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yum install iptables-services 回复“Y”,回显最后为“Complete”,即为安装完成。 编辑squid配置文件。 进入“代理主机-B”的命令行工具,执行以下命令: vim /etc/squid/squid.conf 在上图红框位置添加以下命令: acl
使用sudo权限执行:配置是否使用sudo权限部署该步骤。 在购买华为云弹性云主机时,因Arm架构的Euler系统无openjdk-11的yum源,建议选择Arm架构的CentOS 、Ubuntu 、Huawei Cloud EulerOS等。 若在部署过程中遇到问题,可参考该步骤的常见问题解决办法。
购买并授权使用CodeArts Deploy 前提条件 已注册华为账号并开通华为云。 购买须知 在CodeArts支持的区域内,各区域独立开通购买、独立计费。 您可以开通/购买软件开发生产线服务组合套餐,体验一站式、全流程、安全可信的软件开发生产线。 添加成员并授权成员角色 部署
Administrator”。 单击页面下方的“确定”,委托关系创建成功。 委托生效 在目录树左侧选择“服务列表 > 弹性云服务器”,如下图所示。 单击要启用AOM监控的弹性云服务器名称,进入弹性云服务器参数配置页面,例如下图所示。搜索框默认按照名称搜索、过滤。 单击需要委托的委托名称ID,例如下图所示。
内存限制配额:容器能使用的内存最大值。当内存使用率超出设置的内存限制值时,该实例可能会被重启进而影响工作负载的正常使用。 高级设置 可配置目标工作负载的访问配置、环境变量、数据存储、生命周期、容器日志、健康检查、性能管理配置等。 控制选项 当前步骤部署失败后,应用是否继续部署后续的步骤。 父主题: 配置CodeArts
\"usr/local/python/Python-3.5.4.tgz\". Make sure the required command to extract the file is installed. Command \"/usr/bin/unzip\" could not handle archive. Command
\"usr/local/python/Python-3.5.4.tgz\". Make sure the required command to extract the file is installed. Command \"/usr/bin/unzip\" could not handle archive. Command
\"usr/local/python/Python-3.5.4.tgz\". Make sure the required command to extract the file is installed. Command \"/usr/bin/unzip\" could not handle archive. Command
\"usr/local/python/Python-3.5.4.tgz\". Make sure the required command to extract the file is installed. Command \"/usr/bin/unzip\" could not handle archive. Command
\"usr/local/python/Python-3.5.4.tgz\". Make sure the required command to extract the file is installed. Command \"/usr/bin/unzip\" could not handle archive. Command
\"usr/local/python/Python-3.5.4.tgz\". Make sure the required command to extract the file is installed. Command \"/usr/bin/unzip\" could not handle archive. Command
\"usr/local/python/Python-3.5.4.tgz\". Make sure the required command to extract the file is installed. Command \"/usr/bin/unzip\" could not handle archive. Command
\"usr/local/python/Python-3.5.4.tgz\". Make sure the required command to extract the file is installed. Command \"/usr/bin/unzip\" could not handle archive. Command
\"usr/local/python/Python-3.5.4.tgz\". Make sure the required command to extract the file is installed. Command \"/usr/bin/unzip\" could not handle archive. Command
\"usr/local/python/Python-3.5.4.tgz\". Make sure the required command to extract the file is installed. Command \"/usr/bin/unzip\" could not handle archive. Command
\"usr/local/python/Python-3.5.4.tgz\". Make sure the required command to extract the file is installed. Command \"/usr/bin/unzip\" could not handle archive. Command
\"usr/local/python/Python-3.5.4.tgz\". Make sure the required command to extract the file is installed. Command \"/usr/bin/unzip\" could not handle archive. Command
\"usr/local/python/Python-3.5.4.tgz\". Make sure the required command to extract the file is installed. Command \"/usr/bin/unzip\" could not handle archive. Command
\"usr/local/python/Python-3.5.4.tgz\". Make sure the required command to extract the file is installed. Command \"/usr/bin/unzip\" could not handle archive. Command
\"usr/local/python/Python-3.5.4.tgz\". Make sure the required command to extract the file is installed. Command \"/usr/bin/unzip\" could not handle archive. Command