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public static void main(String[] args) { // The AK and SK used for authentication are hard-coded or stored in plaintext, which has great
千字节/秒(kB/s) 磁盘写入速率(aom_container_disk_write_kilobytes) 该指标用于统计每秒写入磁盘的数据量。 ≥0 千字节/秒(kB/s) 文件系统可用(aom_container_filesystem_available_capacity_megabytes)
"error_code" : "AOM.0403", "error_msg" : "auth failed.", "error_type" : "AUTH_FAILED", "trace_id" : null } 状态码: 403 Forbidden 请求被拒绝访 2 tasks running, please wait... 2 tasks running, please wait... 2 tasks running, please wait... End of install agent:
"error_code" : "SVCSTG.AMS.2000051", "error_msg" : "auth failed.", "error_type" : "AUTH_FAILED" } 状态码: 403 Forbidden 请求被拒绝访问。返回该状态码,表明请求能够到达服务端,
≥0 无 ai_cpu_rate ai_cpu_rate AI cpu占用率 昇腾AI加速卡的AI CPU使用率,由用户调用edgecore接口上报。 0~100 百分比(%) ai_core_rate ai_core_rate AI core占用率 昇腾AI加速卡的AI Core
"error_code" : "AOM.0403", "error_msg" : "auth failed.", "error_type" : "AUTH_FAILED", "trace_id" : null } 状态码: 403 Forbidden 请求被拒绝访
labels: k8s-app: memcached-exporter # 根据业务需要调整 spec: containers: - env: - name: Memcached_Url valueFrom:
根据业务需要调整成对应的名称,建议加上Kafka实例的信息, 如 ckafka-2vrgx9fd-kafka-exporter spec: containers: - args: - --kafka.server= # 对应Kafka实例的地址信息
触发频率的类型: “FIXED_RATE”:固定间隔 “HOURLY”:每小时 “DAILY”:每天 “WEEKLY”:每周 “CRON”:Cron表达式 枚举值: FIXED_RATE HOURLY DAILY WEEKLY CRON promql_for 否 String Prometheus原生监控时长。
"error_code" : "SVCSTG.AMS.2000051", "error_msg" : "auth failed.", "error_type" : "AUTH_FAILED" } 状态码: 403 Forbidden 请求被拒绝访问。返回该状态码,表明请求能够到达服务端,
统计当前实例/资源空间下命令成功数 ≥0 次 iotda_command_failedCount 命令失败数 统计当前实例/资源空间下命令失败数 ≥0 次 流控数据 iotda_flowcontrol_north_failedCount API调用流控失败数 统计当前实例下调用API流控失败次数
_cn": "FailedScheduling", "alarm_probableCause_en_us": "FailedScheduling", "message": "0/110 nodes are available: 1 node(s)
{Site domain name suffix}/v1/{project_id}/api/v1/read' Remote Read地址的参数说明如下: region_name:指定承载REST服务端点的服务器域名或IP,不同服务不同区域的名称不同。 Site domain name suffix
最大值:9999999999999 status 否 String 任务的状态 ["success","fail","executing","cancel","waitExecute","waitApproval","approvalFailed","pausing","canceling"] 最小长度:1 最大长度:16
"2024-05-21T09:03:41.000000", "domain_id": "d78cbac1..........", "xdomain_id": "30086000........", "xdomain_type": "", "default_project_id":
envoy_cluster_circuit_breakers_default_remaining_cx 连接断路器的剩余连接数 断路器达到并发限制之前的剩余连接数。 ≥0 个 envoy_cluster_circuit_breakers_high_remaining_cx envoy_cluster_circu
"xxxxx", "node_id" : "run-script", "output" : { "fail" : [ { "availability_zone" : "cn-north-7b", "code" : "0",
k8s-app: mongodb-exporter # 根据业务需要调整,建议加上MongoDB实例的信息 spec: containers: - args: - --collect.database # 启用数据库指标采集
_cn": "FailedScheduling", "alarm_probableCause_en_us": "FailedScheduling", "message": "0/110 nodes are available: 1 node(s)