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错误信息: Cidr can not contain subnetList cidr. 解决办法:请更换VPC的cidr
错误信息: ELB exists under this router, delete ELB firstly. 解决办法:请先删除占用该VPC的ELB
错误信息: ELB Error. 解决办法:请确认ELB服务是否正常或联系技术支持
exroutes exists under this router, delete exroutes firstly. 解决办法:请先删除该VPC下的扩展路由
错误信息: xx is invalid. 解决办法:请根据实际返回的Error Message检查传入的参数值是否合法
错误信息: Neutron Error. 解决办法:请联系技术支持
错误信息: Subnet is not in the range of VPC. 解决办法:请更换子网的cidr
错误信息: The subnet has already existed in the VPC, or has been in conflict with the VPC subnet. 解决办法:请更换子网的cidr
错误信息: Subnet states is invalid, please try again later. 解决办法:请稍后重试或联系技术支持
错误信息: Subnet has been used by VPN, please remove the subnet from the VPN and try again. 解决办法:请先删除占用该子网的VPN
错误信息: Subnet does not belong to the VPC. 解决办法:请确认子网是否在该VPC下
错误信息: subnet is still used ,such as computer,LB. 解决办法:请先删除创建在该子网下的ECS或ELB
错误信息: Subnet has been used by routes, please remove the routes first and try again. 解决办法:请先删除自定义路由
错误信息: subnet is still used by LBaas. 解决办法:请先删除创建在该子网下的ELB
错误信息: The subnet cidr is not valid. 解决办法:请确认子网的cidr是否合法
错误信息: Creating securitygroup name is invalid. 解决办法:请根据实际返回的Error Message参考接口文档检查传入的参数值是否合法
错误信息: 1.Security group rule already exists. 2.Quota exceeded for resources: ['security_group_rule']. 解决办法:1.请更换创建安全组规则请求体 2.请删除账号下不使用的安全组规则或申请扩大安全组规则配额
错误信息: Securitygroup is not exist. 解决办法:请确认安全组的id是否填写正确或该租户下是否确实存在该安全组
错误信息: Quota exceeded for resources: ['security_group']. 解决办法:请删除账号下不使用的安全组或申请扩大安全组配额
错误信息: Neutron Error. 解决办法:请联系技术支持