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Enter the name of the IAM agency created by the delegator. N/A Delegator Account Name This parameter is required when Log Source Account is set to Other. Enter the account name of the delegator. N/A Whether to Enable Transfer Whether log transfer is enabled.
Ensure that the project ID in the URI is the same as that in the token. 401 LTS.0003 Incorrect IAM authentication information: decrypt token fail Invalid token. Obtain a token again. 401 LTS.0023 Current user is suspended or restricted or unverified.
Enter the name of the IAM agency created by the delegator. - Delegator Account Name This parameter is required when Log Source Account is set to Other. Enter the account name of the delegator. - Enable Transfer Enabled by default.
For details, see Granting LTS Permissions to IAM Users. This section uses a Linux ECS as an example. Prepare an ECS for log collection. For details, see Purchasing an ECS. If you already have an available ECS, skip this step.
Check whether the authentication information has expired. { "error_msg" : "Incorrect IAM authentication information: decrypt token fail", "error_code" : "APIGW.0301", "request_id" : "b16cc9d789f34cd5196d8df065341788" } Status code: 500 The service backend has received the request