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'OutOfDisk' hostIP String IP address of the host to which the pod is assigned. Empty if not yet scheduled. podIP String IP address allocated
Deployment 查询用户所有Deployments 删除指定namespace下Deployments 查询指定namespace下的Deployments 创建Deployment 删除Deployment 查询Deployment 更新Deployment 替换Deployment
Pod 删除指定namespace下的Pods 查询指定namespace下的Pods 创建Pod 删除Pod 查询Pod 更新Pod 替换Pod 进入容器执行命令 进入容器执行命令 查询Pod日志 查询Pod状态 查询用户所有的Pods 父主题: Kubernetes API
删除指定namespace下的StatefulSets 查询指定namespace下的StatefulSets 创建StatefulSet 删除StatefulSet 查询StatefulSet 更新StatefulSet 替换StatefulSet 查询StatefulSet状态 查询用户所有的StatefulSets
Job 查询用户所有的Jobs 删除指定namespace下的Jobs 查询指定namespace下的Jobs 创建Job 删除Job 查询Job 更新Job 替换Job 查询Job状态 父主题: Kubernetes API
human-readable description of the cause of the error. This field may be presented as-is to a reader. reason String A machine-readable description of the
Ingress 删除指定namespace下的ingresses 查询指定namespace下的Ingresses 创建Ingress 删除Ingress 查询Ingress 更新Ingress 替换Ingress 查询Ingress状态 父主题: Kubernetes API
human-readable description of the cause of the error. This field may be presented as-is to a reader. reason String A machine-readable description of the
human-readable description of the cause of the error. This field may be presented as-is to a reader. reason String A machine-readable description of the
human-readable description of the cause of the error. This field may be presented as-is to a reader. reason String A machine-readable description of the
Service 查询指定namespace下的Services 创建Service 删除Service 查询Service 更新Service 替换Service 查询service状态 父主题: Kubernetes API
Event 查询指定namespace下的Events 删除Event 查询Event 父主题: Kubernetes API
Namespace 查询所有Namespaces 创建Namespace 删除Namespace 查询Namespace 父主题: Kubernetes API
Endpoint 查询指定namespace下的Endpoints 创建Endpoint 删除Endpoint 查询Endpoint 更新Endpoint 替换Endpoint 父主题: Kubernetes API
human-readable description of the cause of the error. This field may be presented as-is to a reader. reason String A machine-readable description of the
human-readable description of the cause of the error. This field may be presented as-is to a reader. reason String A machine-readable description of the
human-readable description of the cause of the error. This field may be presented as-is to a reader. reason String A machine-readable description of the
human-readable description of the cause of the error. This field may be presented as-is to a reader. reason String A machine-readable description of the
Secret 删除指定namespace下的Secrets 查询指定namespace下的Secrets 创建Secret 删除Secret 查询Secret 更新Secret 替换Secret 父主题: Kubernetes API
PersistentVolumeClaim 查询指定namespace下的PersistentVolumeClaims 创建PersistentVolumeClaim 删除PersistentVolumeClaim 查询PersistentVolumeClaim 替换PersistentVolumeClaims