ALM-3276800103 ICMP接口限速
ALM-3276800167 冷启动告警
ALM-135462976 单板不在位
ALM-135462976 单板不在位 告警解释 The board was removed. (EntPhysicalIndex=[EntPhysicalIndex], EntPhysicalName=[EntPhysicalName], EntityType=[EntityType]
来自:帮助中心 -
ALM-135463087 输出速率告警
ALM-135463087 输出速率告警 告警解释 Interface output flow bandwidth usage exceeded the trap threshold. (Interface=[IfIndex], BandWidthUsage=[hwIfMonit
来自:帮助中心 -
ALM-135463092 框局部失效
ALM-157024262 License文件过期
ALM-157155346 MAC漂移告警
ALM-15795371 信道变更告警
ALM-15795477 端口环路告警
ALM-15795487 设备故障告警
ALM-15859560 EULA未签署
ALM-68689921 切片资源告警
ALM-4287373400 存储介质插入
ALM-4287766533 CRL无效
ALM-4288421945 VM状态异常
ALM-13049866 链路断开
ALM-3276800219 MAC发生漂移
ALM-4286849030 远端模块上线
ALM-135463087 输出速率告警
ALM-157155346 MAC漂移告警
ALM-303046701 电源无效 136961