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required command to extract the file is installed. Command \"/usr/bin/unzip\" could not handle archive. Command \"/usr/bin/gtar\" could not handle
required command to extract the file is installed. Command \"/usr/bin/unzip\" could not handle archive. Command \"/usr/bin/gtar\" could not handle
required command to extract the file is installed. Command \"/usr/bin/unzip\" could not handle archive. Command \"/usr/bin/gtar\" could not handle
required command to extract the file is installed. Command \"/usr/bin/unzip\" could not handle archive. Command \"/usr/bin/gtar\" could not handle
“选择部署来源”部署步骤中直接选择jar文件进行下载,当需要通过文件夹下载多个jar文件时,jar文件命名中不要出现中文字符。 若按以上方式排查后仍存在启动失败问题,可查看服务启动日志,根据日志信息进行问题定位。 父主题: 启动/停止SpringBoot服务
required command to extract the file is installed. Command \"/usr/bin/unzip\" could not handle archive. Command \"/usr/bin/gtar\" could not handle
required command to extract the file is installed. Command \"/usr/bin/unzip\" could not handle archive. Command \"/usr/bin/gtar\" could not handle
required command to extract the file is installed. Command \"/usr/bin/unzip\" could not handle archive. Command \"/usr/bin/gtar\" could not handle
required command to extract the file is installed. Command \"/usr/bin/unzip\" could not handle archive. Command \"/usr/bin/gtar\" could not handle
required command to extract the file is installed. Command \"/usr/bin/unzip\" could not handle archive. Command \"/usr/bin/gtar\" could not handle
required command to extract the file is installed. Command \"/usr/bin/unzip\" could not handle archive. Command \"/usr/bin/gtar\" could not handle
required command to extract the file is installed. Command \"/usr/bin/unzip\" could not handle archive. Command \"/usr/bin/gtar\" could not handle
执行Shell脚本 Execute sh script 失败 部署显示成功但没达到预期结果 部署应用中断 权限不够 参数含反斜杠“\”(特例) 环境下没有主机 环境不存在 使用sudo权限执行报错 部署进程被第三方杀毒软件拦截 路径不合法 在Centos上安装软件提示网络故障 在Ubuntu上安装软件提示网络故障
required command to extract the file is installed. Command \"/usr/bin/unzip\" could not handle archive. Command \"/usr/bin/gtar\" could not handle
required command to extract the file is installed. Command \"/usr/bin/unzip\" could not handle archive. Command \"/usr/bin/gtar\" could not handle
required command to extract the file is installed. Command \"/usr/bin/unzip\" could not handle archive. Command \"/usr/bin/gtar\" could not handle
required command to extract the file is installed. Command \"/usr/bin/unzip\" could not handle archive. Command \"/usr/bin/gtar\" could not handle
required command to extract the file is installed. Command \"/usr/bin/unzip\" could not handle archive. Command \"/usr/bin/gtar\" could not handle
required command to extract the file is installed. Command \"/usr/bin/unzip\" could not handle archive. Command \"/usr/bin/gtar\" could not handle
required command to extract the file is installed. Command \"/usr/bin/unzip\" could not handle archive. Command \"/usr/bin/gtar\" could not handle