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组织加密 接口方法 func (client *GatewayClient) EncryptDataWithE2EE(consensusOrgID, encOrgID string, decOrgIDs []string, data string, options ...interface
配置FW2 配置接口。 选择“网络 > 接口”。 单击GE0/0/5,按如下参数配置,单击“确定”。 安全区域 untrust 模式 路由 IPv4 IP地址 参考上述步骤按如下参数配置GE0/0/4接口。 安全区域 trust 模式 路由 IPv4 IP地址
ALM-3276800194 蓝牙设备电量过低告警 告警解释 WLAN/4/BLE_LOW_POWER: OID [OID] The battery is low at the BLE site. (BLEMAC=[OPAQUE]) BLE设备低电量告警。 告警属性 告警ID 告警级别
ALM-3276800208 AP物联网卡拔出 告警解释 WLAN/4/AP_IOT_CARD_REMOVE:OID [OID] A iot card is removed. (APMAC=[OPAQUE], APName=[STRING], ApIotCardId=[INTEGER
ALM-3276800213 BD域内MAC发生漂移 告警解释 L2IFPPI/4/MFLPBDALARM: OID [OID] MAC move detected, bridge-domain ID=[GAUGE], original-port=[OCTET1], flapping-port
ALM-3276800217 设备所处网络中存在环路 告警解释 LDT/4/DetectLoop: OID [OID] The port detected loop. (InterfaceIndex=[integer], InterfaceName=[octet], VlanListLow
ALM-3276800238 远端模块固件升级失败 告警解释 RUMNG/2/RUUPGFWFAIL:OID [oid] The remote-unit firmware upgrade failed. (RemoteUnitEsn=[INTEGER], InterfaceName
ALM-15795006 本地证书即将到期 告警解释 The local certificate is nearly expired. (LocalCertIssuer=[issuer], LocalCertSubject=[subject], LocalCertStartTime
ALM-15795258 SPR实例报告 告警解释 The path of SPR instance changed. (DestSiteIndex=[DestSiteIndex], PolicyName=[PolicyName], PreviousLink=[PreviousLink
ALM-15795318 会话资源超限 告警解释 The number of session resources exceeds the limit. (Current usage=[Usage]%, Threshold=[Threshold]%) 当前会话数目达到满规格时,设备会产生告警
ALM-4289601648 RDB备份配置文件恢复 告警解释 CFMY/4/CFMY_RDB_RECOVERY: OID [oid] The RDB is recovery, the possible cause is that the device is powered off
ALM-3276800007 光模块接收光功率过低 告警解释 SRM/3/RXPOWER_EXCEEDMINOR: OID [OID] Optical module exception, Rx power is too low. (EntityPhysicalIndex=[INTEGER
ALM-3276800014 MP通过以太口上线告警 告警解释 WLAN/4/MP_JOINED_ON_ETHERNET:OID [OID] MP reached AC through the Ethernet port,and this MP doesn't setup mesh
ALM-3276800016 MPP通过空口上线告警 告警解释 WLAN/4/MPP_JOINED_ON_AIR:OID [OID] MPP can't reach AC through the Ethernet port,so this MPP joins AC through
ALM-3276800025 业务配置超过推荐阈值 告警解释 SCMTRAP/4/SRVRESEXCEED: OID [OID] The service configurations on the device exceed the recommended threshold, which
ALM-3276800060 端口类型发生变化 告警解释 SRM/3/PortPhysicalPortTypeChange: OID [OID] port type changed. (EntityPhysicalIndex=[INTEGER], BaseTrapSeverity=
ALM-3276800125 不支持的信道告警 告警解释 WLAN/4/AP_UNSUPPORT_CHANNEL:OID [OID] AP not support configured channel notify.(APMAC=[MacAddress],RadioID=[INTEGER
ALM-303046732 全局DHCP接入用户数达到上限告警阈值 告警解释 DHCP/4/DHCPUSERBINDTRAPGLOBAL:OID [OID] The number of DHCP global users exceeds alarm threshold. (IfIndex
ALM-303046937 当系统检测某个端口发生攻击事件时,会发出告警 告警解释 SECE/4/STRACKPORT: OID=[OID] Attack occurred.(Interface=[STRING], CVLAN=[ULONG], PVLAN=[ULONG], EndTime
配置NTP 已规划好相关数据,并与客户达成一致,具体信息请参考NTP数据规划。 操作步骤 配置RR角色站点(即Hub1和Hub2站点)的NTP。 配置RR角色站点的NTP为“手动配置”。详细参数值请参考NTP数据规划。 本步骤以“Hub1”为例,“Hub2”的配置相同。 在“零配置开局