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  • BCS.4001040 - 错误码

    错误信息: Failed to decline the invitation for joining a channel. Refresh the page and check the invitation status later. 解决办法:您已同意加入此通道,请勿再次单击并稍后刷新查看通知状态

  • BCS.4001042 - 错误码

    错误信息: Failed to query the member information because the etcd connection is abnormal. 解决办法:按照故障处理指导书中ETCD故障处理指导中的步骤,检查ETCD状态,若ETCD异常,则按照指导书中的步骤进行恢复

  • BCS.4001043 - 错误码

    错误信息: Failed to modify the member information because the etcd connection is abnormal. 解决办法:按照故障处理指导书中ETCD故障处理指导中的步骤,检查ETCD状态,若ETCD异常,则按照指导书中的步骤进行恢复

  • BCS.4001044 - 错误码

    错误信息: Failed to accept the invitation. The acceptance is being processed. Refresh the page and check the invitation status later. 解决办法:稍后刷新查看处理结果

  • BCS.4001047 - 错误码

    错误信息: Failed to modify the etcd data because the etcd connection is abnormal. 解决办法:检查ETCD状态,若ETCD异常,则按照故障恢复指导书中ETCD异常的处理指导进行恢复,待恢复正常后重试。

  • BCS.4001051 - 错误码

    错误信息: Scaling failed due to incorrect request parameters. Check whether the number of peers in the organization has reached the limit (5). 解决办法

  • BCS.4001052 - 错误码

    错误信息: Operation failed because it timed out. 解决办法:稍后查看执行结果。

  • BCS.4001058 - 错误码

    错误信息: Failed to delete the member information because the etcd connection may be abnormal. 解决办法:检查ETCD状态,若ETCD异常,则按照故障恢复指导书中ETCD异常的处理指导进行恢复,待恢复正常后重试

  • BCS.4001062 - 错误码

    错误信息: The maximum number of tenants that can be invited has been reached. 解决办法:邀请租户达上限后禁止邀请。

  • BCS.4001067 - 错误码

    错误信息: Failed to delete the notification. The etcd connection may be abnormal. 解决办法:检查ETCD状态,若ETCD异常,则按照故障恢复指导书中ETCD异常的处理指导进行恢复,待恢复正常后重试。

  • BCS.4001069 - 错误码

    错误信息: The chaincode is being instantiated. Try again later. 解决办法:登录对应服务的链代码管理界面查看链代码实例化状态,待实例化结束后重新操作。

  • BCS.4001078 - 错误码

    错误信息: Failed to query the channel information because the etcd connection may be abnormal. 解决办法:检查ETCD状态,若ETCD异常,则按照故障恢复指导书中ETCD异常的处理指导进行恢复,待恢复正常后重试

  • BCS.4001080 - 错误码

    错误信息: Operation failed because the CCE cluster information failed to be obtained. 解决办法:检查CCE服务状态,登录CCE服务控制台,检查能否正常登录。登录成功后,选择“资源管理”中的“集群管理”,查找服务使用的集群状态是否正常

  • BCS.4001081 - 错误码

    错误信息: Failed to obtain the invitee's organization because the etcd is abnormal. 解决办法:检查ETCD状态,若ETCD异常,则按照故障恢复指导书中ETCD异常的处理指导进行恢复,待恢复正常后重试。

  • BCS.4001086 - 错误码

    错误信息: Permission verification failed. 解决办法:按照用户指南-服务部署-前提条件章节,重新配置权限后再进行操作。

  • BCS.4001088 - 错误码

    错误信息: Operation failed due to insufficient quota. Increase the quota and try again. 解决办法:申请扩大配额。联系管理员,在ManageOne界面的“组织“->"VDC管理"->"配额管理"中修改。

  • BCS.4001090 - 错误码

    错误信息: Operation failed. No node is available in the cluster. Try again later. 解决办法:排查节点是出现了异常还是节点被删除了。登录CCE控制台,进入集群管理界面,选择“资源管理”中的“集群管理”,找到服务对应的集群

  • BCS.4001095 - 错误码

    错误信息: Failed to delete block configurations due to etcd exceptions. 解决办法:检查ETCD状态,若ETCD异常,则按照故障恢复指导书中ETCD异常的处理指导进行恢复,待恢复正常后重试。

  • BCS.4001096 - 错误码

    错误信息: Failed to delete the AgentConfig information due to etcd exceptions. 解决办法:检查ETCD状态,若ETCD异常,则按照故障恢复指导书中ETCD异常的处理指导进行恢复,待恢复正常后重试。

  • BCS.4001097 - 错误码

    错误信息: Failed to delete the CCE cluster occupation information due to etcd exceptions. 解决办法:检查ETCD状态,若ETCD异常,则按照故障恢复指导书中ETCD异常的处理指导进行恢复,待恢复正常后重试