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communicate with OBS, for example, the client was unable to access the network."); console.log(error); }; }; getObject(); 父主题: 下载对象(Node.js
communicate with OBS, for example, the client was unable to access the network."); console.log(error); }; }; listParts(); 父主题: 多段相关接口(Node
OBS_STATUS_FailedToIInitializeRequest 初始化请求失败。 OBS_STATUS_ConnectionFailed 网络连接失败。 OBS_STATUS_XmlParseFailure xml解析失败。 OBS_STATUS_NameLookupError 域名解析失败。
communicate with OBS, for example, the client was unable to access the network."); console.log(error); }; }; getObject(); 父主题: 下载对象(Node.js
communicate with OBS, for example, the client was unable to access the network."); console.log(error); }; }; getObject(); 父主题: 多版本控制(Node
communicate with OBS, for example, the client was unable to access the network."); console.log(error); }; }; getObject(); 父主题: 下载对象(Node.js
communicate with OBS, for example, the client was unable to access the network."); console.log(error); }; }; getObject(); 父主题: 下载对象(Node.js
communicate with OBS, for example, the client was unable to access the network."); console.log(error); } } completeMultipartUpload(); 相关链接
communicate with OBS, for example, the client was unable to access the network."); console.log(error); } } setBucketLogging(); 相关链接
OBS_STATUS_FailedToIInitializeRequest 初始化请求失败。 OBS_STATUS_ConnectionFailed 网络连接失败。 OBS_STATUS_XmlParseFailure xml解析失败。 OBS_STATUS_NameLookupError 域名解析失败。
OBS_STATUS_FailedToIInitializeRequest 初始化请求失败。 OBS_STATUS_ConnectionFailed 网络连接失败。 OBS_STATUS_XmlParseFailure xml解析失败。 OBS_STATUS_NameLookupError 域名解析失败。
communicate with OBS, for example, the client was unable to access the network.") fmt.Println(err) } } 相关链接 关于分段上传-上传段的API说明,请参见上传段。
OBS_STATUS_FailedToIInitializeRequest 初始化请求失败。 OBS_STATUS_ConnectionFailed 网络连接失败。 OBS_STATUS_XmlParseFailure xml解析失败。 OBS_STATUS_NameLookupError 域名解析失败。
communicate with OBS, for example, the client was unable to access the network."); console.log(error); } } listParts(); 相关链接 关于分段上传
communicate with OBS, for example, the client was unable to access the network."); console.log(error); } } getObjectMetadata(); 相关链接 关于获取
communicate with OBS, for example, the client was unable to access the network.") fmt.Println(err) } } 相关链接 关于分段上传-复制段的API说明,请参见拷贝段。
communicate with OBS, for example, the client was unable to access the network.") fmt.Println(err) } } 相关链接 关于分段上传-合并段的API说明,请参见合并段。
communicate with OBS, for example, the client was unable to access the network."); console.log(error); }; }; getObject(); 父主题: 下载对象(Node.js
服务端加密头域。详见SseCHeader。 默认取值: 无 attachMd5 boolean 可选 参数解释: 是否自动计算待上传数据的MD5值。为了保证数据在网络传输过程中不出现错误,可以通过设置UploadPartRequest.setAttachMd5为true来让SDK自动计算每段数据的MD5
communicate with OBS, for example, the client was unable to access the network.") fmt.Println(err) } } 相关链接 关于设置桶的生命周期配置的API说明,请参见设置桶的生命周期配置。