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安装链代码 分别在区块链Cross-ChainA和区块链Cross-ChainB安装跨链辅助链代码“tcshelper.zip”和业务链代码“tcsexample.zip”。 操作步骤 登录可信跨链服务管理控制台,在“总览”页面的跨链链代码下载用于演示的链代码,分别为跨链辅助链代码tcshelper
blockchain B * @Param args[1]: The name of the account on blockchain B that will receive the amount of units from the account on blockchainA *
blockchain A that will transfer the amount of units to the account on blockchain B * @Param args[1]: The name of the account on blockchain B that
"error_message" : "Failed to send cross tx : Failed to sendPreCrossTransaction: Failed to preCrossRequest: Failed to Generate PreCrossRequest: Failed to get
units of one account to another account */ func rollback(stub shim.ChaincodeStubInterface, txID string, account string) error { // get server
* Invoke is the entrance of the chaincode invoking */ func (t *TCSExampleChaincode) Invoke(stub shim.ChaincodeStubInterface) pb.Response {
input byte 4 请求不合法。 TCS.5000001 Failed to initialize sdk 内部错误,初始化sdk失败。 可能存在的原因:读取证书文件失败、无法连接到peer等。 TCS.5000002 Failed to send cross tx 跨链交易失败。可能存在的原因:
the rollback function for client side, it will be executed when error happened during the cross-chain tx process * In this example, this function