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required command to extract the file is installed. Command \"/usr/bin/unzip\" could not handle archive. Command \"/usr/bin/gtar\" could not handle
required command to extract the file is installed. Command \"/usr/bin/unzip\" could not handle archive. Command \"/usr/bin/gtar\" could not handle
required command to extract the file is installed. Command \"/usr/bin/unzip\" could not handle archive. Command \"/usr/bin/gtar\" could not handle
required command to extract the file is installed. Command \"/usr/bin/unzip\" could not handle archive. Command \"/usr/bin/gtar\" could not handle
required command to extract the file is installed. Command \"/usr/bin/unzip\" could not handle archive. Command \"/usr/bin/gtar\" could not handle
required command to extract the file is installed. Command \"/usr/bin/unzip\" could not handle archive. Command \"/usr/bin/gtar\" could not handle
执行Shell脚本 Execute sh script 失败 部署显示成功但没达到预期结果 部署应用中断 权限不够 参数含反斜杠“\”(特例) 环境下没有主机 环境不存在 使用sudo权限执行报错 部署进程被第三方杀毒软件拦截 路径不合法 在Centos上安装软件提示网络故障 在Ubuntu上安装软件提示网络故障
required command to extract the file is installed. Command \"/usr/bin/unzip\" could not handle archive. Command \"/usr/bin/gtar\" could not handle
required command to extract the file is installed. Command \"/usr/bin/unzip\" could not handle archive. Command \"/usr/bin/gtar\" could not handle
required command to extract the file is installed. Command \"/usr/bin/unzip\" could not handle archive. Command \"/usr/bin/gtar\" could not handle
required command to extract the file is installed. Command \"/usr/bin/unzip\" could not handle archive. Command \"/usr/bin/gtar\" could not handle
required command to extract the file is installed. Command \"/usr/bin/unzip\" could not handle archive. Command \"/usr/bin/gtar\" could not handle
required command to extract the file is installed. Command \"/usr/bin/unzip\" could not handle archive. Command \"/usr/bin/gtar\" could not handle
required command to extract the file is installed. Command \"/usr/bin/unzip\" could not handle archive. Command \"/usr/bin/gtar\" could not handle
表4 EnvironmentDetail 参数 参数类型 描述 id String 环境id name String 环境名称 description String 环境描述 os String 操作系统 nick_name String 用户昵称 deploy_type Integer
不涉及。 updated_by UserInfo object 参数解释: 用户信息,包含用户id、用户名等。 约束限制: 不涉及。 description String 描述 permission PermissionGroupDetail object 主机集群相关权限详情类 表4
当前用户没有部署权限 问题现象 情况一:显示没有权限“connect: permission denied”。 情况二:显示“无法访问/etc/docker/daemon.json: 权限不够”。 原因分析 Docker服务仅支持root用户或Docker组用户。 处理方法 将当
表5 EnvironmentDetail 参数 参数类型 描述 id String 环境id name String 环境名称 description String 环境描述 os String 操作系统 nick_name String 用户昵称 deploy_type Integer
使用Shell命令启动服务日志显示成功实际没有启动 问题现象 部署Shell命令:“/usr/local/tomcat/bin/startup.sh”,日志提示部署成功,但实际在服务器中查找该服务并没有对应的进程。 原因分析 这是由于Ansible部署Shell命令时,部署完成后
不涉及。 updated_by UserInfo object 参数解释: 用户信息,包含用户id、用户名等。 约束限制: 不涉及。 description String 描述 permission PermissionGroupDetail object 主机集群相关权限详情类 表5