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IAM User Permissions With IAM, you can grant fine-grained permissions to IAM users under your account by configuring permission policies. The following table lists the permissions that are required for IAM users to use different MgC functions.
How Do I Assign the Permissions Required for Using MgC to IAM Users? You can assign the required permissions to an IAM user by referring to Creating a User and Granting MgC Permissions or MgC Custom Policies. Parent topic: Product Consultation
Possible Causes The login account does not have the IAM ReadOnly permission. Solution Assign the IAM ReadOnly permission to your account. For details, see Assigning Permissions to an IAM User. Parent topic: Product Consultation
Ask the administrator to grant the corresponding system-defined MgC permissions and the iam:agencies:createAgency, iam:permissions:grantRoleToAgency, and iam:roles:updateRole permissions on the IAM console. Sign in and verify permissions.
Making Preparations Preparing a Huawei Account Before using MgC, prepare a HUAWEI ID or an IAM user that can access MgC and obtain an AK/SK pair for the account or IAM user. For details about how to obtain an access key, see Preparations.
If your account does not require individual IAM users for permissions management, you can skip this section. IAM is a free service. You only pay for the resources in your account. For more information about IAM, see IAM Service Overview.
If you need to access MgC as an IAM user, configure MgC permissions for the IAM user. Obtain an AK/SK pair for the account or IAM user you use to access MgC. Parent topic: Product Consultation
Making Preparations To ensure a smooth migration, you need to complete the following preparations: Preparing a Huawei Account Before using MgC, prepare a Huawei ID or an IAM user that can access MgC and obtain an access key (AK/SK) of the account or IAM user.
Creating an IAM User You can use your account to create IAM users to ensure the security of accounts and resources. For more information about IAM users, see Creating an IAM User. This section describes how to create an IAM user with permissions to access MgC.
Preparing a Huawei Account Before using MgC, prepare a HUAWEI ID or an IAM user that can access MgC and obtain an AK/SK pair for the account or IAM user. For details, see Making Preparations.
For details, see Creating Access Keys for the Root User or Managing Access Keys for IAM Users.
Product Consultation How Do I Assign the Permissions Required for Using MgC to IAM Users? How Do I Prepare for Using MgC? How Do I Fix the Error "Failed to access IAM. Check the current user's IAM permissions"? Why Can't I Sign the Privacy Statement and Use MgC?
IAM IAM provides the following functions: User authentication Permissions management Permission delegation IoT Device Access (IoTDA) IoTDA enables secure, real-time bidirectional communication between MgC and Edge.
With IAM, you can: Create IAM users for employees based on the organizational structure of your enterprise. Each IAM user has their own security credentials for accessing MgC resources.
Permissions Management Creating a User and Granting MgC Permissions MgC Custom Policies Agency Permissions IAM User Permissions
Preparations Preparing a Huawei account Before using MgC, prepare a HUAWEI ID or an IAM user that can access MgC. For details about how to register a HUAWEI ID and create an IAM user, see Preparations.
Preparations Preparing a Huawei account Before using MgC, you need to prepare a HUAWEI ID or an IAM user that can access MgC. For details about how to register a HUAWEI ID and create an IAM user, see Preparations.
} ] } Allowing users to perform TCO analysis and server assessment { "Version": "1.1", "Statement": [ { "Action": [ "mgc:*:query*", "mgc:*:discovery", "mgc:*:assess", "iam
If an IAM user is used for migration, the IAM user must have the read and write permissions for the target bucket. For details, see Granting an IAM User the Read/Write Permissions for a Bucket.
In the navigation pane on the left, choose Access control (IAM). On the Check access tab page, click Add role assignment. Select Reader and click Next. Click Select members.