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错误信息: The connection to the target server failed due to invalid connection credential. 解决办法:请联系技术支持
错误信息: The connection to the target server timed out. 解决办法:请检查网络
错误信息: The connection to the target server was rejected. 解决办法:请联系技术支持
错误信息: Failed to upload the file to the target server. 解决办法:请联系技术支持
错误信息: Agent installation failed. 解决办法:请联系技术支持
错误信息: Agent startup failed because the noexec permission is unavailable on /tmp in Linux. 解决办法:请增加tmp目录noexec权限
错误信息: Agent startup failed due to insufficient space on /tmp in Linux. 解决办法:请增加tmp大小
错误信息: Failed to paste AK or SK. 解决办法:请重启agent
错误信息: Agent startup failed because the current shell character set is wrong. 解决办法:请设置字符集为UTF-8
错误信息: Internal error. Failed to create a temporary directory. 解决办法:请用管理员权限运行
错误信息: Failed to open the file for writing. 解决办法:请联系技术支持
错误信息: Failed to execute df -TH. 解决办法:请检查是否挂载了不存在或已经离线的设备
application cannot be started due to incorrect parallel configuration. 解决办法:请使用SMSAgentDeploy启动
错误信息: The Windows Agent unable to launch. 解决办法:请解除锁定后重试
错误信息: Agent startup failed. Multiple volume groups found with the same name. 解决办法:
错误信息: Booting with GRUB failed. 解决办法:请重装grub
错误信息: Failed to install the KVM driver. 解决办法:请卸载xen驱动,安装kvm驱动
错误信息: Disks of the target server running Windows are offline. 解决办法:请手动联机
错误信息: Progress is slow or suspended. 解决办法:请检查带宽是否过小
错误信息: The target server running CentOS 6.x cannot access the Internet. 解决办法:请联系技术支持