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found, which means the client encountered an internal problem when attempting to communicate with OBS, for example, the client was unable to access
SDK公共响应头 调用ObsClient类的相关接口成功后,均会返回公共响应头类,即HeaderResponse类实例(或其子类实例),该类包含了HTTP/HTTPS的响应头信息。 处理公共响应头的示例代码如下: // 认证用的ak和sk硬编码到代码中或者明文存储都有很大的安全风
found, which means the client encountered an internal problem when attempting to communicate with OBS, for example, the client was unable to access
found, which means the client encountered an internal problem when attempting to communicate with OBS, for example, the client was unable to access
found, which means the client encountered an internal problem when attempting to communicate with OBS, for example, the client was unable to access
found, which means the client encountered an internal problem when attempting to communicate with OBS, for example, the client was unable to access
found, which means the client encountered an internal problem when attempting to communicate with OBS, for example, the client was unable to access
SOAP错误码前缀 NoSuchReplicationConfiguration 跨region复制配置不存在 404 not found Client 请求示例 1 2 3 4 5 6 GET /?replication HTTP/1.1 User-Agent: curl/7.29.0
SDK自定义错误 调用ObsClient的相关接口发生错误时,通常会返回SDK自定义错误,其包含服务端返回的HTTP状态码、OBS错误码、错误信息等,便于用户定位问题,并做出适当的处理。该结构体的具体定义如下: 类型定义 type ObsError struct 参数描述 字段名
地识别组合对象数据的ETag。此ETag无需成为对象数据的MD5哈希。 开发过程中,您有任何问题可以在github上提交issue,或者在华为云对象存储服务论坛中发帖求助。 接口约束 您必须是桶拥有者或拥有合并段的权限,才能合并段。建议使用IAM或桶策略进行授权,如果使用IAM则
可以通过ObsClient.putObject上传您的数据流到OBS。 开发过程中,您有任何问题可以在github上提交issue,或者在华为云对象存储服务论坛中发帖求助。 接口约束 您必须是桶拥有者或拥有上传对象的权限,才能上传对象。建议使用IAM或桶策略进行授权,如果使用IA
Guest”,即可使普通用户以访客角色访问OBS,对OBS仅拥有只读权限。操作流程如图2所示。 图2 部门公共数据权限管理流程 详细配置步骤 创建管理员用户 使用企业账号登录华为云控制台首页。 在控制台首页选择“服务列表 > 管理与监管 > 统一身份认证服务(IAM)”,进入IAM控制台。 在IAM控制台,单击左侧导航栏中的“用户”。
found, which means the client encountered an internal problem when attempting to communicate with OBS, for example, the client was unable to access
found, which means the client encountered an internal problem when attempting to communicate with OBS, for example, the client was unable to access
found, which means the client encountered an internal problem when attempting to communicate with OBS, for example, the client was unable to access
超过512,否则会导致解压失败。 目前不支持解压加密ZIP包。 不支持企业联邦用户使用在线解压功能,更多关于联邦用户的相关信息请参考华为云账号、华为账号、IAM用户、企业联邦用户的关系和身份提供商概述。 注意事项 建议设置精准的前缀,同一个桶下的不同触发条件不能包含或重叠,触发条件指策略配置项中的事件、前缀以及后缀。
如果已授予删除桶的权限,仍然无法删除桶,请单击下方提交工单链接寻求更多帮助。 提交工单 如果上述方法均不能解决您的疑问,请提交工单联系华为云客服为您解答。 父主题: 桶和对象相关
found, which means the client encountered an internal problem when attempting to communicate with OBS, for example, the client was unable to access
found, which means the client encountered an internal problem when attempting to communicate with OBS, for example, the client was unable to access
found, which means the client encountered an internal problem when attempting to communicate with OBS, for example, the client was unable to access