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WAITING:等待 PROCESSING:处理中 SUCCEED:成功 FAILED:失败 start_time String 任务开始时间,格式遵循:RFC 3339。 例 “2020-07-30T10:43:17Z”。
WAITING:等待 PROCESSING:处理中 SUCCEED:成功 FAILED:失败 CANCELED:取消 error_info ErrorResponse object 错误信息。 create_time String 任务创建时间。
WAITING_DELETE:资产将被下线 asset_type String 资产类型。
__": # The AK and SK used for authentication are hard-coded or stored in plaintext, which has great security risks.
帮用户快速打造 01:32 华为云3D写实数字人能力展示 华为云首个数字员工云笙 主持华为云拉美Compass峰会 00:27 华为云首个数字员工云笙 台铃数字代言人AiLing 电动车科技创新与品牌升级 01:08 台铃数字代言人AiLing 十四届冬运动会数字人 3D数字人蒙古彩娃安达与赛努亮相
说明: 0:科大讯飞AIUI;1:华为云CBS;2:科大讯飞星火交互认知大模型;5:第三方驱动;6:第三方语言模型;8:奇妙问 取值范围: 0-32 app_key String 应用的AccessKey或帐号。
二零二三年八月十五日,著名学术期刊《科学通报》刊发了最新研究成果, 中国科学家实现了从二氧化碳到糖的精准合成,人工合成糖迈出关键一步。 八月十五日,自然资源部发布《中国生态保护红线蓝皮书》, 这是我国首次以蓝皮书形式发布的生态保护红线成果。
__": # The AK and SK used for authentication are hard-coded or stored in plaintext, which has great security risks.
__": # The AK and SK used for authentication are hard-coded or stored in plaintext, which has great security risks.
WAITING: 等待 PROCESSING: 处理中 SUCCEED: 成功 FAILED: 失败 CANCELED: 取消 BLOCK: 冻结 start_time String 数字人名片制作开始时间。 end_time String 数字人名片制作结束时间。
or stored in plaintext, which has great security risks.
are hard-coded or stored in plaintext, which has great security risks.
hard-coded or stored in plaintext, which has great security risks.
are hard-coded or stored in plaintext, which has great security risks.
are hard-coded or stored in plaintext, which has great security risks.
are hard-coded or stored in plaintext, which has great security risks.
WAITING,PROCESSING,SUCCESS,FAILED,CANCELED对应直播任务状态 NULL 对应没有直播任务 可多个状态查询,使用英文逗号分隔。 start_time 否 String 最近直播任务起始时间。
__": # The AK and SK used for authentication are hard-coded or stored in plaintext, which has great security risks.
are hard-coded or stored in plaintext, which has great security risks.
are hard-coded or stored in plaintext, which has great security risks.