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错误信息: Invalid stack status. Stack cannot be deleted while stack in IN_PROGRESS status. 解决办法:
错误信息: Stack which enabled auto rollback cannot apply execution plan due to invalid stack status. 解决办法:
错误信息: photo invalid or photo blurred 解决办法:请检查证件照状态或者重新上传照片。
错误信息: Input parameters contain special characters 解决办法:请检查发票备注信息或者企业注册地址。
错误信息: Billing by deposit is only allowed to be initiated from CBC 解决办法:按到款开票只允许从CBC发起(预留)。
错误信息: Failed to pause the task. The task is not in progress. Check the task status. 解决办法:请检查任务状态。
错误信息: Insufficient permissions. You do not have the OMS operation permissions. 解决办法:请检查权限配置。
错误信息: Some required parameters are missing. Ensure that all required parameters are included. 解决办法:请检查请求参数。
错误信息: Your OBS account is frozen. Try again after your account is unfrozen. 解决办法:请解冻后重试。
错误信息: The bandwidth package used in regionBandwidth cannot be deleted. 解决办法:请先删除域间带宽,再删除带宽包。
错误信息: Failed to synchronize partition %s to target server %s. 解决办法:请参考案例进行排查
错误信息: Private_key or certificate content is not valid. 解决办法:请输入合法的证书公钥或私钥内容。
错误信息: Update resource tenant allocation failed, cloud eye warning rule exceeds. 解决办法:请联系客服处理。
错误信息: Request parameters error, lb len description too long. 解决办法:输入合法长度的描述。
错误信息: The model {id} cannot be used for deploying services because it is still being published. 解决办法:等待模型就绪后重试。
错误信息: Forbidden to subscribe to service {id} because it is released by yourself. 解决办法:不能订阅自己发布的服务。
错误信息: Project {project_id} has not subscribed to subservice {id}. 解决办法:订阅对应子服务后重试。
错误信息: The sample collection task has been created for service {id}. 解决办法:服务样本采集已经创建,无需重复创建。
错误信息: Model {id} cannot be used to deploy {service_type} service. 解决办法:重试选择其他部署类型。
错误信息: Service {id} in the information of dataset {import_type} already exists. 解决办法:检查请求,选择正确的服务ID。