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该API属于CCE服务,描述: 获取集群升级路径接口URL: "/api/v3/clusterupgradepaths"
该API属于CCE服务,描述: 获取集群升级路径接口URL: "/autopilot/v3/clusterupgradepaths"
错误信息: The image source can only be BMS or ECS. 解决办法:请重新选择镜像类型。
错误信息: The API deployment group ID cannot be changed. 解决办法:请撤销部署后修改
错误信息: The specified bucket cannot be accessed. 解决办法:请联系技术支持。
该API属于BMS服务,描述: 裸金属服务器解绑弹性网卡接口URL: "/v1/{project_id}/baremetalservers/{server_id}/nics/delete"
Accept load_data successfully!Accept run_type successfully!#### Please set correct the IP in env.conf.
该API属于CCE服务,描述: This API is used to migrate a node from a specified cluster to another cluster.
类型:Integer Access-Control-Allow-Methods 如果请求的Access-Control-Request-Method满足服务端的CORS配置,则在响应中包含这条rule中的
错误信息: A job with Kafka as the source or sink stream cannot run on the shared cluster. 解决办法:请选择一个独享集群。
错误信息: A job with {0} as the source or sink stream cannot run on the shared cluster. 解决办法:请选择一个独享集群。
错误信息: The cluster billed on a yearly/monthly basis cannot be manually deleted. 解决办法:请使用退订操作停止并删除集群。
错误信息: The cluster billed on a yearly/monthly basis cannot be manually stopped. 解决办法:请使用退订操作停止并删除集群。
Please add it by access ModelArts console. 解决办法:请在ModelArts全局配置中添加AK/SK。
operation, including the stack set operation ID, stack set ID, stack set name, stack set operation status, creation time, update time, and deployment
错误信息: The number of edge nodes authorized to access the NA nodes reaches the upper limit. 解决办法:请对无用的节点取消授权后进行重试。
An existing meeting access number uses the number prefix. 解决办法:请删除使用该号码前缀的会议接入号后重试
错误信息: The device access info is not exist. 解决办法:请检查设备是否接入平台并激活。
错误信息: access.status.illegal 解决办法:检查接入状态是否在枚举值范围