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ALM-4289601647 备份链路被使用 告警解释 CONN/4/CONN_BACKUP_LINK_IN_USE_TRAP:OID [oid]The backup link is in use. (InterfaceName=[STRING]) 备份链路在使用。 告警属性 告警
安装硬件设备 根据部署规划时的网络设备安装点位设计、设备间互联等信息,完成网络设备的硬件安装、连线、上电等操作,具体指导文档请参见表1。 表1 硬件安装与布线任务一览表 任务 任务说明 参考链接 安装硬件设备 硬件设备安装需要遵循施工规范,常见的硬件施工规范有: 物理设备必须可靠接地
ALM-303046662 PD分级过流告警 告警解释 POE/4/PDCLASSOVERCURRENT: OID [OID] has detected a classfication overcurrent PD and power denied.(IfIndex=[INTEGER
ALM-3276800025 业务配置超过推荐阈值 告警解释 SCMTRAP/4/SRVRESEXCEED: OID [OID] The service configurations on the device exceed the recommended threshold, which
ALM-3276800052 错误报文数超限 告警解释 ENTITYEXTTRAP/2/PKTERRORRISING: OID [OID] Input packets are discarded for an error in physical layer detection. (
ALM-3276800054 通道状态持续DOWN 告警解释 ENTITYEXTTRAP/2/HGSTATEDOWN: OID [OID] Higig port state is always DOWN. (SlotID=[STRING], UnitID=[INTEGER], PortID
ALM-3276800055 线速转发丢包 告警解释 ENTITYEXTTRAP/4/RUNTPKTDROP: OID [OID] The board has been detected that discards the runt packets, which may affect
ALM-3276800068 地址重定向攻击通告 告警解释 WLAN/4/STA_ADDRESS_REDIRCET_ATTACK:OID [OID] Address redirection attack notify.(APMAC=[OPAQUE],APMAC=[OPAQUE],RadioID
ALM-3276800085 接口板下电 告警解释 L2IFPPI/4/BOARDPOWEROFF: OID [OID] The LPU is powered off. This LPU only supports the trunks with index 127 or smaller
ALM-3276800101 IPSG报文丢弃 告警解释 SECE/4/IPSG_DROP_ALARM: OID [OID] The packet number dropped by IPSG reaches [INTEGER1], exceed the alarm threshold
ALM-3276800118 无线链路中断告警 告警解释 WLAN/4/AP_RADIO_DOWN: OID [OID] AP radio is down notify.(APMAC=[OPAQUE], RadioID=[INTEGER], APName=[OCTET], CauseId
ALM-3276800134 堆叠物理口DOWN 告警解释 FSP/3/STACKPORTISDOWN: OID [OID] Stack port [octet] state is down. 加入到逻辑堆叠端口的物理堆叠端口Down。 告警属性 告警ID 告警级别 告警类型 3276800134
ALM-3276800155 存在未认证AP告警 告警解释 WLAN/4/UNAUTHORIZED_AP_RECORD_EXIST:OID [OID] Unauthorized AP record exists.(Record number=[INTEGER]) 存在未认证AP告警
ALM-303046693 AP无法增加新的移动用户告警 告警解释 WLAN/4/AP_REACH_MAX_USERS:OID [OID] AP has the max number of stations notify.(APMAC=[OPAQUE], APName=[STRING
ALM-303046704 AP基于信道利用率关联超阈值告警 告警解释 WLAN/4/CHANNEL_UTIL_EXCEED_THRESHOLD:OID [OID] AP access channel utilization exceed threshold notify. (APMAC
ALM-303046765 VAP无法增加新的移动用户告警 告警解释 WLAN/4/VAP_REACH_MAX_USERS:OID [OID] VAP has the max number of stations notify.(APMAC=[OPAQUE], APName=[STRING
ALM-303046781 AP基于信道利用率漫游超阈值告警 告警解释 WLAN/4/ROAM_CHANNEL_UTIL_EXCEED_THRESHOLD:OID [OID] AP roam channelutilization exceed threshold notify. (
ALM-303046973 AP物联网卡数据接收服务启动失败 告警解释 WLAN/2/AP_IOT_SERVER_START_FAIL:OID [OID] Failed to start the server used by the IoT card. (Cause: The UDP
规划部署方案 使用天关作为本地防御节点时,推荐二层透明直路方式接入网络,部署在出口路由器与内网交换机之间,不影响原网络拓扑。如果用户有NAT(网络地址转换)设备,天关需要部署在NAT设备下面,以保证能识别到用户内网的真实IP地址。 同时设备需要一个IP地址,用于和云端通信,以获取配置
硬件介绍 USG65xxF USG65xxF的介绍以USG6555F为例,其他机型与USG6555F存在少许差异,具体请参见《HiSecEngine USG6000F系列 硬件指南》。 图1 USG6555F外观和辅料 表1 USG6525F业务口说明 接口名称 描述 光电互斥接口