检测到您已登录华为云国际站账号,为了您更好的体验,建议您访问国际站服务网站 https://www.huaweicloud.com/intl/zh-cn
Container(无服务器容器)引擎,让您无需创建和管理服务器集群即可直接运行容器。 Serverless是一种架构理念,是指不用创建和管理服务器、不用担心服务器的运行状态(服务器是否在工作等),只需动态申请应用需要的资源,把服务器留给专门的维护人员管理和维护,进而专注于应用开发,提升应用开发
version, the version this resource is converted to when written to the data store. Value must be treated as opaque by clients. Only equality comparison
object Extended data associated with the reason. Each reason may define its own extended details. This field is optional and the data returned is
object Extended data associated with the reason. Each reason may define its own extended details. This field is optional and the data returned is
object Extended data associated with the reason. Each reason may define its own extended details. This field is optional and the data returned is
the specified data source, it will create a new volume based on the contents of the specified data source. If the specified data source is not
Container(无服务器容器)引擎,让您无需创建和管理服务器集群即可直接运行容器。 Serverless 是一种架构理念,是指不用创建和管理服务器、不用担心服务器的运行状态(服务器是否在工作等),只需动态申请应用需要的资源,把服务器留给专门的维护人员管理和维护,进而专注于应用开发,提升应用开发效率、节约企业IT成本。传统上使用
version, the version this resource is converted to when written to the data store. Value must be treated as opaque by clients. Only equality comparison
version, the version this resource is converted to when written to the data store. Value must be treated as opaque by clients. Only equality comparison
version, the version this resource is converted to when written to the data store. Value must be treated as opaque by clients. Only equality comparison
version, the version this resource is converted to when written to the data store. Value must be treated as opaque by clients. Only equality comparison
the specified data source, it will create a new volume based on the contents of the specified data source. If the specified data source is not
object Extended data associated with the reason. Each reason may define its own extended details. This field is optional and the data returned is
行扣费。在“费用中心 > 账单管理 > 流水和明细账单 > 流水账单”中,“消费时间”即按需产品的实际使用时间。 查看指定资源的账单 使用资源名称查询账单 登录管理控制台,选择“容器 > 云容器实例 CCI”。 进入云容器实例总览页面。 在左侧导航栏选择“工作负载 > Pod”,在实例列表中单击指定的实例名称。
完全的访问权限,可以重置用户密码、分配用户权限等。由于账号是付费主体,为了确保账号安全,建议您不要直接使用账号进行日常管理工作,而是创建用户并使用用户进行日常管理工作。 用户 由账号在IAM中创建的用户,是云服务的使用人员,具有身份凭证(密码和访问密钥)。 在我的凭证下,您可以查
version, the version this resource is converted to when written to the data store. Value must be treated as opaque by clients. Only equality comparison
version, the version this resource is converted to when written to the data store. Value must be treated as opaque by clients. Only equality comparison
功能总览 功能总览 全部 命名空间 工作负载 工作负载异常 负载网络访问 容器存储 镜像快照 插件管理 日志管理 权限管理 命名空间 命名空间(namespace)是一种在多个用户之间划分资源的方法。适用于用户中存在多个团队或项目的情况。 当前云容器实例提供“通用计算型”和“GP
如何上传镜像? 镜像的管理是由容器镜像服务(SoftWare Repository)提供的,当前容器镜像服务提供如下两种上传镜像的方法: 客户端上传镜像 页面上传镜像 父主题: 镜像仓库类
object Extended data associated with the reason. Each reason may define its own extended details. This field is optional and the data returned is