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为了满足不同的业务场景需求,GaussDB(for MySQL)提供了参数模板功能,您可以创建自定义参数模板,应用到实例上,实现批量管理实例参数。 参数模板分为系统参数模板和自定义参数模板两类。 注意事项 每个用户最多可以创建100个参数模板。 GaussDB(for MySQL)引擎共享参数模板配额。
GaussDB(for MySQL)的日志管理功能支持查看数据库级别的日志,包括数据库运行的错误信息,以及运行较慢的SQL查询语句,有助于您分析系统中存在的问题。 操作场景 配置访问日志后,GaussDB(for MySQL)实例新生成的日志记录会上传到云日志服务(Log Tank Service,简称LTS)进行管理。
TaurusDB建立连接慢导致客户端超时 场景描述 业务在高峰期时,客户端经常出现向MySQL建立连接超时,导致系统登录需要十几秒。 原因分析 查看TaurusDB的错误日志,观察是否有如下信息:connection xxx is established slowly。示例: 有
public static void main(String[] args) { // The AK and SK used for authentication are hard-coded or stored in plaintext, which has great
public static void main(String[] args) { // The AK and SK used for authentication are hard-coded or stored in plaintext, which has great
update_result Array of ProxyUpgradeVersionDetail objects 数据库代理升级信息列表。 表5 ProxyUpgradeVersionDetail 参数 参数类型 描述 instance_id String 实例id. workflow_id
String 同步阶段。wait:等待同步,incremental:增量同步,full:全量同步,cancelled:删除,paused:暂停同步。 percentage String 进度百分比。 catchup_stage String 追赶阶段。wait:等待同步,incre
public static void main(String[] args) { // The AK and SK used for authentication are hard-coded or stored in plaintext, which has great
public static void main(String[] args) { // The AK and SK used for authentication are hard-coded or stored in plaintext, which has great
public static void main(String[] args) { // The AK and SK used for authentication are hard-coded or stored in plaintext, which has great
public static void main(String[] args) { // The AK and SK used for authentication are hard-coded or stored in plaintext, which has great
public static void main(String[] args) { // The AK and SK used for authentication are hard-coded or stored in plaintext, which has great
public static void main(String[] args) { // The AK and SK used for authentication are hard-coded or stored in plaintext, which has great
public static void main(String[] args) { // The AK and SK used for authentication are hard-coded or stored in plaintext, which has great
public static void main(String[] args) { // The AK and SK used for authentication are hard-coded or stored in plaintext, which has great
public static void main(String[] args) { // The AK and SK used for authentication are hard-coded or stored in plaintext, which has great
public static void main(String[] args) { // The AK and SK used for authentication are hard-coded or stored in plaintext, which has great
public static void main(String[] args) { // The AK and SK used for authentication are hard-coded or stored in plaintext, which has great
public static void main(String[] args) { // The AK and SK used for authentication are hard-coded or stored in plaintext, which has great
public static void main(String[] args) { // The AK and SK used for authentication are hard-coded or stored in plaintext, which has great