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该API属于VPC服务,描述: This API is used to query all network ACLs accessible to the tenant submitting the request.
该API属于DWS服务,描述: 逻辑集群-创建逻辑集群接口URL: "/v2/{project_id}/clusters/{cluster_id}/logical-clusters"
接口URL: "/v1.0/{project_id}/clusters/{cluster_id}/certs"
接口URL: "/v1.0/{project_id}/clusters/{cluster_id}/logs/connectivity"
错误信息: The access control policy name already exists. 解决办法:使用其他名称
]–max=maxPods [–cpu-percent=CPU][flags] 对Deployment、RelicaSet或ReplicationController进行水平自动扩容或缩容设置 cluster-info kubectl cluster-info [flags]
获取AK/SK AK/SK (Access Key ID/Secret Access Key)是用户调用接口的访问密钥。由用户在Iam中创建,可在“我的凭证 > 访问密钥”页面下载生成。 父主题: 获取认证信息
错误信息: VPC access failed or EIP is not exist 解决办法:联系管理员
让我们用三分钟一起了解一下华为云云容器引擎CCE 猛戳以下视频一起了解云容器引擎CCE~ 点击“了解更多”,学习更多容器服务知识。 加关注,不迷路!下期见~ 云上一分钟,上云更轻松。 【云视厅】将以轻松幽默的短视频形式,科普上云的知识,助大家轻松上云。
该API属于DWS服务,描述: 修改指定用户信息接口URL: "/v1/{project_id}/clusters/{cluster_id}/db-manager/users/{name}"
接口URL: "/v1.0/{project_id}/{resource_type}/{cluster_id}/tags"
接口URL: "/v1.0/{project_id}/{resource_type}/{cluster_id}/tags"
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) is a standard protocol used for accessing and controlling directory servers.
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) is a standard protocol used for accessing and controlling directory servers.
{Name:name,AK:accessKeyId,SK:secretAccessKey}" [ { "AK": "H9N****MXW", "Name": "default", "SK": "****" }, { "AK": "8NV*
错误信息: Upload template failed, get namespace failed. 解决办法:请联系技术支持
错误信息: Access token authentication failed. 解决办法:请联系技术支持。
该API属于VPC服务,描述: This API is used to query all network ACL rules accessible to the tenant submitting the request.
A retrieval host is the domain name accessed by CDN nodes when the nodes retrieve content from the origin server.
接口URL: "/{project_id}/clusters/{cluster_id}"