast, and healthy. 41. Intelligent robots are equipped with multiple sensors that can accurately control parameters such as heat, time, and cooking methods. 42. They can also understand your needs through natural language processing technology and automatically adjust cooking parameters based on your taste preferences. 43. Intelligent robots can also achieve more intelligent cooking modes by connecting with smart ovens, smart refrigerators, and other devices. 44. Smart robots can automatically cook delicious food according to your taste and needs. 45. They can provide nutritional information and recipe suggestions for the ingredients you use by recognizing them. 46. They can also automatically add the required ingredients and seasonings based on your desired taste and recipe. 47. They can recommend dishes and recipes that are suitable for you based on your personal preferences and history. 48. The emergence of smart kitchens not only improves cooking efficiency and quality, but also provides a new concept of healthy eating. 49. Smart kitchens make our lives more convenient, efficient, healthy, and delicious. 50. Home robots are not only your capable assistants, but also caring household managers. 51. They can help you remember important matters, schedule appointments, and remind you to take care of things in a timely manner. 52. They are able to answer your questions, provide weather forecasts, play music, and perform various entertainment functions. 53. No matter where you are located, with a single command, the robot will respond immediately and provide truly personalized services. 54. Smart assistants can interact and converse with you or your family members through voice recognition and natural language processing technology. 55. You simply need to tell it what you need, and it will immediately execute it. 56. Whether it's booking laundry services, ordering food, adjusting home temperatures, or other household chores, smart assistants can handle them easily. 57. Smart assistants can help you manage your schedule, recording and reminding you of important meetings, appointments, birthdays. 58. Tell it your schedule, and it will remind you at the appropriate time to ensure that you don't miss anything important. 59. Smart assistants can also monitor and record your health data, such as heart rate, sleep quality, etc. 60. Provide personalized health advice and recommendations to help you better manage your own health. 61. After connecting with health devices, it will transmit data in real-time and generate health reports, allowing you to fully understand your health status. 62. The smart butler can also connect with smart home devices to achieve remote control and automation operations. 63. Through mobile phone commands, you can adjust the brightness, color, and volume of home devices. 64. The smart butler can also provide personalized shopping and takeaway services for you. 65. It will recommend suitable products or dishes for you and help you complete the order and payment. 66. Home robots provide intimate and personalized home services and life management for you through intelligent technology. 67. With the help of the smart butler, you can enjoy a more comfortable and convenient life experience. 68. Home security is one of the most concerned issues for every family member. 69. Home robots will become your capable assistant, escorting your family's safety. 70. The robot is equipped with various sensors and cameras that can constantly monitor the condition of your home. 71. Once it detects any abnormal situations, it will immediately send alert notifications to you and take appropriate actions. 72. Whether you are at home or away, you can have peace of mind knowing the security status of your home. 73. The robot can check if doors and windows are closed, detect any unauthorized individuals entering, and identify potential dangers like smoke or fire. 74. Upon detecting any abnormal situations, the robot will promptly sound an alarm and notify you and your family members. 