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最近我在使用SAP云平台的机器学习API做和SAP系统的集成,因为SAP Cloud Platform Leonardo上的机器学期API,每次消费时需要传一个Access Token,故在每次实际调用API前,我需要先发一个请求去获取Access Token.
错误信息: Access api error! Not subscribe this api. 解决办法:1.请前往[文字识别控制台](https://console.huaweicloud.com/ocr/?
错误信息: No available device access found. 解决办法:请联系客服。
javax.ws.rs.core.Response.Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, r); } else { MultiResponse200 r = new MultiResponse200(); r.setCode(200); r.setMessage("success
所谓持续(CONTINUOUS)是敏捷开发模式(Agile development model)的关键,简而言之就是 “小步快跑”,快速验证市场需求。CI/CD 系统,或称之为 DevOps Pipeline(管道)就是为了实现这一崇高愿景。 通常的
该API属于DWS服务,描述: 查询指定用户信息接口URL: "/v1/{project_id}/clusters/{cluster_id}/db-manager/users/{name}"
2.1 chmod 可以使用字符或数字两种方式修改权限属性 (1)字符方式语法如下,具体参数含义见表2-1: chmod [a | u | g | o ] [+ | - | =] [r | w | x] 文件或目录名 表2-1 chmod字符方式参数详解 参数 功能作用
thirdAccessToken String 第三方accessToken的字段名称。
错误信息: some region is restricted to access 解决办法:请检查请求参数
错误信息: The region site cannot be accessed. 解决办法:请提交工单
该API属于DWS服务,描述: 通过此api获取当前集群升级记录接口URL: "/v1/{project_id}/clusters/{cluster_id}/upgrade-management/records"
错误信息: The access key %s is in the blacklist. 解决办法:请确认AK是否存在。
错误信息: The access control policy does not exist. 解决办法:检查ACL策略是否存在
If the batch job is executed successfully, the detailed moderation result of each image is returned.
/model/googlenet.om success[INFO] create model description success[INFO] create model output success[INFO] Read image ..
该API属于BMS服务,描述: 裸金属服务器创建成功后,如果发现磁盘不够用或者当前磁盘不满足要求,可以将已有云硬盘挂载给裸金属服务器,作为数据盘使用接口URL: "/v1/{project_id}/baremetalservers/{server_id}/attachvolume"
Start malluma service success malluma install Success Add whitelist Failed Install failed, do you want clean [Y/N]:
错误信息: Deployment information of the backend API does not exist. 解决办法:检查API部署记录是否存在
(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke
After the authorization is successful, the app can access the API within the validity period.