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communicate with OBS, for example, the client was unable to access the network."); console.log(error); }; }; deleteBucket(); 父主题: 管理桶(Node
communicate with OBS, for example, the client was unable to access the network."); console.log(error); }; }; getBucketStorageInfo(); 父主题:
communicate with OBS, for example, the client was unable to access the network."); console.log(error); } } deleteBucketCustomDomain(); 相关链接
communicate with OBS, for example, the client was unable to access the network.") fmt.Println(err) } } 相关链接 关于获取桶配额的API说明,请参见获取桶配额。
communicate with OBS, for example, the client was unable to access the network.") fmt.Println(err) } } 相关链接 关于删除桶的生命周期配置的API说明,请参见删除桶的生命周期配置。
communicate with OBS, for example, the client was unable to access the network.") fmt.Println(err) } } 相关链接 关于删除桶标签的API说明,请参见删除桶标签。
则由CDN节点直接返回数据;如果无缓存,则由CDN节点从OBS获取数据后返回给客户端并将数据缓存至CDN节点上。 由此可见,通过内容分发网络(CDN)提供的加速服务,可以加快响应速度,降低成本,提高终端用户使用感受。 客户端直接访问OBS和使用CDN加速访问OBS的请求过程如下所示:
OBS_STATUS_BUTT; // 创建桶,并设置桶的ACL权限,此处以设置桶为私有为例 create_bucket(&options, OBS_CANNED_ACL_PRIVATE, bucketLocation, &response_handler, &ret_status);
acl 附加参数,可选 对象的预定义访问策略。支持的值: private public-read public-read-write bucket-owner-full-control 说明: 以上四个值分别对应:私有读写、公共读、公共读写、桶拥有者完全控制,四种预定义访问策略。
communicate with OBS, for example, the client was unable to access the network.") console.log(error); } } getObject(); 代码示例-范围下载 本示例用于范围下
communicate with OBS, for example, the client was unable to access the network.") fmt.Println(err) } } 父主题: 并行文件系统相关接口(Go SDK)
communicate with OBS, for example, the client was unable to access the network.") fmt.Println(err) } } 相关链接 关于设置桶配额的API说明,请参见设置桶配额。
communicate with OBS, for example, the client was unable to access the network.") fmt.Println(err) } } 相关链接 关于设置桶的多版本状态的API说明,请参见设置桶的多版本状态。
communicate with OBS, for example, the client was unable to access the network."); console.log(error); } } deleteBucket(); 相关链接 关于删除桶的API说明,请参见删除桶。
communicate with OBS, for example, the client was unable to access the network."); console.log(error); } } getBucketLocation(); 相关链接 关于获取
communicate with OBS, for example, the client was unable to access the network."); console.log(error); } } getBucketStorageInfo(); 相关链接 关于
communicate with OBS, for example, the client was unable to access the network."); console.log(error); } } setBucketCustomDomain(); 相关链接
communicate with OBS, for example, the client was unable to access the network."); console.log(error); } } setBucketVersioning(); 相关链接 关于
communicate with OBS, for example, the client was unable to access the network."); console.log(error); } } deleteBucketTagging(); 相关链接 关于
communicate with OBS, for example, the client was unable to access the network."); console.log(error); } } deleteObject(); 相关链接 关于删除对象的API说明,请参见删除对象。