75. They can patrol around the living area to ensure the safety and privacy of your home. 76. The robot can also monitor parameters such as air quality, temperature, and humidity in your home, safeguarding the health of your family. 77. It can detect indoor environments and temperatures, promptly identifying fire and other hazardous situations. 78. They can also be equipped with water spraying devices or fire extinguishers to take quick action in case of a fire, preventing its spread. 79. The robot can provide daily assistance for your family members, such as offering care services for the elderly. 80. It can help protect the security of your home network, preventing hacker intrusions and data breaches. 81. They can monitor network traffic, track abnormal activities, and provide encryption and secure data storage solutions. 82. Overall, domestic robots possess various functions in terms of security protection and assistance services. 83. Domestic robots are not only your trustworthy assistants, but also your closest home managers and loyal companions. 84. They accompany you during lonely moments, providing friendly communication and exciting entertainment, so you never feel lonely again. 85. Whether it's dancing, chatting, or watching movies with the robot, they can become your company during happy moments. 86. Domestic robots can become your life partners, interacting and communicating with you. 87. They can tell jokes, sing songs, tell stories, and even dance and play instruments. 88. You can communicate with the robot through voice and ask questions such as weather forecasts, news information, recipes, etc. 89. Domestic robots can help you monitor health data and provide health advice. 90. Robots can become your learning companions, providing knowledge and educational support. 91. They can answer your questions, explain concepts, and teach subject knowledge. 92. To thank our valued customers, our brand is now offering a limited-time discount promotion! 93. Purchase a home robot and enjoy a great discount! Limited quantity, first come first served! 94. With just one click to order, you can enjoy doorstep installation and thoughtful after-sales service, leaving you with no worries. 95. Don't hesitate any longer, now is the best time to buy! Don't miss out on this limited-time offer! 96. We promise that after purchasing a designated home robot, you will enjoy high-quality after-sales service and protection. 97. We will provide you with comprehensive support and protection to ensure that you have the best experience and satisfaction during use. 98. Home robots purchased during the promotion period will enjoy after-sales service and upgrade support. 99. The low price is tempting. What are you waiting for? 100. Take action now, bring home a home robot, and start a new chapter in smart home living! 父主题: 文案样例(进阶版)
生产主机服务器如何获取网关上的安装包? 生产主机服务器获取网关上的安装包可以通过sftp或者scp等远程传输工具传输。 示例如下: 登录Windows虚拟机,打开powershell,执行如下命令 sftp root@***.***.*.* get sdrs_win_******.zip C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\sdrs_win_******.zip 父主题: 异步复制
根因分析 可能由以下原因导致: 原因一:跨可用区场景下,创建站点复制对时选择的生产站点可用区与容灾网关所在的可用区不一致。 处理方法一:重新创建站点复制对,使选择的生产站点可用区与容灾网关所在的可用区保持一致。 处理方法二:在创建站点复制对时选择的生产站点可用区重新发放云容灾网关服务器并进行配置,使容灾网关所在的可用区与创建站点复制对时选择的生产站点保持一致。 原因二:跨区域或跨可用区场景下,创建站点复制对时选择的生产站点网络与容灾网关所在的VPC不一致。 处理建议:重新创建站点复制对,使选择的生产站点VPC与容灾网关所在的VPC保持一致。
常见RAID磁盘阵列介绍 表1 常见RAID磁盘阵列介绍 RAID级别 简介 读写性能 安全性能 磁盘使用率 组建不同RAID阵列所需的最少磁盘数量 RAID0 RAID0将数据分条存储在多个磁盘上,可实现并行读写,提供最快的读写速率。 多个磁盘并行读写获取更高性能 最差 没有冗余能力,一个磁盘损坏,整个RAID阵列数据都不可用 100% 两块 RAID1 通过构造数据镜像实现数据冗余,阵列中一半的磁盘容量投入使用,另一半磁盘容量用来做镜像,提供数据备份。 读性能:与单个磁盘相同 写性能:需要将数据写入是两个磁盘,写性能低于单个磁盘 最高 提供磁盘数据的完整备份,当阵列中的一个磁盘失效时,系统可以自动采用镜像磁盘的数据 50% 两块 RAID01 结合RAID0和RAID1两种磁盘阵列,先将一半磁盘组建成RAID0分条存储数据,再用另一半磁盘做RAID1镜像。 读性能:和RAID0相同 写性能:和RAID1相同 比RAID10的安全性能低 50% 四块 RAID10 结合RAID1和RAID0两种磁盘阵列,先将磁盘两两组建成RAID1镜像,再组建RAID0将数据分条存储。 读性能:RAID0相同 写性能:RAID1相同 和RAID1的安全性能相同 50% 四块 RAID5 RAID5不需要单独指定数据校验磁盘,而是将每块磁盘生成的校验信息分块存储至阵列中的每块磁盘中。 读性能:和RAID0相同 写性能:由于要写入奇偶校验信息,写性能低于单个磁盘 比RAID10的安全性能低 66.7% 三块
