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total": 1, "size": 1, "throttle_specials": [{ "id": "778879b8-df10-495b-a087-874859fdea6d", "strategy_id": "a3106cfe-801f-4919-b0d7-d785dc5b47f9
permissions to request this method" } 状态码: 404 Not Found { "error_code" : "APIG.3004", "error_msg" : "App 9ed8b7fe84224de681e7d7a5587e76dc
"msg": "", "list": [{ "group_id": "d7b52683-341b-4234-8261-66b4cfbfbda5", "current_minute": 1516849440, "provider": "205fa874817a4dcfae9222a3be4725e8
permissions to request this method" } 状态码: 404 Bad Request { "error_code" : "APIG.3030", "error_msg" : "The instance does not exist;id:eddc4d25480b4cd6b512f270a1b8b341
permissions to request this method" } 状态码: 404 Not Found { "error_code" : "APIG.3030", "error_msg" : "The instance does not exist;id:eddc4d25480b4cd6b512f270a1b8b341
permissions to request this method" } 状态码: 404 Bad Request { "error_code" : "APIG.3030", "error_msg" : "The instance does not exist;id:eddc4d25480b4cd6b512f270a1b8b341
scope Integer 策略作用域,取值如下: 1: 整个API 2: 单个用户 3: 单个APP 目前只支持1 apply_time Timestamp 绑定时间 响应消息样例: { "throttle_applys": [{ "id": "507c6a9f-8322-4dc2
暂不支持导入API的负载通道。 导入API设计文件 进入API网关控制台页面。 根据实际业务在左侧导航栏上方选择实例。 支持通过以下路径导入API。 在左侧导航栏选择“API管理 > API分组”。单击“创建API分组 > 导入API设计文件”。
app_type String APP类型 响应消息样例: { "total": 1, "size": 1, "auths": [{ "id": "cfa688d8-094b-445a-b270-6aeb0b70a84a", "api_id": "6632a062-9dcf
发布记录的编号 auth_type String API的认证方式 req_uri String API的访问地址 响应消息样例: { "total": 1, "size": 1, "apis": [{ "id": "5bbc47e2-95b0-4a56-904e-a3cdc422f8e9
total": 1, "size": 1, "throttle_specials": [{ "id": "778879b8-df10-495b-a087-874859fdea6d", "strategy_id": "a3106cfe-801f-4919-b0d7-d785dc5b47f9
scope Integer 策略作用域,取值如下: 1: 整个API 2: 单个用户 3: 单个APP 目前只支持1 apply_time Timestamp 绑定时间 响应消息样例: { "throttle_applys": [{ "id": "507c6a9f-8322-4dc2
publish_id String API的发布编号 响应消息样例: { "total": 1, "size": 1, "auths": [{ "id": "cfa688d8-094b-445a-b270-6aeb0b70a84a", "api_id": "6632a062-9dcf
permissions to request this method" } 状态码: 404 Not Found { "error_code" : "APIG.3030", "error_msg" : "The instance does not exist;id:eddc4d25480b4cd6b512f270a1b8b341
enable_adaptive_control String 是否开启动态流控: TRUE FALSE 暂不支持 响应消息样例: { "total": 2, "size": 2, "throttles": [{ "id": "a3106cfe-801f-4919-b0d7-d785dc5b47f9
app_type String APP类型 响应消息样例: { "total": 1, "size": 1, "auths": [{ "id": "cfa688d8-094b-445a-b270-6aeb0b70a84a", "api_id": "6632a062-9dcf
500 表10 响应Body参数 参数 参数类型 描述 error_code String 错误码 error_msg String 错误描述 请求示例 批量解除API与流控策略的绑定关系 { "throttle_bindings" : [ "6a6a75b425df416cbdcd7821da30be8d
enable_adaptive_control String 是否开启动态流控: TRUE FALSE 暂不支持 响应消息样例: { "total": 2, "size": 2, "throttles": [{ "id": "a3106cfe-801f-4919-b0d7-d785dc5b47f9
DEFAULT_ENVIRONMENT_RELEASE_ID", "env_name": "RELEASE", "binding_time": "2018-02-07T03:17:26.39803282Z", "publish_id": "6581f68efddc4ff0815e156ec6ecfb52
binding_time Timestamp 绑定时间 publish_id String API的发布编号 响应消息样例: { "total": 2, "size": 2, "bindings": [ { "id": "4588ec6f5dab4f67b298dc693f58029e