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DELETING_NODE: Delete a node. DELETE_NODE_FAILED: Failed to delete the node. REDISTRIBUTING REDISTRIBUTE_FAILURE: Redistribution failed. WAITING_REDISTRIBUTION: Waiting to be redistributed REDISTRIBUTION_PAUSED: Redistribution is paused. ELB_BINDING: ELB is being bound.
If you call it, the following message is displayed: "ERROR: For security purposes, it is not allowed to manually delete audit logs." create_audit_csv_foregion_table() Description: Creates a partitioned foreign table for reading audit logs.
If you call it, the following message is displayed: "ERROR: For security purposes, it is not allowed to manually delete audit logs." create_audit_csv_foregion_table() Description: Creates a partitioned foreign table for reading audit logs.
Return type: timestamptz pg_stat_set_last_data_changed_time(oid) Description: Manually changes the time when INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or EXCHANGE/TRUNCATE/DROP PARTITION was performed last time.
Return type: timestamptz pg_stat_set_last_data_changed_time(oid) Description: Manually changes the time when INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or EXCHANGE/TRUNCATE/DROP PARTITION was performed last time.
You must export data before you delete clusters. HDFS is recommended for computing-intensive scenarios. The hybrid data warehouse (standalone) does not support HDFS foreign tables. The real-time data warehouse (standalone) 8.2.0 and later versions support OBS foreign tables.
If you delete these values from the postgresql.conf file, the server will inherit the settings from its execution environment.
DML operations Whether to record INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE operations on tables. This parameter is disabled by default. NOTE: and later versions support fine-grained splitting of audit items, and the COPY and MERGE options are added.
Add or delete CN nodes. Add nodes. Add disk capacity. If the yearly/monthly GaussDB(DWS) is not renewed after the grace period ends, its status turns to Frozen and it enters a retention period. You cannot perform any operations on the ECS while it is in the retention period.
Enabling this parameter for a session with temporary tables will delete the temporary table data on DNs and prevent further actions on those tables. comm_max_receiver Parameter description: Specifies the number of internal receiving threads of the communication library.
Enabling this parameter for a session with temporary tables will delete the temporary table data on DNs and prevent further actions on those tables. comm_max_receiver Parameter description: Specifies the number of internal receiving threads of the communication library.
If this parameter is set to true or on, the GDS process will automatically delete a named pipe file. If this parameter is set to false or off, the GDS process will not delete a named pipe file. When setting del_pipe, set file_type to pipe.
You must export data before you delete clusters. HDFS is recommended for computing-intensive scenarios. The hybrid data warehouse (standalone) does not support HDFS foreign tables. The real-time data warehouse (standalone) 8.2.0 and later versions support OBS foreign tables.
for automatic database update (batch size) 5000 autoFlushMaxInterval Maximum interval for automatic database update (duration for forming a batch). 5s copyWriteBatchSize When writeMode is set to auto, the batch size in the COPY method is used. 5000 ignoreDelete Whether to ignore delete
-c, --clean Runs SQL statements to delete databases before rebuilding them. Statements for dumping roles and tablespaces are added. -g, --globals-only Dumps only global objects (roles and tablespaces) but no databases.
You can also add, delete, or modify security group rules in the current security group. Changing the security group of a cluster may cause brief service disruption. Exercise caution when performing this operation.
Notes: Simple query jobs (which are estimated to require less than 32 MB memory) and non-DML statements (statements other than INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, and SELECT) have no adaptive load restrictions.
Notes: Simple query jobs (which are estimated to require less than 32 MB memory) and non-DML statements (statements other than INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, and SELECT) have no adaptive load restrictions.
Persistently stores UPDATE, DELETE, and INSERT information. It is used to restore the memory structure that manages concurrent updates, such as the memory update chain, in the case of a fault.
This feature helps users periodically delete obsolete data. For partition boundaries If the period unit is hour, the start boundary value is the coming hour, and the partition interval is the value of period.