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stringify(eventData)); }); }); 创建事件监听 创建一个会议/网络研讨会 方式一:登录华为云会议管理平台创建一个会议/网络研讨会 会议:在左侧菜单栏中点击:会议->创建会议,根据提示创建完成后,即可获取会议ID、密码等信息。 网络研讨会:在左
meeting does not support this function.:语音会议不支持该功能 111072026 The voice site does not support this operation.:语音会场不支持该操作 111072027 Voice sites cannot
ORT 111072025 语音会议不支持该功能 CMS_AUDIO_SITE_NOT_SUPPORT 111072026 语音会场不支持该操作 CMS_AUDIO_SITE_IN_MULTI_PIC 111072027 手动设置的多画面中无法显示语音会场 CMS_NO_SITE_IN_MULTI_PIC
meeting does not support this function.:语音会议不支持该功能 111072026 The voice site does not support this operation.:语音会场不支持该操作 111072027 Voice sites cannot
meeting does not support this function.:语音会议不支持该功能 111072026 The voice site does not support this operation.:语音会场不支持该操作 111072027 Voice sites cannot
meeting does not support this function.:语音会议不支持该功能 111072026 The voice site does not support this operation.:语音会场不支持该操作 111072027 Voice sites cannot