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DML statements are recorded, including: the execution of SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE the execution of EXPLAIN ANALYZE and EXPLAIN PERFORMANCE the use of the query-level or perf-level views The entry statements for invoking functions and stored procedures are recorded.
Table 2 Description of privileges Parameter Description r SELECT (read) w UPDATE (write) a INSERT (insert) d DELETE D TRUNCATE x REFERENCES t TRIGGER X EXECUTE U USAGE C CREATE c CONNECT T TEMPORARY A ANALYZE|ANALYSE L ALTER P DROP v VACUUM arwdDxtA, vLP ALL PRIVILEGES (used for tables
DML statements are recorded, including: the execution of SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE the execution of EXPLAIN ANALYZE and EXPLAIN PERFORMANCE the use of the query-level or perf-level views The entry statements for invoking functions and stored procedures are recorded.
DELETING_NODE: Delete a node. DELETE_NODE_FAILED: Failed to delete the node. REDISTRIBUTING REDISTRIBUTE_FAILURE: The redistribution failed. WAITING_REDISTRIBUTION: Waiting to be redistributed REDISTRIBUTION_PAUSED: Redistribution is paused. ELB_BINDING: ELB is being bound.
If an existing object references to an object in another schema, you need to manually delete the referenced object first. gs_restore backup/MPPDB_backup.dmp -p 8000 -d gaussdb -e -c -n PUBLIC gs_restore: [archiver (db)] Error while PROCESSING TOC: gs_restore: [archiver (db)] Error
Delete 14 ALTER TABLEPartitioned tableexchange with unloggTable Forbid partitioned table exchange with unlogged tables. 15 Inheritance can be modified using ALTER TABLE ... inherit. The optimizer is not adapted to table inheritance.
During data redistribution, you can perform insert, update, and delete operations on tables, but data updates may still be blocked for a short period of time. Redistribution consumes large quantities of CPU and I/O resources, significantly impacting job performance.
Solution: Delete GTM/CM on the scale-out node. GAUSS-51216 : "The capacity expansion node [%s] must contain CN or DN." SQLSTATE: None Description: The node to be added to the cluster for scale-out does not have any CN or DN. Solution: Add CNs or DNs on the scaling node.
Delete the foreign table for interconnection. DROP FOREIGN TABLE ft_tbl; Parent topic: Importing Data
Template Create, edit, or delete the abbreviation template. Format Sets the tab width and whether to convert tabs to spaces while performing indenting and un-indenting operation. Transaction Whether the automatic commit function is enabled.
Materialized views do not allow INSERT, UPDATE, MERGE INTO, or DELETE operations. The result of each query to the materialized view saved to ensure that the query results are the same each time.
For security purposes, you are advised to delete sensitive information before clicking Save and enter the required username and password again when using ODBC APIs to connect to the database. Enable the SSL mode.
For security purposes, you are advised to delete sensitive information before clicking Save and enter the required username and password again when using ODBC APIs to connect to the database. Enable the SSL mode.
If an error occurs during table creation, after it is fixed, the system may fail to delete the empty disk files created before the last automatic clearance. This problem seldom occurs.
In this way, when any two of the DELTAMERGE, UPDATE, and DELETE operations are concurrently performed, an operation can be performed only after the previous one is complete.
Replicated tables support UPDATE, DELETE, and MERGE INTO operations. MERGE INTO UPDATE UPSERT Fine-grained permission management Added the ALTER, DROP and VACUUM permissions at table level. Added the ALTER and DROP permissions at schema level.
Simple query jobs (which are estimated to require less than 32 MB memory) and non-DML statements (statements other than INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, and SELECT) have no adaptive load restrictions. Control the upper memory limits for them on a single CN using max_active_statements.
DBMS_LOB.FREETEMPORARY is used to delete the temporary LOB and its index.
Do not put too many files under a data directory, and delete expired files in a timely manner. Properly plan the character set of the target database. You are advised to use UTF8 instead of the SQL_ASCII characters which can easily incur mixed encoding.
Persistently stores UPDATE, DELETE, and INSERT information. It is used to restore the memory structure that manages concurrent updates, such as the memory update chain, in the case of a fault.