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错误信息: Parameters do not meet the JSON format requirements. 解决办法:请检查json格式是否正确
错误信息: Disk ID is missing. 解决办法:请添加磁盘id
错误信息: Physical volume name is missing. 解决办法:请添加卷名称
错误信息: Physical volume size is missing or invalid. 解决办法:请正确填写卷大小信息
错误信息: Database read or write error. 解决办法:请联系技术支持
错误信息: No migration speed limit found. 解决办法:请重新设置限速
错误信息: The installed Agent is of an earlier version. Download the latest version. 解决办法:请下载最新的agent
错误信息: Unsupported encoding mode. 解决办法:请使用正确的编码方式
错误信息: The algorithm does not exist. 解决办法:请联系技术支持
错误信息: Failed to split into strings of the specified size. 解决办法:请联系技术支持
错误信息: An error occurred during integer conversion. 解决办法:请联系技术支持
错误信息: Invalid time format. 解决办法:请检查时间格式
错误信息: Environment check cannot be performed on the source server in the CHECKING state. 解决办法:请联系技术支持
错误信息: Failed to obtain the OS version of the source server. 解决办法:请提供正确的源端系统类型
错误信息: Unsupported source server OS version or firmware type. 解决办法:查看兼容性列表
错误信息: Failed to obtain the number of source server CPUs. 解决办法:请联系技术支持
错误信息: Failed to open the system directory of the source server. 解决办法:请联系技术支持
错误信息: The source server lacks driver files. 解决办法:请联系技术支持
错误信息: The system services required for the migration on the source server are not running normally. 解决办法:请联系技术支持
错误信息: No administrator permissions on the source server. 解决办法:请检查源端当前账户是否具备管理员权限