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The image owner can view, stop sharing, or delete the image at any time. After the shared image is deleted, you will be unable to use it to create a new ECS or change the OS of an existing ECS.
After the image is created, delete the temporary ECS to avoid generating any additional charges. For details, see Creating a System Disk Image from a Windows ECS. Constraints An ISO image created from an ISO file is used only for creating a temporary ECS.
The following is an example deny policy: { "Version": "1.1", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Deny", "Action": [ "ims:images:delete" ] } ] } Parent topic: Permissions Management
Delete invalid paths from the default configuration. Otherwise, a checksum error will occur. Change the value of gpgcheck to 0, indicating that the check is not performed. Change the value of enabled to 1 for the configurations to take effect.
Do not delete or modify any of them. Otherwise, basic functions of your ECSs or BMSs will be affected. Table 2 Supported software Software Description Cloud-Init or Cloudbase-Init Cloud-Init or Cloudbase-Init is an open-source cloud initialization tool.
Figure 1 Remote login Perform the following operations on the ECS: Delete sensitive data from the ECS to prevent data leaks. Check the network configuration of the ECS and ensure that DHCP is configured for the ECS NICs. Enable remote desktop connection if needed.
Exporting Image List Deleting images You can delete images that will be no longer used. Deleting an image does not affect the ECSs created from that image. Deleting Images
/config -d shared --prefix=/tmp/openssl (custom installation directory) make make install cp /tmp/openssl/lib/libcrypto.so.1.0.0 /usr/lib64/libcrypto.so.10 Delete the /usr/lib64/libcrypto.so.10 file if you do not need it any longer.
hard nofile 65535 /etc/security/limits.d/huawei-nofile.conf Involved images: CentOS 7 public images from 2018-09-25 to 2019-09-29 CentOS 6 public images from 2018-09-25 to 2019-10-10 Ubuntu, openSUSE 15.0, Debian, and Fedora 29 public images from 2018-09-28 to 2019-10-15 Solutions: Delete
Launched regions: all Converting the Image Format Using qemu-img Converting the Image Format Using qemu-img-hw Deleting a Private Image You can delete images that are no longer used. Deleting an image does not affect the ECSs or EVS disks created from the image.
For example, to convert a CentOS 6.9 image file from VHD to QCOW2, run the following command: qemu-img convert -p -f vpc -O qcow2 centos6.9.vhd centos6.9.qcow2 If an error occurs, delete -f vpc. Then, qemu-img can identify the correct image format. Windows Install qemu-img.
You can add or delete extension attributes. value Yes String Specifies the new value of the attribute. For detailed description, see Image Attributes.