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该API属于DLI服务,描述: 该API用于取消批处理作业。接口URL: "/v2.0/{project_id}/batches/{batch_id}"
该API属于DLI服务,描述: This API is used to update a SQL template.接口URL: "/v1.0/{project_id}/sqls/{sql_id}"
该API属于DLI服务,描述: This API is used to delete SQL templates in batches.接口URL: "/v1.0/{project_id}/sqls-deletion"
该API属于DLI服务,描述: This API is used to obtain a job template.接口URL: "/v3/{project_id}/templates/{template_id}"
该API属于ELB服务,描述: This API is used to add a listener to a load balancer.接口URL: "/v3/{project_id}/elb/listeners"
该API属于DNS服务,描述: This API is used to delete a record set.接口URL: "/v2.1/zones/{zone_id}/recordsets/{recordset_id}"
该API属于WAF服务,描述: This API is used to delete a reference table.接口URL: "/v1/{project_id}/waf/valuelist/{valuelistid}"
该API属于VPC服务,描述: This API is used to update information about a VPC.接口URL: "/v1/{project_id}/vpcs/{vpc_id}"
该API属于VPC服务,描述: This API is used to query security group rules.接口URL: "/v1/{project_id}/security-group-rules"
该API属于VPC服务,描述: This API is used to delete a network ACL rule.接口URL: "/v2.0/fwaas/firewall_rules/{firewall_rule_id}"
该API属于CES服务,描述: This API is used to query information about a graph.接口URL: "/v2/{project_id}/widgets/{widget_id}"
该API属于Kafka服务,描述: This API is used to query the instances of an account by the specified conditions.接口URL: "/v2/{project_id}/instances"
该API属于AOM服务,描述: This API is used to add an alarm action rule.接口URL: "/v2/{project_id}/alert/action-rules"
该API属于DSC服务,描述: This API is used to extract a data watermark.接口URL: "/v1/{project_id}/sdg/database/watermark/extract"
该API属于GA服务,描述: This API is used to query endpoints in an endpoint group.接口URL: "/v1/endpoint-groups/{endpoint_group_id}/endpoints"
该API属于Meeting服务,描述: This API is used by a user to query meeting minutes of the user.接口URL: "/v1/usg/sss/meeting-files"
该API属于Meeting服务,描述: This API is used by the host to mute or unmute all participants (except the host).接口URL: "/v1/mmc/control/conferences/mute"
该API属于DLI服务,描述: 该API用于在某个队列上创建作业。接口URL: "/v2.0/{project_id}/batches"
该API属于APIHub22051服务,描述: 获取图片接口URL: "/werun_workorder/v1/ubms/getPhotoById"
该API属于CloudPipeline服务,描述: 删除流水线接口URL: "/v5/{project_id}/api/pipelines/{pipeline_id}"