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communicate with OBS, for example, the client was unable to access the network."); console.log(error); } } getBucketQuota(); 相关链接 关于获取桶配额的API说明,请参见获取桶配额。
communicate with OBS, for example, the client was unable to access the network.") fmt.Println(err) } } 相关链接 判断桶是否存在和获取桶元数据是同一个REST A
communicate with OBS, for example, the client was unable to access the network.") fmt.Println(err) } } 相关链接 关于删除桶的网站配置的API说明,请参见删除桶的网站配置。
communicate with OBS, for example, the client was unable to access the network.") fmt.Println(err) } } 相关链接 关于获取桶的多版本状态的API说明,请参见获取桶的多版本状态。
communicate with OBS, for example, the client was unable to access the network.") fmt.Println(err) } } 相关链接 关于设置桶的自定义域名的API说明,请参见设置桶的自定义域名。
communicate with OBS, for example, the client was unable to access the network.") fmt.Println(err) } } 相关链接 关于删除桶的自定义域名的API说明,请参见删除桶的自定义域名。
communicate with OBS, for example, the client was unable to access the network.") fmt.Println(err) } } 相关链接 关于设置桶策略的API说明,请参见设置桶策略。
communicate with OBS, for example, the client was unable to access the network.") fmt.Println(err) } } 相关链接 关于获取桶标签的API说明,请参见获取桶标签。
communicate with OBS, for example, the client was unable to access the network.") fmt.Println(err) } } 相关链接 关于删除对象的API说明,请参见删除对象。 更多
communicate with OBS, for example, the client was unable to access the network."); console.log(error); } } getBucketCustomDomain(); 相关链接
communicate with OBS, for example, the client was unable to access the network."); console.log(error); } } getBucketVersioning(); 相关链接 关于
communicate with OBS, for example, the client was unable to access the network."); console.log(error); }; }; deleteBucketPolicy(); 相关链接 关
客户端加密接口详情(Python SDK) 客户端加密示例 完整示例代码参考示例代码 初始化 CryptoCipher OBS Python SDK 提供两种 CryptoCipher。您可根据使用场景自行选择。 CtrRSACipherGenerator 需要提供一个 RSA 公钥或
OBS支持的region以及region与endPoint的对应关系,详细信息请参见地区与终端节点。 目前接口仅在并行文件系统支持,普通对象桶不支持,如何创建并行文件系统请参考创建并行文件系统(Go SDK)。 方法定义 func (obsClient ObsClient) RenameFile(input
communicate with OBS, for example, the client was unable to access the network.") fmt.Println(err) } } 相关链接 关于设置桶配额的API说明,请参见设置桶配额。
communicate with OBS, for example, the client was unable to access the network.") fmt.Println(err) } } 相关链接 关于设置桶的多版本状态的API说明,请参见设置桶的多版本状态。
communicate with OBS, for example, the client was unable to access the network."); console.log(error); } } deleteBucketTagging(); 相关链接 关于
communicate with OBS, for example, the client was unable to access the network."); console.log(error); } } deleteObject(); 相关链接 关于删除对象的API说明,请参见删除对象。
communicate with OBS, for example, the client was unable to access the network."); console.log(error); } } setBucketCustomDomain(); 相关链接
communicate with OBS, for example, the client was unable to access the network."); console.log(error); } } getBucketLocation(); 相关链接 关于获取