检测到您已登录华为云国际站账号,为了您更好的体验,建议您访问国际站服务网站 https://www.huaweicloud.com/intl/zh-cn
to the support documentation" } 状态码: 401 Unauthorized { "error_code" : "APIG.1002", "error_msg" : "Incorrect token or token resolution failed
unexpected end of JSON input" } 状态码: 401 Unauthorized { "error_code" : "APIG.1002", "error_msg" : "Incorrect token or token resolution failed
to the support documentation" } 状态码: 401 Unauthorized { "error_code" : "APIG.1002", "error_msg" : "Incorrect token or token resolution failed
导入CCE工作负载 导入云容器引擎(Cloud Container Engine,简称CCE)工作负载,开放CCE服务能力。具体步骤请参见通过CCE工作负载导入API。 对外开放API时,您需要为API分组绑定自己的独立域名。 一个API只能属于某一个API分组。
to the support documentation" } 状态码: 401 Unauthorized { "error_code" : "APIG.1002", "error_msg" : "Incorrect token or token resolution failed
"The input data is too long" } 状态码: 401 Unauthorized { "error_code" : "APIG.1002", "error_msg" : "Incorrect token or token resolution failed
to the support documentation" } 状态码: 401 Unauthorized { "error_code" : "APIG.1002", "error_msg" : "Incorrect token or token resolution failed
IAM认证(Token认证) 获取云服务平台的用户账号密码。 IAM认证(AK/SK认证) 获取云服务平台的用户账号的AK/SK,以及认证签名所使用的SDK。 IAM认证(双重认证) 同时获取IAM认证以及自定义认证所需的认证信息。
String 关联的策略条件编号 CRU 否 表7 WEB策略后端对象模型 参数 类型 说明 操作类型 是否必选 id String 编号 R - front_api_id String 对应的API编号 R - name String 策略后端名称 CRU 是 url_domain
FALSE CRU 否 表2 web后端对象模型 参数 类型 说明 操作类型 是否必选 id String 编号 R - status Integer 状态: 1:启用 2:禁用 3:已删除 默认1 该字段已废弃 R - version String 版本 CRU 否 url_domain
parameterName:variable_name" } 状态码: 401 Unauthorized { "error_code" : "APIG.1002", "error_msg" : "Incorrect token or token resolution failed
to the support documentation" } 状态码: 401 Unauthorized { "error_code" : "APIG.1002", "error_msg" : "Incorrect token or token resolution failed
3e06ac135e18477e918060d3c59d6f6a" } ] } 状态码: 401 Unauthorized { "error_code" : "APIG.1002", "error_msg" : "Incorrect token or token resolution failed
to the support documentation" } 状态码: 401 Unauthorized { "error_code" : "APIG.1002", "error_msg" : "Incorrect token or token resolution failed
to the support documentation" } 状态码: 401 Unauthorized { "error_code" : "APIG.1002", "error_msg" : "Incorrect token or token resolution failed
to the support documentation" } 状态码: 401 Unauthorized { "error_code" : "APIG.1002", "error_msg" : "Incorrect token or token resolution failed
to the support documentation" } 状态码: 401 Unauthorized { "error_code" : "APIG.1002", "error_msg" : "Incorrect token or token resolution failed
200 OK { "total_count" : 20 } 状态码: 401 Unauthorized { "error_code" : "APIC.7102", "error_msg" : "Incorrect token or token resolution failed
to the support documentation" } 状态码: 401 Unauthorized { "error_code" : "APIG.1002", "error_msg" : "Incorrect token or token resolution failed
to the support documentation" } 状态码: 401 Unauthorized { "error_code" : "APIG.1002", "error_msg" : "Incorrect token or token resolution failed