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egion分配任务。 HMaster通过ZooKeeper协调log splitting任务和有效的RegionServer,并追踪任务的发展。如果主HMaster在log splitting任务期间退出,新的主HMaster会尝试重发没有完成的任务,RegionServer从头启动log
return o1._1().split("[+]")[0].compareTo(o2._1().split("[+]")[0]); } }); return recordList
return o1._1().split("[+]")[0].compareTo(o2._1().split("[+]")[0]); } }); return recordList
DEST_PATH); return; } LOG.info("success to delete path " + DEST_PATH); } /** * * @param filePath * @return * @throws java.io
return o1._1().split("[+]")[0].compareTo(o2._1().split("[+]")[0]); } }); return recordList
return o1._1().split("[+]")[0].compareTo(o2._1().split("[+]")[0]); } }); return recordList
name = row.getString(3); Row returnRow = RowFactory.create(age, id, job, name); return returnRow; } } public class DataSchemaProviderExample
name = row.getString(3); Row returnRow = RowFactory.create(age, id, job, name); return returnRow; } } public class DataSchemaProviderExample
name = row.getString(3); Row returnRow = RowFactory.create(age, id, job, name); return returnRow; } } public class DataSchemaProviderExample
* Returns the valid segments for the query based on the filter condition * present in carbonScanRdd. * * @param carbonScanRdd * @return Array
SHOW functions; --使用LIKE子句 show functions like 'boo_%'; Function | Return Type | Argument Types | Function Type | Deterministic | Description
告警参数 参数名称 参数含义 来源 产生告警的集群或系统名称。 服务名 产生告警的服务名称。 角色名 产生告警的角色名称。 主机名 产生告警的主机名。 Trigger Condition 系统当前指标取值满足自定义的告警设置条件。 对系统的影响 证书文件即将过期,如果证书文件过期失效,对应模块功能受限,无法正常使用。
* Returns the valid segments for the query based on the filter condition * present in carbonScanRdd. * * @param carbonScanRdd * @return Array
name = row.getString(3); Row returnRow = RowFactory.create(age, id, job, name); return returnRow; } } public class DataSchemaProviderExample
public UserRecord map(String value) throws Exception { return getRecord(value); } }).assignTimestampsAndWatermarks(
public UserRecord map(String value) throws Exception { return getRecord(value); } }).assignTimestampsAndWatermarks(
public UserRecord map(String value) throws Exception { return getRecord(value); } }).assignTimestampsAndWatermarks(
Streaming对接Kafka0-10样例程序 Spark Structured Streaming样例程序 Spark Structured Streaming对接Kafka样例程序 Spark Structured Streaming状态操作样例程序 Spark同时访问两个HBase样例程序
Streaming对接Kafka0-10样例程序 Spark Structured Streaming样例程序 Spark Structured Streaming对接Kafka样例程序 Spark Structured Streaming状态操作样例程序 Spark同步HBase数据到CarbonData样例程序
public UserRecord map(String value) throws Exception { return getRecord(value); } }).assignTimestampsAndWatermarks(