检测到您已登录华为云国际站账号,为了您更好的体验,建议您访问国际站服务网站 https://www.huaweicloud.com/intl/zh-cn
recommended that the AK and SK be stored in ciphertext in configuration files or environment variables and decrypted during use to ensure security
recommended that the AK and SK be stored in ciphertext in configuration files or environment variables and decrypted during use to ensure security
recommended that the AK and SK be stored in ciphertext in configuration files or environment variables and decrypted during use to ensure security
recommended that the AK and SK be stored in ciphertext in configuration files or environment variables and decrypted during use to ensure security
购买资源并关联企业项目 本节以购买弹性云服务器ECS并将其关联至企业项目“企业项目A”为例,介绍如何为企业项目购买资源。 登录华为云控制台,单击页面左上角的,选择“计算 > 弹性云服务器 ECS”。 单击页面右上角的“购买弹性云服务器”,系统进入购买页。 配置弹性云服务器各项信息配置弹性云服务器各项信
“X-Subject-Token”就是需要获取的用户Token。有了Token之后,您就可以使用Token认证调用其他API。 建议在配置文件或者环境变量中密文存放,使用时解密,确保安全。 图1 管理员创建IAM用户响应消息头 响应消息体(可选) 该部分可选。响应消息体通常以结构