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If it needs to be updated, please delete private provider version and rebuild it. function_graph_urn Yes String Uniform resource identifier for FunctionGraph methods, it can be used to uniquely identify FunctionGraph methods.
Deleting a stack instance will delete related stacks and all resources managed by the stacks. You can obtain the stack set operation status by calling the ShowStackSetOperationMetadata API based on the stack set operation ID (stack_set_operation_id).
If it needs to be updated, please delete private hook version and rebuild it. configuration No configuration object Private hook configuration.
If you want to update the permission model, you can delete and then create a stack set with the same name. * SERVICE_MANAGED: Based on the Organization service, RFS will automatically create all IAM agency required when deploying organization member accounts.
DELETE_STACK_INSTANCES: Delete a stack instance. DEPLOY_STACK_SET: Deploy a stack set. DEPLOY_STACK_INSTANCES: Deploy a stack instance. administration_agency_name String Administration agency names.
DELETE_STACK_INSTANCES: Delete a stack instance. DEPLOY_STACK_SET: Deploy a stack set. DEPLOY_STACK_INSTANCES: Deploy a stack instance. status String The stack set operation status can be: QUEUE_IN_PROGRESS: The operation is in queue.
You can use stack sets to create, update, or delete stack instances to deploy target stacks. OBT -- October 2023 No.
DELETION_FAILED: Delete resource failed. DELETION_COMPLETE: Resource deleted. UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS: The resource is being updated. The update is not a replacement. In the case of a replacement update, a replacement resource is created and then the old resource is deleted.
DELETION_FAILED: Delete event failed. DELETION_COMPLETE: Event deleted. UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS: The event is being updated. The update is not a replacement. In the case of a replacement update, a replacement event is created and then the old event is deleted.
If you want to update the permission model, you can delete and then create a stack set with the same name. * SERVICE_MANAGED: Based on the Organization service, RFS will automatically create all IAM agency required when deploying organization member accounts.
If it needs to be updated, please delete private provider version and rebuild it. function_graph_urn No String Uniform resource identifier for FunctionGraph methods, it can be used to uniquely identify FunctionGraph methods.
DELETE: deletes a resource. DELETE_THEN_ADD: deletes the old resource and then creates a new one. It is returned by resources those cannot be updated. UPDATE: updates a resource. NO_OPERATION: only changes the dependencies of a resource.
* To deploy or delete resource stack instances (including DeployStackSet, UpdateStackInstances, DeleteStackInstances API) , only OU IDs that have been managed by the resource stack set are allowed to be specified.
* To deploy or delete resource stack instances (including DeployStackSet, UpdateStackInstances, DeleteStackInstances API) , only OU IDs that have been managed by the resource stack set are allowed to be specified.
* To deploy or delete resource stack instances (including DeployStackSet, UpdateStackInstances, DeleteStackInstances API) , only OU IDs that have been managed by the resource stack set are allowed to be specified.