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Then run osmt remove to delete the backup files when appropriate. Once deleted, the update cannot be rolled back. Based on the requirements of security regulations, the chronyd service will be disabled after Huawei Cloud EulerOS is upgraded from 2.0.2206 to a new version.
After installing the required openEuler packages, delete the openEuler.repo file and restore the repository file deleted in step 2.
(Optional) Delete backup files. After verifying the OS functions, run osmt remove to delete the backup files. The operation of deleting backup files cannot be undone. Ensure that no exception occurs after the upgrade before you run osmt remove.
Procedure Open the configuration file /boot/grub2/grub.cfg and delete selinux=0. Run the touch /.autorelabel command. The /.autorelabel file triggers the OS to relabel all files on the disk during startup. This process may take several minutes.
Edit the label. docker tag hello-world:latest hello-world:v1 View existing images. docker images Forcibly delete an image. docker rmi -f hello-world:v1 Manage containers.
If the Python symbolic link exists but is not linked to Python 3.0, run the following command to delete the original link and then go to 4.b.iii.
If you have installed the BiSheng compiler but want to use the native Clang-compiled language, run rpm -e bisheng-compiler to delete the BiSheng compiler, and then open a new terminal to use the native Clang-compiled language.
(Optional) Delete unnecessary RPM packages. The following two RPM packages are not used during the migration and do not affect how the system runs. You can just delete them. Run the reboot command to restart the OS.
In the actual environment, delete the logs in the configuration file. Verify Django.
If .osbak already exists, run the osmt remove command to delete it first. backup_dir: the directories that need to be backed up.
Details The kernel provides list_add and list_del to check the validity of the linked list and to add or delete an entry from the linked list if it is valid. If the linked list is invalid, a list corruption error is reported. The kernel source code is lib/list_debug.c.
The method of modifying the configuration file is as follows: ######################################################################## # # HowTo: # # delete key, and difference caused by blankspace/tab on key is ignored # id@d@file@key # # # modify option: find line