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sending a graceful termination signal to the containers in the pod. After that 30 seconds, the Kubelet will send a hard termination signal (SIGKILL)
sending a graceful termination signal to the containers in the pod. After that 30 seconds, the Kubelet will send a hard termination signal (SIGKILL)
sending a graceful termination signal to the containers in the pod. After that 30 seconds, the Kubelet will send a hard termination signal (SIGKILL)
sending a graceful termination signal to the containers in the pod. After that 30 seconds, the Kubelet will send a hard termination signal (SIGKILL)
sending a graceful termination signal to the containers in the pod. After that 30 seconds, the Kubelet will send a hard termination signal (SIGKILL)
云容器实例前,建议您先了解相关的基本概念。 镜像(Image) 容器镜像是一个特殊的文件系统,除了提供容器运行时所需的程序、库、资源、配置等文件外,还包含了一些为运行时准备的配置参数(如匿名卷、环境变量、用户等)。镜像不包含任何动态数据,其内容在构建之后也不会被改变。 容器(Container)
用。 约束与限制 Kubernetes 仅在 Pod 状态为“终止”(Terminated)时,才会删除基于FlexVolume配置创建的EVS卷。当 Pod 状态为“完成”(Completed)时,基于FlexVolume配置创建的EVS卷将不会被自动删除。 创建Job 以下是
sending a graceful termination signal to the containers in the pod. After that 30 seconds, the Kubelet will send a hard termination signal (SIGKILL)
client must take an alternate action for those errors this field may indicate how long to wait before taking the alternate action. uid String UID
client must take an alternate action for those errors this field may indicate how long to wait before taking the alternate action. uid String UID
侧日志。 弹性到CCI的负载会默认开启容器标准输出采集并上报到应用运维管理,AOM每月赠送每个租户500M的免费日志存储空间,超过500M时将根据实际使用量进行收费,计费规则请参见产品价格详情。 若要关闭标准输出采集可通过在Pod annotation中指定log.stdoutcollection
client must take an alternate action for those errors this field may indicate how long to wait before taking the alternate action. uid String UID
client must take an alternate action for those errors this field may indicate how long to wait before taking the alternate action. uid String UID
client must take an alternate action for those errors this field may indicate how long to wait before taking the alternate action. uid String UID
client must take an alternate action for those errors this field may indicate how long to wait before taking the alternate action. uid String UID
client must take an alternate action for those errors this field may indicate how long to wait before taking the alternate action. uid String UID
client must take an alternate action for those errors this field may indicate how long to wait before taking the alternate action. uid String UID
client must take an alternate action for those errors this field may indicate how long to wait before taking the alternate action. uid String UID
误原因。 当调用出错时,HTTP请求返回一个 4xx 或 5xx 的HTTP状态码。返回的消息体中是具体的错误代码及错误信息。在调用方找不到错误原因时,可以联系华为云客服,并提供错误码,以便我们尽快帮您解决问题。 错误响应Body体格式说明 当接口调用出错时,会返回错误码及错误信
单击“提交”,然后单击“返回工作负载列表”。 在负载列表中,待负载状态为“运行中”时,负载创建成功。 使用已有模型分类图片 单击负载名称,进入负载详情界面,选择“Pod列表>终端”Tab页。当黑色区域文本框中出现#号时,说明已登录。 图5 Pod终端访问 进入到工程所在目录,执行python