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You can run ALTER TABLE DROP PARTITION to delete any partition from a range partitioned table or list partitioned table. For example, delete the partition date_202005 from the range partitioned table range_sales by specifying the partition name and update the global index.
statements (unit: μs). max_delete_elapse bigint Maximum response time of DELETE statements (unit: μs). min_delete_elapse bigint Minimum response time of DELETE statements (unit: μs). avg_delete_elapse bigint Average response time of DELETE statements (unit: μs).
WHERE id1=OLD.id1; RETURN OLD; END $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- Create a DELETE trigger. gaussdb=# CREATE TRIGGER delete_trigger BEFORE DELETE ON test_trigger_src_tbl FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE tri_delete_func(); -- Execute the DELETE event
GaussDB does not delete or perform any operations on any user data. If this problem occurs, check whether there have been any misoperations and restore the data from backup files, if necessary.
DBE_SQL_UTIL.drop_sql_patch drop_sql_patch is a function used to delete SQL patches. It returns whether the execution is successful, as described in Table 1. Only the initial user, sysadmin, opradmin, and monadmin have the permission to call this API.
The differences between TRUNCATE, DELETE, and DROP are as follows: TRUNCATE TABLE deletes content, releases space, but does not delete definitions. DELETE TABLE deletes content, but does not delete definitions nor release space.
Precautions To delete a type conversion, you must have permissions on the source or destination data type. This is the same permission as creating a type conversion.
statements (unit: μs). max_delete_elapse bigint Maximum response time of DELETE statements (unit: μs). min_delete_elapse bigint Minimum response time of DELETE statements (unit: μs). avg_delete_elapse bigint Average response time of DELETE statements (unit: μs).
The differences between TRUNCATE, DELETE, and DROP are as follows: TRUNCATE TABLE deletes content, releases space, but does not delete definitions. DELETE TABLE deletes content, but does not delete definitions nor release space.
For example, delete the partition date_202005 from the level-2 partitioned table range_list_sales by specifying the partition name and update the global index.
For example, delete the partition date_202005 from the level-2 partitioned table range_list_sales by specifying the partition name and update the global index.
RESTRICT: refuses to delete the data source if any objects depend on it. This is the default action. Currently, no objects depend on data sources. Therefore, CASCADE is equivalent to RESTRICT, and they are reserved to ensure backward compatibility.
RESTRICT: refuses to delete the data source if any objects depend on it. This is the default action. Currently, no objects depend on data sources. Therefore, CASCADE is equivalent to RESTRICT, and they are reserved to ensure backward compatibility.
The differences between TRUNCATE, DELETE, and DROP are as follows: TRUNCATE TABLE deletes content and releases space, but does not delete definitions. DELETE TABLE deletes content, but does not delete definitions nor release space.
Precautions To delete a type conversion, you must have a source or destination data type. This is the same permission as creating a type conversion.
Precautions Only the table owner or administrators can delete a row-level access control policy from the table.
You can call DBE_PROFILER.PL_CLEAR_PROFILING to delete one piece of data or all data stored in the system catalog after profiling.
On the Instances page, click the name of the instance for which you want to delete CNs. In the DB Information area of the Basic Information page, delete CNs. Click Delete next to Coordinator Nodes. Select the coordinator nodes to be deleted. Figure 1 Deleting CNs Click Next.
The differences between TRUNCATE, DELETE, and DROP are as follows: TRUNCATE TABLE deletes content, releases space, but does not delete definitions. DELETE TABLE deletes content, but does not delete definitions nor release space.
DROP SECURITY LABEL Description DROP SECURITY LABEL is used to delete security labels from the current database. Precautions An initial user, a user with the SYSADMIN permission, or a user who inherits permissions of the built-in role gs_role_seclabel can delete security labels.