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剧本介绍 背景说明 恶意软件攻击是指通过电子邮件、远程下载、恶意广告等多种手段,向用户传播恶意软件(如病毒、蠕虫、木马、勒索软件等),并在目标主机上执行恶意程序,从而实现对远程主机的控制、攻击网络系统、窃取敏感信息或进行其他恶意行为。
与安全服务的关系 安全云脑从主机安全(Host Security Service,HSS)、Web应用防火墙(Web Application Firewall,WAF)、Anti-DDoS流量清洗(Anti-DDoS)等安全防护服务中获取必要的安全事件记录,进行大数据挖掘和机器学习,智能AI
表2 tcp连接器配置规则 规则 对应logstash配置项 类型 默认值 是否必填 描述 端口 port number 1025 是 采集节点端口号 解码类型 codec string plain 是 编码格式 plain:读取原始内容 json:处理json格式内容 报文标签
request = new ShowIndicatorDetailRequest(); try { ShowIndicatorDetailResponse response = client.showIndicatorDetail(request
("909494e3-558e-xxxxxx-07a8e18ca6xxx"); CreateIndicatorDetailEnvironment environmentDataObject = new CreateIndicatorDetailEnvironment
object 情报详情 表4 IndicatorDataObjectDetail 参数 是否必选 参数类型 描述 indicator_type 否 indicator_type object 情报类型对象 value 否 String 值,如:ip url domain等 最小长度
= "123" var listConditionsRule = []model.ConditionItem{ { Name: &nameConditions, Detail: &detailConditions,
DestDomain: &destDomainNetworkList, DestGeo: destGeoNetworkList, }, } categoryIncidentType:= "909494e3
DestDomain: &destDomainNetworkList, DestGeo: destGeoNetworkList, }, } sourceTypeDataSource:= int32(3)
__": # The AK and SK used for authentication are hard-coded or stored in plaintext, which has great security risks.
DestDomain: &destDomainNetworkList, DestGeo: destGeoNetworkList, }, } sourceTypeDataSource:= int32(3)
DestDomain: &destDomainNetworkList, DestGeo: destGeoNetworkList, }, } sourceTypeDataSource:= int32(3)
= "123" var listConditionsRule = []model.ConditionItem{ { Name: &nameConditions, Detail: &detailConditions,
Boolean 只读模式,true只读,false非只读 required Boolean 是否必填,true必填,false非必填 searchable Boolean 可搜索,true可搜索,false非可搜索 visible Boolean 可见,true可见,false非可见 maintainable
__": # The AK and SK used for authentication are hard-coded or stored in plaintext, which has great security risks.
__": # The AK and SK used for authentication are hard-coded or stored in plaintext, which has great security risks.
domain_name String 请求者账号名称。 domain_id String 请求者账号ID。 project_id String 请求者项目ID。 owner_domain_name String 桶owner租户名称。
__": # The AK and SK used for authentication are hard-coded or stored in plaintext, which has great security risks.