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错误信息: Failed to query data because the etcd connection is abnormal. 解决办法:按照故障处理指导书中ETCD故障处理指导中的步骤,检查ETCD状态,若ETCD异常,则按照指导书中的步骤进行恢复,待恢复正常后重试。
错误信息: Failed to change the password because the etcd connection, the CCE configuration update API, or the cluster status is abnormal. 解决办法:登
错误信息: Invitation failed because the tenant has already been invited or the etcd connection is abnormal. 解决办法:BCS服务控制台界面上,切换至“成员管理”页签,检查该是否有该
错误信息: Some invitations failed because the etcd connection is abnormal. 解决办法:按照故障处理指导书中ETCD故障处理指导中的步骤,检查ETCD状态,若ETCD异常,则按照指导书中的步骤进行恢复,待恢复正常后重试。
错误信息: Failed to list the members because the etcd connection is abnormal. 解决办法:按照故障处理指导书中ETCD故障处理指导中的步骤,检查ETCD状态,若ETCD异常,则按照指导书中的步骤进行恢复,待恢复正常后重试。
错误信息: Failed to download the SDK configuration. The OrderEIP is empty because the etcd connection may be abnormal. 解决办法:按照故障处理指导书中ETCD故障处理指导
错误信息: Failed to obtain the notification information because the etcd connection is abnormal. 解决办法:按照故障处理指导书中ETCD故障处理指导中的步骤,检查ETCD状态,若ETCD异常,
错误信息: Failed to generate the organization certificate because the etcd connection is abnormal. 解决办法:按照故障处理指导书中ETCD故障处理指导中的步骤,检查ETCD状态,若ETCD异
错误信息: Failed to send the event information because the AOM API or the network connection is abnormal. 解决办法:登录AOM服务控制台,检查AOM服务是否正常,相关信息是否上报,若
错误信息: Failed to update the notification information because the etcd connection is abnormal. 解决办法:按照故障处理指导书中ETCD故障处理指导中的步骤,检查ETCD状态,若ETCD异常,
错误信息: Failed to submit the request because the cluster is in use. 解决办法:重新选择其他未被占用的集群,重新操作。
错误信息: Failed to save the member information because the etcd connection is abnormal. 解决办法:按照故障处理指导书中ETCD故障处理指导中的步骤,检查ETCD状态,若ETCD异常,则按照指导书中的步骤进行恢复,待恢复正常后重试。
错误信息: Failed to delete the notification because finished notifications cannot be deleted. 解决办法:通知状态为已完成,不允许删除。
错误信息: System error. Check the system or network status. 解决办法:将界面从BCS服务控制台切换至CCE等其他服务界面查看,若多个服务都出现系统异常,则是环境整体公共组件类的故障导致的,等故障恢复后重试,若是只有BCS服务出现
错误信息: The request URL does not exist. Check whether the URL has been registered. 解决办法:登录APIG注册接口的服务界面,找到BCS相关的接口注册列表,并在其中查找是否有操作报错的对应接口的信息,若
错误信息: Internal system error. Check the system status or network status. 解决办法:将界面从BCS服务控制台切换至CCE等其他服务界面查看,若多个服务都出现系统异常,则是环境整体公共组件类的故障导致的,主要等故
错误信息: The maximum number (5) of invited members in the channel has been reached. 解决办法:每个通道邀请成员数不得超出上限值。
错误信息: Permission verification failed. 解决办法:按照用户指南-服务部署-前提条件章节,重新配置权限后再进行操作
错误信息: Insufficient permissions. 解决办法:按照用户指南-服务部署-前提条件章节,重新配置权限后再进行操作
错误信息: Invalid request. 解决办法:请参考返回的message和CCE接口文档修改请求体,或联系技术支持。