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are hard-coded or stored in plaintext, which has great security risks.
hard-coded or stored in plaintext, which has great security risks.
创建智能交互数字人(科大讯飞) 前提条件 创建技能 创建科大讯飞应用(AIUI通用语义模型) 创建科大讯飞应用(星火交互认知大模型) (可选)提升问答交互次数 创建智能交互数字人 父主题: 智能交互
__": # The AK and SK used for authentication are hard-coded or stored in plaintext, which has great security risks.
are hard-coded or stored in plaintext, which has great security risks.
hard-coded or stored in plaintext, which has great security risks.
are hard-coded or stored in plaintext, which has great security risks.
可他忍着剧痛,日复一日做手部康复训练, 在每一日的痛苦哀嚎背后,是他想要重回手术台,救助更多患者的决心。 只要有烟火,黑暗终究被驱散, 终于,他花了三年时间,在那条看不清未来的路上,找到了光。 这位心软的神,又来缝缝补补这个世界了!
hard-coded or stored in plaintext, which has great security risks.
__": # The AK and SK used for authentication are hard-coded or stored in plaintext, which has great security risks.
are hard-coded or stored in plaintext, which has great security risks.
hard-coded or stored in plaintext, which has great security risks.
are hard-coded or stored in plaintext, which has great security risks.
are hard-coded or stored in plaintext, which has great security risks.
表2 创建应用 参数 说明 第三方应用 配置说明如下所示: 科大讯飞平台应用的“自然语言模型”配置为“AIUI通用语义模型”时,如配置应用所示。请从下拉框中选择“科大讯飞AIUI通用语义模型”。 科大讯飞平台应用的“自然语言模型”配置为“星火交互认知大模型”时,如配置应用所示。
__": # The AK and SK used for authentication are hard-coded or stored in plaintext, which has great security risks.
are hard-coded or stored in plaintext, which has great security risks.
MSS.47010122 Internal RPC communication failure 内部错误,请刷新后重试。 MSS.47010124 AIUI configuration authentication failed AIUI配置鉴权失败,请联系管理员检查。
创建智能交互数字人 介绍如何在MetaStudio平台创建智能交互数字人,实现用户和数字人进行交互对话。相应的场景说明,请参考场景说明。 操作步骤 登录MetaStudio控制台,单击“智能交互”,如图1所示。 图1 MetaStudio控制台页面 在智能交互编辑页面,依次设置角色和背景
创建智能交互数字人 介绍如何在MetaStudio平台创建智能交互数字人,实现用户和数字人进行交互对话。相应的场景说明,请参考场景说明。 前提条件 已配置完成奇妙问,示例如创建智能交互数字人(奇妙问)所示。 操作步骤 登录MetaStudio控制台,单击“智能交互”,如图1所示。