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print $1}'` kubectl delete ClusterRoleBinding -n istio-system `kubectl get ClusterRoleBinding -n istio-system | grep istio | awk '{print $1}'` kubectl delete job -n istio-system `kubectl get job -n istio-system | grep istio | awk '{print $1}'` kubectl delete crd -n istio-system `kubectl
If no workload of a pod is found by the pod name, you need to delete residual ReplicaSets.
Solution Delete the residual istio-system namespaces and install the mesh again. Parent topic: Service Mesh Cluster
Then, choose Cluster > Nodes to delete the nodes. Parent topic: Mesh Management
VirtualService: kubectl create -f tomcat-route-default.yaml kubectl create -f tomcat-default-gateway.yaml Run the kubectl -n{namespace} get vs command to obtain the VirtualService of the service and run the kubectl -n{namespace} edit vs tomcat-route command to modify it as follows: Delete
You need to delete the old ReplicaSets. kubectl delete replicaset {replicaSetName} -n {namespace} Parent topic: Fixing Items Manually
HTTP Header You can flexibly add, modify, and delete specified HTTP headers to manage request contents in non-intrusive mode. On the HTTP Header tab, click Configure now. In the displayed dialog box, set the parameters listed in the tables below.
In the navigation pane on the left, choose Resources > Networking, select the target Service, click More > Edit YAML, view its spec.selector, and delete the version label. Parent topic: Fixing Items Automatically
If there are resources to be discarded in the current version, delete them before the upgrade. Failed to check Istio gateway labels before the upgrade.
You can view the release task name, release result, service, and release time, and delete a terminated task. Parent topic: Grayscale Release
Click the Permissions tab and delete all permissions. Click Authorize, search for and select the CCE Administrator policy, and click Next. Set Scope to Region-specific projects, select the region where the ASM service is to be used, and click OK.
Click OK to end the task, bring the original version offline, and delete the task. Figure 14 Ending the grayscale release task Bringing a version offline will delete all its workloads and Istio configuration resources.
If your service mesh is no longer used, you can delete it to avoid additional costs. To help make sure your account never falls into arrears, you can enable Balance Alert on the Overview page of Billing Center.
Uninstalling a service mesh will delete the labels of the Istio exclusive nodes, but the Istio-master node will not be automatically deleted. You can delete it on the CCE console. To view node information, log in to the CCE console and choose Resource Management > Nodes.
Stopping Billing If you no longer need to use your service mesh, you can unsubscribe from or delete it to stop billing. For details, see Billing Termination.
Billing Termination If you no longer need a service mesh, you can delete it to stop billing as follows: Yearly/Monthly: Unsubscribe from the service mesh. Pay-per-use or free: Uninstall the service mesh.