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availabilityZoneId String 可用区ID。若资源不涉及此参数,则不返回该参数。 请求示例 无 响应示例 状态码: 200 表示获取资源配额成功。
ResizeFailed:规格变更异常,表示集群变更规格异常。 RollingBack:回滚中,表示集群正处于回滚过程中。 RollbackFailed:回滚异常,表示集群回滚异常。 Hibernating:休眠中,表示集群正处于休眠过程中。
authentication are hard-coded or stored in plaintext, which has great security risks.
都为默认值25%,那实际升级过程中,maxSurge允许最多3个Pod存在(向上取整,2*1.25=2.5,取整为3),而maxUnavailable则不允许有Pod Unavailable(向上取整,2*0.75=1.5,取整为2),也就是说在升级过程中,一直会有2个Pod处于运行状态
插件版本>=1.25.10时,支持关闭servfail缓存。如需关闭servfail缓存,请将configBlock设置为"servfail 0";否则servfail缓存的单位为s,不可省略。 errors 错误信息到标准输出。详情请参见errors。
containerNetworkSpec = new AutopilotContainerNetwork(); containerNetworkSpec.withMode(AutopilotContainerNetwork.ModeEnum.fromValue("
are hard-coded or stored in plaintext, which has great security risks.
are hard-coded or stored in plaintext, which has great security risks.
are hard-coded or stored in plaintext, which has great security risks.
are hard-coded or stored in plaintext, which has great security risks.
are hard-coded or stored in plaintext, which has great security risks.
__": # The AK and SK used for authentication are hard-coded or stored in plaintext, which has great security risks.
organization container 表示SWR中的组织名称,该组织名称可以根据实际需求进行选择。 git_repo https://github.com/xxx.git 表示代码存放的具体地址,即代码库地址。
在Kubernetes 1.27版本,移除EphemeralContainers特性门禁。对于Kubernetes v1.27,临时容器的API支持被无条件启用;EphemeralContainers特性门禁将被移除。
for authentication are hard-coded or stored in plaintext, which has great security risks.
mountOptions: - vers=3 - timeo=600 - nolock - hard persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy 是 仅支持Retain回收策略,详情请参见PV回收策略。
reason String 集群变为当前状态的原因,在集群在非“Available”状态下时,会返回此参数。 message String 集群变为当前状态的原因的详细信息,在集群在非“Available”状态下时,会返回此参数。
/region: <your_region> # 替换为云硬盘所在的区域 failure-domain.beta.kubernetes.io/zone: <your_zone> # 替换为云硬盘所在的可用区 spec: accessModes: -
__": # The AK and SK used for authentication are hard-coded or stored in plaintext, which has great security risks.