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If you want your global internet gateway to work in another subnet, delete it and create another global internet gateway. Procedure Go to the global internet gateway list page. In the global internet gateway list, search for or locate the target global internet gateway.
Response Code Type Description 200 OK Specifies the normal response code for the GET, PUT, and POST operations. 201 Created Specifies the normal response code for the POST operation of the OpenStack Neutron API and API V3. 204 No Content Specifies the normal response code for the DELETE
You can assign, modify, delete a shared bandwidth, add EIPs to a shared bandwidth, and remove EIPs from a shared bandwidth. For details, see Shared Bandwidth Overview. Shared Data Package A shared data package provides a quota for data usage.
DELETE Requests the server to delete specified resources, for example, an object. HEAD Same as GET except that the server must return only the response header. PATCH Requests the server to update partial content of a specified resource.
If a bandwidth is no longer required, delete it in a timely manner to avoid unnecessary fees. Bandwidth Mandatory Select the bandwidth, in Mbit/s. Bandwidth Name Mandatory Enter the name of the bandwidth. The name: Must contain 1 to 64 characters.
Searching for Resources from Bills and Stopping Billing To ensure that all related resources are deleted, you can search the billing records by resource ID, and then delete the resources you identify in this way.
You can assign, modify, delete a shared bandwidth, and add or remove EIPs to or from a shared bandwidth. Supported Regions: All regions Assigning a Shared Bandwidth Adding EIPs to a Shared Bandwidth Shared Data Package Shared data package provides a quota for data usage.
For example, some software developers in your enterprise need to use EIP resources but should not be allowed to delete them or perform any high-risk operations.
This parameter is mandatory when you query, update, or delete a floating IP address. Request Message Table 2 Request parameter Parameter Type Mandatory Description floatingip floatingip object Yes Specifies the floating IP address list. For details, see Table 3.
Delete the shared bandwidth that is no longer required or contact technical support. Adding an EIP to or removing an EIP from a shared bandwidth 400 VPC.0301 Invalid publicip_id Invalid EIP.