代码化构建 参考以下代码示例,修改在创建代码化构建使用的YAML文件中的BUILD部分代码信息。 Android构建代码示例如下: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 version: 2.0 # 必须是2.0 steps: BUILD: - android: inputs: gradle: 4.8 jdk: 1.8 ndk: 17 command: | cat ~/.gradle/init.gradle cat ~/.gradle/gradle.properties cat ~/.gradle/init_template.gradle rm -rf ~/.gradle/init.gradle rm -rf /home/build/.gradle/init.gradle # 使用CodeArts Build提供的gradle wrapper,充分利用缓存加速 cp /cache/android/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.jar ./gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.jar # 构建未签名的APK /bin/bash ./gradlew assembleDebug -Dorg.gradle.daemon=false -d --stacktrace 表2 Android构建代码示例参数说明 参数名称 参数类型 参数说明 command string 填写Gradle执行命令。如果需要配置更多命令,可参考Gradle官网。 gradle string 根据用户实际开发环境的需要,选择对应的工具版本。 CodeArts Build支持的工具版本,可查看构建工具版本。若当前的工具版本不满足您的使用要求,您可以自定义构建环境。 jdk string 根据用户实际开发环境的需要,选择对应的工具版本。 CodeArts Build支持的工具版本,可查看构建工具版本。若当前的工具版本不满足您的使用要求,您可以自定义构建环境。 ndk string 根据用户实际开发环境的需要,选择对应的工具版本。 CodeArts Build支持的工具版本,可查看构建工具版本。若当前的工具版本不满足您的使用要求,您可以自定义构建环境。 Android APK签名代码示例如下: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ersion: 2.0 # 必须是2.0 steps: BUILD: - android_sign: inputs: file_path: build/bin/*.apk keystore_file: androidapk.jks keystore_password: xxxxxx alias: keyalias key_password: xxxxxx apksigner_commond: --verbose 表3 Android APK签名代码示例参数说明 参数名称 参数类型 参数说明 file_path string Android构建后生成要签名的“.apk”文件位置。 支持正则表达式,如:可以使用“build/bin/*.apk”匹配构建出来的APK包。 keystore_file string Keystore文件名。文件的制作以及上传指导可参考生成Keystore签名文件并上传至文件管理。 keystore_password string 可选参数。 填写自定义的密钥文件密码。 alias string 密钥别名。 以字母开头,支持字母、数字、“_”、“-”和“.”。 字符长度为1~128。 key_password string 可选参数。 填写自定义的密钥密码。 apksigner_commond string 自定义签名的参数,默认“--verbose”显示签名详情。
Android版本说明 SDK:用户项目构建compileSdkVersion版本。 Build Tools:用户项目构建所需buildToolsVersion版本。 两个版本可以在项目下的“build.gradle”文件或是项目的全局配置文件(用户自定义)中找到。 用户需要选择正确的compileSdkVersion版本和buildToolsVersion版本。 也支持Gradle的wrapper构建方式,如果提供的gradle版本没有满足您的要求,您也可以直接使用gradlew命令,使用wrapper去构建,会自动下载您所需要的gradle版本,构建命令例如:./gradlew clean build。
图形化构建 在配置构建步骤中,添加“Android构建”构建步骤,参考表1配置参数。 表1 Android构建参数说明 参数 说明 步骤显示名称 构建步骤的名称,可自定义修改。 支持中文、英文、数字、“-”、“_”、英文逗号、英文分号、英文冒号、“.”、“/”、圆括号(中英文)。 字符长度范围为1~128。 Gradle 根据用户实际开发环境的需要,选择对应的工具版本。 CodeArts Build支持的工具版本,可查看构建工具版本。若当前的工具版本不满足您的使用要求,您可以自定义构建环境。 JDK 根据用户实际开发环境的需要,选择对应的工具版本。 CodeArts Build支持的工具版本,可查看构建工具版本。若当前的工具版本不满足您的使用要求,您可以自定义构建环境。 NDK 根据用户实际开发环境的需要,选择对应的工具版本。 CodeArts Build支持的工具版本,可查看构建工具版本。若当前的工具版本不满足您的使用要求,您可以自定义构建环境。 命令 配置Gradle命令,一般使用系统默认给出的命令即可。如果需要配置更多命令,可参考Gradle官网。 如果需要使用apksigner对Android APK进行签名,可添加“Android APK签名”构建步骤,参数说明如下: 参数 说明 步骤显示名称 构建步骤的名称,可自定义修改。 支持中文、英文、数字、“-”、“_”、英文逗号、英文分号、英文冒号、“.”、“/”、圆括号(中英文)。 字符长度范围为1~128。 需要签名的APK路径 Android构建后生成要签名的“.apk”文件位置。 支持正则表达式,如:可以使用“build/bin/*.apk”匹配构建出来的APK包。 Keystore文件 在下拉框中选择用于签名的Keystore文件。文件的制作以及上传指导可参考生成并上传Keystore签名文件。 keystore password 可选参数。 填写自定义的密钥文件密码。 别名(Alias) 自定义密钥别名。 以字母开头,支持字母、数字、“_”、“-”和“.”。 字符长度为1~128。 key password 可选参数。 填写自定义的密钥密码。 apksigner命令行 自定义签名的参数,默认“--verbose”显示签名详情。 配置完成后执行构建任务,当显示任务执行成功后,查看构建日志,若“Android APK签名”步骤对应日志中显示结果“Signed”,表示签名成功。
图形化构建 在配置构建步骤中,添加“Grunt构建”构建步骤,参考表1配置参数。 表1 Grunt构建参数说明 参数 说明 步骤显示名称 构建步骤的名称,可自定义修改。 支持中文、英文、数字、“-”、“_”、英文逗号、英文分号、英文冒号、“.”、“/”、圆括号(中英文)。 字符长度范围为1~128。 工具版本 根据用户实际开发环境的需要,选择对应的工具版本。 CodeArts Build支持的工具版本,可查看构建工具版本。若当前的工具版本不满足您的使用要求,您可以自定义构建环境。 命令 配置Grunt命令,一般使用系统默认生成的命令即可。如有特殊构建要求,可以在文本域中输入自定义的构建脚本。更多命令使用方法可参考Grunt官网。
代码化构建 参考以下代码示例,修改在创建代码化构建使用的YAML文件中的BUILD部分代码信息。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ersion: 2.0 # 必须是2.0 steps: BUILD: - grunt: inputs: command: |- npm config set registry #npm cache clean -f #npm audit fix --force npm install --verbose grunt npm run build 表2 代码示例参数说明 参数 类型 说明 command string 配置Grunt命令。更多命令使用方法可参考Grunt官网。
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