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请根据实例详情查询接口返回结果中的“patch_available”字段判断是否支持升级。 请选择在业务低峰期进行升级。 调试 您可以在API Explorer中调试该接口。
2021-11-05T05:52:53.725+0000 I NETWORK [js] Marking host as failed :: caused by :: Location50692: can't authenticate against
db.collection.find().explain() 请参见性能相关,更多详细内容请参见官方文档。 注意事项 查询的结果,返回的是一个Currsor。Cursor使用完毕后要及时关闭,否则会产生内存堆积。 根据查询条件创建必要的索引,索引设计请参见索引设计规范。
连接失败,提示:No route to host以及connection attempt failed 问题描述 使用如下命令连接DDS实例时报错。 .
示例: W SHARDING [Balancer] Failed to enforce tag ranges :: caused by :: ExceededTimeLimit: Unable to obtain shard utilization information for
URI URI格式 PUT https://{Endpoint}/v3/{project_id}/instances/{instance_id}/maintenance-window URI样例 https://dds.cn-north-1.myhuaweicloud.com/v3
", "code" : 96, "codeName" : "OperationFailed" } : dropCollection导致游标失效 原因: 删除集合游标失去了上下文,会导致游标失效。
connect@src/mongo/shell/mongo.js:240:13 @(connect):1:6 exception: connect failed 可能原因 未设置正确的安全组策略,导致从安全组外访问安全组内的DDS实例失败。
值为“Failed”,表示任务执行失败。 created String 是 创建时间,格式为“yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ”。 其中,T指某个时间的开始;Z指时区偏移量,例如北京时间偏移显示为+0800。
Command failed with error 18 (AuthenticationFailed): 'Authentication failed.' on server xxx.xxx.xx.xx:xxxx.
Command failed with error 18 (AuthenticationFailed): 'Authentication failed.' on server xxx.xxx.xx.xx:xxxx.
$result = $collection->find(['username' => 'admin']); foreach ($result as $entry) { echo $entry->_id, ': ', $entry->email, "\n"; } ?
$result = $collection->find(['username' => 'admin']); foreach ($result as $entry) { echo $entry->_id, ': ', $entry->email, "\n"; } ?
$result = $collection->find(['username' => 'admin']); foreach ($result as $entry) { echo $entry->_id, ': ', $entry->email, "\n"; } ?
$result = $collection->find(['username' => 'admin']); foreach ($result as $entry) { echo $entry->_id, ': ', $entry->email, "\n"; } ?
Command failed with error 18 (AuthenticationFailed): 'Authentication failed.' on server xxx.xxx.xx.xx:xxxx.
实例备注 instance ddsModifyInstanceRemark 可维护时间段 instance ddsModifyInstanceMaintenanceWindow 补丁升级 instance ddsUpgradeDatastorePatch 主备切换 instance
createfail,表示实例创建失败。 enlargefail,表示实例扩容节点个数失败。 说明: 实例正在执行的动作(actions),例如“rebooting,重启中”与实例状态(status)有本质的区别。详情请参见该表中的actions字段。