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错误信息: Invalid namespace, projectid is left blank, or check whether the parameters meet requirements. 解决办法:请检查对应的参数是否符合要求。
该API属于DWS服务,描述: 通过此api获取当前集群升级记录接口URL: "/v1/{project_id}/clusters/{cluster_id}/upgrade-management/records"
componentName=ZooKeeper, packName=FusionInsight_HD_6.5.1, roleName=quorumpeer]], metaData={}]; ActionResult:ActionResult [actionID=195, success
错误信息: The domain name of the origin server must be different from the acceleration domain name. 解决办法:源站域名不能与加速域名相同,需要调整加速域名。
If the batch job is executed successfully, the detailed moderation result of each image is returned.
是 String 接入类型 最小长度:1 最大长度:32 access_roma_info 否 AccessRomaInfo
错误信息: Only tasks where the target servers have successfully started can be restarted. 解决办法:请检查任务启动目的端是否成功
3、Code: Deployment Pipelines
亿图项目管理软件(Edraw Project)是一款功能强大的项目管理软件,具有界面简洁、操作简单、功能强大的特点,只需单击鼠标即可完成甘特图的创建。项目管理人员可以用它绘制甘特图,用于制定计划、为任务分配资源、跟踪项目进度、管理预算,以及分析项目的资源状态与分配情况。亿图项目管理软件有助于项目安排和管理
该API属于BMS服务,描述: 裸金属服务器创建成功后,如果发现磁盘不够用或者当前磁盘不满足要求,可以将已有云硬盘挂载给裸金属服务器,作为数据盘使用接口URL: "/v1/{project_id}/baremetalservers/{server_id}/attachvolume"
错误信息: The number {0} of SPUs that have been used by a cluster exceeds the maximum SPUs quota. 解决办法:请指定一个大于{0}的集群SPU最大配额
错误信息: Unauthorized access to the interface, please contact the main account administrator to open the interface permissions 解决办法:请联系主帐号管理员开通接口权限
错误信息: The cluster name can only contain English characters, digits, underscores (_), and hyphens (-). 解决办法:请提供只包含有效字符的集群名。
错误信息: Failed to obtain the AZs that you have permission to access. 解决办法:
错误信息: The offline cluster with same management node IPs[xxx] already exists. 解决办法:
Accept load_data successfully!Accept run_type successfully!#### Please set correct the IP in env.conf.
错误信息: Quota ID is not matched with current Quota Namespace. 解决办法:
错误信息: 必须通过fieldSelector来指定namespace名称 解决办法: