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great security risks. It is recommended that the AK and SK be stored in ciphertext in configuration files or environment variables and decrypted
great security risks. It is recommended that the AK and SK be stored in ciphertext in configuration files or environment variables and decrypted
Hook进行状态刷新。 对于强依赖CPU指令集特性的函数,请先提前与客服确认。 依赖硬编码的host 环境(例如 hostname, 或者 hostip)的函数在迁移到其他主机上的时候,可能会有问题。建议避免依赖这些变量,请先提前与客服确认。 当前仅支持基于x86机器开发的应用。 该功能当前仅支持土耳其-伊斯坦布尔。
great security risks. It is recommended that the AK and SK be stored in ciphertext in configuration files or environment variables and decrypted
great security risks. It is recommended that the AK and SK be stored in ciphertext in configuration files or environment variables and decrypted
great security risks. It is recommended that the AK and SK be stored in ciphertext in configuration files or environment variables and decrypted
great security risks. It is recommended that the AK and SK be stored in ciphertext in configuration files or environment variables and decrypted
及合并段 Put:使用Put方法上传对象 Post:使用Post方法上传对象 Copy:使用copy方法复制对象 CompleteMultipartUpload:表示合并分段任务 ObjectRemoved:表示删除对象 Delete:指定对象版本号删除对象 DeleteMark
great security risks. It is recommended that the AK and SK be stored in ciphertext in configuration files or environment variables and decrypted
great security risks. It is recommended that the AK and SK be stored in ciphertext in configuration files or environment variables and decrypted
great security risks. It is recommended that the AK and SK be stored in ciphertext in configuration files or environment variables and decrypted
great security risks. It is recommended that the AK and SK be stored in ciphertext in configuration files or environment variables and decrypted
容。 将skywalking agent直接嵌入到扩展代码中,即可通过扩展完成对函数请求的监控。 示例代码:skywalking-go.zip func startSkywalkingAgent() { r, err := reporter.NewGRPCReporter("10
linux可执行的二进制文件。 在本地开发程序之后打包,必须是ZIP包(Java、Node.js、Python、Go)或者JAR包(Java),上传至FunctionGraph即可运行,无需其它的部署操作。制作ZIP包的时候,单函数入口文件必须在根目录,保证解压后,直接出现函数执行入口文件,才能正常运行。
函数中可直接调用Java运行环境,无需另外安装。 图3 输入启动参数 选中jar包和bootstrap文件,打包成zip包。 创建HTTP函数并上传代码 创建1个HTTP函数,并上传已打包的zip包。请参见创建HTTP函数。 验证结果 使用函数测试事件验证 在函数详情页,选择函数版本,单击“配置测试事件”,弹出“配置测试事件”页。
great security risks. It is recommended that the AK and SK be stored in ciphertext in configuration files or environment variables and decrypted
如何获取函数代码? 是否有initializer的代码示例? 如何开启结构化日志查询 函数服务是否支持在函数中启动TCP的监听端口,通过EIP接收外部发送过来的TCP请求? FunctionGraph是否支持域名解析? 函数发起HTTP请求的源地址如何获取?
及合并段 Put:使用Put方法上传对象 Post:使用Post方法上传对象 Copy:使用copy方法复制对象 CompleteMultipartUpload:表示合并分段任务 ObjectRemoved:表示删除对象 Delete:指定对象版本号删除对象 DeleteMark
great security risks. It is recommended that the AK and SK be stored in ciphertext in configuration files or environment variables and decrypted
great security risks. It is recommended that the AK and SK be stored in ciphertext in configuration files or environment variables and decrypted